At this moment, many scientists have noticed that keyword.

Tsar Bomba …

What kind of existence is this?

Is Li Hao going to make a Tsar Bomba? That Tsar Bomba called Big Ivan?

And not only scientists, but several officers present, who also cast strange glances at this time.

An officer with the rank of colonel stood under the tree and looked at Li Hao and muttered:

“Big Ivan, Tsar Bomba … Is it a bomb? Li Hao, is he finally going to intervene in the military field?”

“Congratulations, the last time the general wanted Li Hao to join the military, but Li Hao refused. This is a major loss to my Huaxia military, but I didn’t expect him to still remember this kind of thing in his heart, and he still has us in his heart. ”

The officer’s eyes couldn’t help but have a soft color.

The Chinese military industry is the armed force.

Only with a strong armed force can we protect all people’s livelihood, science, and stable economic development in the country!

Li Hao looked at the people in the laboratory out of the corner of his eyes, and couldn’t help but laugh secretly in his heart: Let’s satisfy your appetite first, I have to wait for you to take the initiative to come to me, otherwise, don’t cherish it…

Ding Qian said in a trembling tone:

“Li Hao, don’t misunderstand, don’t get angry. I’m not saying that I won’t let you invent, I still wish you were going to invent. I came to you this time, the first one is to confirm that you can’t get on the invention yet, after all, Mozi is already a national project, we… I don’t have the initiative. Of course, now that your attitude has been indicated, you have to go!”

Li Hao snorted at this time: “This is about the same!”

Ding Qian smiled bitterly, but there was a little strange in her heart, why did Li Hao like the ‘I want to invent’ show so much?

Let’s say that Li Hao likes to be noticed. So why doesn’t he go on variety shows?

But let’s say that Li Hao wants to keep a low profile… The whole world knows about him through the show I want to invent.

Ding Qian said again: “The second thing is that we will confirm it.” If you’re going to be on the show I’m going to invent, let’s talk about program planning… This, because of the Mozi, this is something that cannot be brought into the laboratory. So, are we filming at Base 012?”

When the words fell, Li Hao didn’t have time to speak, only to hear a large group of people around him shouting in unison:

“No, you can’t!”

“This is not negotiable!:”

“Can’t come to base 012 to shoot. ”

“At most, you can only go to the rocket launch viewing platform, but you can’t come to the base. ”

“There’s cutting-edge science involved here, and you can’t come here. ”


Ding Qian nodded hurriedly: “Okay, okay, we know, for sure.” , which is natural. ”

Li Hao also nodded and smiled: “Sister Ding Qian, then I won’t go to the studio tomorrow.” Shall we go to the viewing platform and shoot?”

“Okay! That’s what I thought. This is my first quantum satellite in China… Then Li Hao, we won’t bother, and after the program policy is determined, we will leave. ”

“Don’t go!”

Ding Qian and Zhang Cheng looked back in amazement, a little nervous.

And with Li Hao’s words, the Zhou soldiers actually followed the order, and seemed to have the intention of surrounding them.


What Li Hao said, then it must be implemented!

Zhang Chengyue’s face turned pale with fright, and he trembled like chaff: “Li… Li Lihao, is there anything else?”

Li Hao pouted: “Sister, you haven’t played games with me for a long time.” Don’t let you go, accompany me to the king. ”

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Ding Qian: “…”

Zhang Chengyue: “…”

Zhang Chengyue smiled bitterly: “That… And what about uncle?”

Li Hao asked, “Does my uncle know how to play games?”


“Then you go. ”

Zhang Chengyue: “…”


I’m a little sorry in my heart.

Zhang Chengyue smiled bitterly, if he could play games, he could accompany Li Hao to play games. Getting closer to Li Hao is worth anything else. The whole world wants to have a relationship with Li Haola.

Ding Qian smiled bitterly: “Then, okay…”

As soon as the words fell.

From the laboratory of the Mozi base, a young man wearing glasses suddenly came out, and after the young man came out, he looked at Li Hao with cold eyes, then at Ding Qian, and suddenly shouted:

“I’ve had enough!”

There was a roar, and everyone turned their heads in unison.

And there was an uproar in the laboratory.

Liu Jie’s eyes widened, and he scolded angrily: “Fang Yang, what are you doing, why do you want to murder Li Hao?”

Fang Yang pointed at Li Hao angrily and said coldly, “I’ve really had enough. Why does the whole world revolve around you, a bear kid like you? Why? How old are you? And who is not older than you? Are we all going to revolve around you?”

Li Hao blinked his eyes wide and looked at Fang Yang innocently. I sighed in my heart, I couldn’t hold my breath…

Fang Yang seemed to want to vent all the unhappiness in his heart during this time, and roared angrily:

“The state trusts you so much that it has set up a research and development base for you. Everyone here is at your disposal, because we are launching the world’s only quantum satellite. Everybody’s working hard, everybody’s busy, what about you? You eat, drink, play games all day. Completely oblivious to our progress!”

“You don’t care about rockets, you don’t care about data. Detect you don’t care. You don’t care about anything… In addition to taking out a quantum satellite box, as well as some drawings, engineering drawings, and data. Have you ever done a field survey? Have you ever mentored us yourself?”

“We just look at these drawings every day, figure it out on our own, and learn some theories that we haven’t seen before. We have to learn everything by ourselves, and we have to learn everything by ourselves. You don’t come to guide us, you don’t come to teach us how to do it. We’re going to have to figure everything out ourselves, what if we get it wrong? I haven’t slept for a day and a night… Learn your compiled elementary quantum theory from scratch. ”

“You’re the chief engineer, why don’t you ask? What if we do something wrong? Have you ever thought about this question? We don’t know anything, why don’t you, as the chief engineer, come and do it for us personally?”


The audience, silence,

At this moment, all the soldiers frowned and looked at Fang Yang with a complicated look.

What is this called?

Has the idea of reaching out to come have reached such a point of self-righteousness?

They’ve told you how to cook and they’ve prepared all the ingredients for you. And you dislike it, why don’t others just cook a meal for you and bring it to you directly to feed you?

At this moment, Liu Jie’s face was also gloomy, and he said in a deep voice:

“Fang Yang… You’re expelled!”

Fang Yang turned his head abruptly and screamed, “Why, isn’t what I said right?”

At this time, Li Hao grinned and led Ding Qian, who was already stunned, to the side: “Hehe, sister, let’s go play a game…”

“Ahh Good. ”

After walking for a while, Li Hao’s voice came like nothing:

“Actually, I can do all of these things alone. But I don’t want to… I hope that everyone in Huaxia is like a dragon, not just me, you are all robots!”


Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read – collecting, recommending, and sharing

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