Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 530 Outside Antu City

"Is it yours? You are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue. What is yours is yours. I also said that your Starfire City is mine." Bigma, who has a fiery personality, directly scolded Horn. explain.

"We have left enough strength in the city, even your Starfire City can't capture so many cities in one go."

Osmer has already guessed something, he knows Horn's strength, but is Starfire City really capable of occupying so many cities without making a move? It is impossible for a city to have such a powerful force.

The corner of Horn's mouth was raised, and he tilted his head and said to the ten dignified city lords:

"At the very beginning of the war, what the bald man said was actually not wrong. Our Magic Council did not contribute enough power in this war, because we sent most of our power to other places."

"Look, let me just say that the Magic Council is paddling in the war." The bald city lord said with a sneer.

"There is no paddling, Your Royal Highness Roland knows that our Magic Council may have contributed more in this war than all ten of you combined, but I don't want to say that, most of our Magic Council's forces are dispatched I went to your city and prepared for about a month. The official occupation began when His Royal Highness Roland and Bagheera dueled.

Now several cities have been successfully occupied, and the other cities are progressing very smoothly. Basically, they are almost guaranteed. Theoretically speaking, these cities are no longer in your hands, but in my hands, so how to do it is mine. free. "

Horn calmly explained that while the ten key audience felt like the sky was falling, Horn went on to add:

"Originally, I didn't plan to attack ten cities at the same time, but the army of aliens destroyed all the way, and the defense strength of the cities is somewhat insufficient, so I expanded the target a little bit.

Am I talking nonsense, you all should have remote contact means for your own city, I believe you will receive the news in a while. "

Horn said plainly that the army of the Yarrow people has completed less than half of the task of capturing the city, so it is much easier for the Magic Council to do it again.


Antu City.

Just after the attack of the Yarrow people, Antu City is now in a state of almost scrapping.

A handsome middle-aged man is orderly directing craftsmen to rebuild the city.

His name is Art Antu, and he is the current patriarch of the Antu family. Ten years ago, he visited Xinghuo City on behalf of Antu City. At that time, he also fell in love with a female magician from Xinghuo City.

But that female magician has almost faded out of his memory, and in the end he married a woman from another family. For people of their status, marriage cannot be arranged by themselves after all.

After Osmer left, he was the top manager of the city, but now he is very busy.

When the alien army attacked before, he also had people block it, but it didn't help.

Osmer left an army of 20,000 in Antu City, two sixth-level masters, and a large number of low-level fighters. If it was an ordinary army of outsiders, it would be enough to deal with it, but what they faced was a group of seven soldiers. A high-level army of super strong.

So even though they paid a terrible price and the city was ruined badly, they still didn't leave that army behind.

The elite outsider army led by the seventh-level force field warriors is simply beyond the scope of their dealings.

One of the sixth-level fighters died, and although the other one survived, he was seriously injured.

Now their strength is enough to suppress the recovery of large-scale bandits and horse bandits caused by the invasion of foreign worlds.

But Yate is still very lucky. If the army hadn't fought and fled, their Antu City might not exist now. This can only be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

"The intelligence said that the decisive battle with those outsiders has already begun. After the battle is completely won, the situation will improve."

Standing at the head of the city, Yate felt better again.

Suddenly, he saw a figure in a black robe and a black hood walking towards him from outside the city gate.

There were strange purple patterns on his clothes, and Art recognized that they were the clothes of the Magic Council, and the rank was not low.

A person on guard outside said to this person: "Recently, entry and exit are prohibited in Antu City. If you have no place to stay, go to the town below and find a hotel to live in."

However, the man ignored the soldier, and he didn't even mess up his steps.

The soldier wanted to stop him, but suddenly his legs gave way and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"This person looks familiar to me. Isn't he the vice-chairman of the Magic Council? What is he doing in Antu City instead of staying in Xinghuo City? Close the gate of the city and be careful not to let him in, and invite my teacher Come here," Arthur ordered.

His teacher was the injured sixth-level fighter, and when he was told to come over, he needed combat power to prevent him from talking with Yi'an for a while.

If Yi'an came over normally, then he would definitely welcome him along the way.

But he came here at an embarrassing time in Antu City, and he didn't even communicate with each other, and directly stunned a soldier who stopped him, which basically showed that Yi'an didn't have any good intentions.

But Yate felt something was wrong after waiting for a while, and there was no response from the city gate!

He hurriedly walked down the city wall, his heart beating wildly as if hit by a hammer.

I saw a few magicians in black robes guarding the gate of the city now, they were waiting for Yi'an's arrival, while the original guards were already lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

He hurriedly led a large group of people to block the gate of the city, while those magicians just watched their layout with cold eyes.

After the layout was completed, Art looked around, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

I saw many magicians standing sparsely on the nearby roofs. Although the number of magicians was far less than that of Yate's current lead, it made Yate feel a little chilled.

Since Horn liked to see the scenery from the top of his mage tower, many magicians also began to like high places.

"I don't know that your Excellency the Deputy Speaker is here, but I didn't go out to greet you. Please forgive me. What is the purpose of your visit this time?" Yate asked stylized.

"I'm here to take the last step to take over Antu City." Yi'an said with a smile, his eyes were like amethyst, and his whole body revealed an evil aura.

"The last step to take over Antu City?" Yate asked suspiciously.

"That's right, because the six auxiliary cities of Antu City have been taken down by our magic council, leaving only Antu City of yours."

Yi'an's tone was not very forceful, but it made Yate's legs tremble, and he staggered and almost fell down.

The other six cities have fallen? Why doesn't he know?

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