Create The Demon Dao Technique, And All Races Will Call It Evil!

Chapter 8 Denied as a demon? Become a public enemy? Lin Ping'an doesn't care

Chapter 8 Denied as a demon? Become a public enemy? Lin Ping'an doesn't care!

The combat effectiveness is even simpler. Whoever's moves have a stronger burst of energy and blood will be more powerful.

The Xinwu New Era has been around for nearly two hundred years, and it is still relatively rough in all aspects.

However, Lin Ping'an's knowledge of martial arts stopped abruptly after reaching the third level.

Higher level knowledge is all in the Martial Arts University or the Civilization Normal University.

Although there are many rumors related to the lower third level of martial arts, starting from the middle level, there is a big threshold.

As for the reason, it is nothing more than monopoly prevention.

Others of the same age don't understand, but that doesn't mean that Lin Pingan, who has been born in two generations, can't figure it out.

After all, having more than ten years of life experience naturally makes him more stable and mature, and he is also better at thinking.

A few minutes later.

Lin Ping'an used the Breath Condensation Technique to restrain his Qi and blood. The outer side showed around 110 points, pretending to be an ordinary first-grade warrior who had been tempered once.

After all, after the first rank, there are still some differences compared to the quasi-warrior. If you disguise yourself too much, it will be easy for others to tell that something is wrong.

It's like this now, not too high, not too low, just right.

Although in a small city like Tianyang City, those who break through the first-level realm before the college entrance examination can already be called a little genius.

But in a big city, it's nothing.

What's more, it was a body tempering breakthrough, so it was even more inconspicuous.

Before growing into a martial arts master, it is king to only stand out a little bit, or to be completely lost in the crowd.

Before taking revenge and experiencing the peak of martial arts, Lin Ping'an didn't want to die prematurely and die under various conspiracies.

At the same time, as the past few days passed, the popularity of the yellow-level skill [Pain Demonic Body] became more and more popular.

Its scope is not only among lower-level third-level warriors and ordinary people, but also many middle-level warriors and civilized masters choose to buy it and try to study it.

After all, if nothing else, the price is indeed very cheap, directly to the lower limit, and only requires 1 merit point, which is no different from giving it away for free.

As a result, the number of people affected further expanded in various locations.

"Ouch...Ouch...Ouch...Holy crap...who created this technique? Are you sick?"

"Poisonous! This thing is poisonous!"

"Why is it so painful? Damn it! What's the point of this?"

"The evil way! This is the evil way!"


It's okay for middle-grade warriors. Due to years of fighting, their pain tolerance is amazing. As long as they don't insist on practicing, they won't lose their composure too much.

But some low-level civilization masters are unlucky. They have been creating and studying, and have not been on the battlefield much. Suddenly, they suddenly start crying for their fathers and mothers.

This wave also made them extremely dissatisfied and angry with the creator of the technique.

Within a city's Civilization Division Association.

"Evil! We should order a ban on the spread of this technique!"

"Yes, yes! This is harming the future of the human race!"

"Garbage technique!"

"Weak ribs! It's tasteless to eat and it's a pity to discard them!"

"That's right! That's right! And the price only requires 1 merit! It's simply disrupting the market price! It's ruining the future of the human race."


A group of low-level civilization masters continued to criticize the [Pain Demonic Body], and everyone looked unhappy.

The experience suffers is only one of the reasons, and most of it is due to pricing issues.

1 merit point, the effect is still so strong, this is affecting the sales of yellow-level skills created by others.

Although it has the disadvantage of painful training, it still surpasses countless techniques.

Even civilized masters with a high status will become competitive because of these interests.

The new weapon lies in competition, and resources rely on fighting.

If you want to climb to the top, there will always be competition.

at the same time.

In the president's office.

Several old men were enjoying tea, not caring about the situation outside.

"Let them make trouble! If you don't polish it, you can't make it! Let's see how much trouble the new civilized master will make."

"That's right! The atmosphere has indeed deteriorated in recent years! It's time for this catfish to give it a try."

"Hmph! A bunch of trash! They have no guts in going to the battlefield. They can't create any useful skills for the human race. They just do some nonsense all day long."


A glance from you and a word from me clearly show their attitude.

And all of this, those low-level civilization masters are completely unaware of.

Some things will look different if you stand at different positions and heights.

Now, in the eyes of these strong men, this matter is nothing more than a small fight!

Similar scenes occurred in the civilized division associations in various cities. Basically, they were all exactly the same.

In the next few days, many low-level civilization masters took advantage of this to criticize and expressed their disdain for the yellow-level skill of [Pain Demonic Body].

Some even publicly denounced them as evil ways on public platforms, creating ideas that went astray.

There are also some low-level civilized masters who use a condescending attitude and the posture of old-timers to say all kinds of weird remarks.

All in all, just a few days after Lin Pingan released [Pain Demon Body], he successfully exploded the existence of a bunch of monsters and monsters.

On Tiandao Network, there are also a lot of malicious comments in the reviews of the exercises.

Its content is all the same criticism and accusation.

"Garbage technique! A waste of time!"

"Cultivation is so painful, it means you are on an evil path."

"Don't buy it, you will regret it after buying it."

"You're cheating even if your meritorious service is worth it? Are you crazy because you're so poor?"

"Zinima! Refund the merit points!"


Many ordinary people retreated after seeing this.

This meritorious service is not worth much to a warrior, but to ordinary people, it is equivalent to a full ten thousand yuan.

That's right!

The ratio of merit points to Daxia coins is 1 to 10,000.

Unqualified warriors, or ordinary people, have a certain limit of exchange rights every year and cannot be transferred to others.

Normally, ordinary people who don't want to develop into warriors may never use this authority in their lifetime.

On the other side, Lin Ping'an, who was constantly forging bones, also discovered that something was wrong.

After taking the product, due to quality problems of qi and blood, the growth rate of qi and blood dropped significantly, which is understandable.

After all, the quality of qi and blood before the qualitative change and the qi and blood after the qualitative change are completely different, and there is an exchange ratio.

But generally speaking, as the influence becomes greater and the number of practitioners increases, the speed should also increase over time.

But in fact, it has begun to slow down and even tends to stop growing.

To be honest, this situation really shouldn't happen.

It has only been a few days since the practice, has the upper limit been reached for those who choose to practice [Pain Demonic Body]?

Thinking of this, Lin Pingan had an idea, communicated with Tiandao Network, and logged in to check the situation.

It was also at this moment that countless followers immediately took action.

"The warrior of love has appeared! Notify your superiors quickly!"

"It's online! It's finally online! Send a private message quickly!"

"It's coming! It's coming! Send a message and invite!"

"I've been waiting for so long, but I didn't expect to meet him! I'm so lucky!"


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