【Boss: Carter, pack up and go to London. Stark, come too!】

【Captain America: Colonel, I can join the mission too!】

【Boss: You only have one person, and what I need is an army.】

【Captain America looks gloomy】

【Just then, Gandalf came forward】

【Gandalf: The colonel is so ignorant that he misses the point.】

【Captain America looks serious】

【Gandalf: But I see what you are capable of, and so does the nation】

【Gandalf: The newspapers published your deeds. An iconic figure should not stay in the laboratory.】

【Captain America feels like he’s met a soulmate】

【Hope in eyes】

【Gandalf: Do you want to go to a more important battlefield and serve your country?】

【Captain America's blood boils: he wants it!】

【Gandalf: Congratulations, you have been promoted! 】

This paragraph seems gratifying.

Imagine a person possessing abilities.

But not appreciated.

Your boss denies you and ignores you.

I don't take you seriously at all. your abilities.

Can't find a place to use it.

It can only become decadent and rotten.

But just when you despair.

One person stood up.

He is like a close friend.

Tell us your strengths bit by bit.

He appreciates you and values ​​you.

Assign you important tasks.

A discerning eye recognizes pearls.

Are you touched?

There are people in the world who really understand you.

Are you pleased or not?

This scene.

Makes you feel extremely warm


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was expressionless.

To be honest, at that time.

He was really excited.

But if you know the content of the task.

Captain America might just punch him.

Kill Gandalf.

That was a past he didn't want to recall.

The video puts that period of dark history into perspective.

Move out naked. ready to perform

"I shouldn't have expectations"

"This light curtain is very evil."

"This watch is worth raising!"

"No, I have to pay attention to my language quality!"


Stark Industries.

Tony's eyes were full of envy

"Pepper, do you know how important a close friend is?"

"Can meet someone who understands me"

"It's really not easy"

"I envy Captain America"

"As soon as he completed his transformation, he met someone who understood him"

"Captain America is so lucky."

Little Pepper was full of heartache.

Before meeting Rhodes,

Tony had no friends at all.

The only one who could talk was the bodyguard Happy.

But Happy's thinking could not keep up with Tony's.

His personality was also more honest and honest.

The two chatted. We just chatted to death until we met Rhodes.

Tony finally had a close friend.

But that was too late.

But Cap met someone who understood him so early.

Tony was really envious.


Screen switching

【Captain America wears blue, red and white uniforms】

【Take a deep breath to adjust your breathing】

【It can be seen that Captain America is very, very nervous.】

【A war is brewing. 】

After the transformation of the American team, they are full of confidence.

Can make him what he is now.

Becoming so nervous.

I'm just afraid of this battle.

Not too small.

For a moment, everyone who saw the light curtain.

All looked serious.

Tony looked confused, thinking that his father had never said this.

Banner looked through the files but couldn't find the answer.

Nick Fury rummaged through the information.

Nothing gained at all.

It was as if this battle... had been erased.

If it weren't for the light curtain.

No one knew that there was such a battle!

Whether it's Tony or anyone else.

All cheer up.

Want to witness Captain America’s first mission?

【Cap: I'm not sure I can do it】

【Young Assistant: Relax, you are a hero, you can definitely do it】

【Cap: But this is not the hero I imagined】

【Young assistant: Actually, it’s the same. If you sell bonds and use the money you get to buy bullets to kill the enemy, you are still considered a hero.】

【Captain America puts on a mask and has two small wings on top of his head】

【Behind the curtain, someone motioned to come on stage】

【The assistant pushed Captain America out.】

【The screen changes and comes to the front of the stage】

【Two rows of girls, wearing miniskirts, waiting for a long time】

【The music starts, along with the singing】

【Chorus: Who is strong and brave to save us from fire and water?】

【Caption: Not everyone can go to the battlefield, but they can still fight】

【Chorus: Who wants to join the fight like him?】

【Captain America's words……】

【All the words, pasted behind the shield】

【Captain America is like a ruthless word-producing machine】

【pronounced nervously and emotionlessly】

【Like a duet singer, doing sales promotion on stage】

【The dancing girls walked in unison and raised their legs】

【In addition to reciting lyrics, Captain America also recited lyrics】

【He's like a mascot】


…‘It is recommended that the US team download the anti-fraud APP’

…‘It made me laugh so hard. This is definitely the dark history of Captain America that cannot be erased.’

…‘Wherever I have any close friends, they are just greedy for your commercial value.’

…‘Captain America was also deceived into a pyramid scheme, so why didn't he lose his money?’


Arctic Ocean

"This is indeed what happened!"

Captain America closed his eyes tightly. It's so shocking!

After so many years, the dark history has been uncovered and displayed nakedly to the world.

Captain America felt that the society was dead.

He almost forgot about it.

Dead. Memory.

Suddenly attacked him.

Captain America was so angry that he wanted to curse.

He wished he could turn into the Hulk and hit him everywhere.

"Who is the owner of the light curtain?"

"Why are there still images from such a long time ago?"


"Those words flashed by, what APP, what is it?"

Captain America is confused.

His knowledge is still limited to a landline phone.

Let alone a smartphone.

He has never seen it before!

It is impossible to know what the APP is.

But it seems that this thing can prevent being deceived.

"After I go out"

"You must ask someone"

"When will someone come to save me?"


Hospital ward.

Carter's smile squeezed his wrinkles together.

She finally remembered!

Captain America's first mission.

It's from the senator!

Let him advertise the bonds.

On stage, like a clown.

Read the lines.

Perform by twisting your body.

Later, the reason why Captain America entered the army.

It was just for a condolence performance.

Result soldiers.

Want to see beautiful women dancing.

Knock out Captain America.

Then came the mission to save Bucky.

Think of these.

Carter's mood was sunny and cheerful.

Smiling from ear to ear

"This is for Steve"

"Must be very ashamed"

"At that time, he had always wanted to find a ground crack drill."

The first time Carter saw Captain America perform.

In fact, it was in a newspaper. The newspapers were flying all over the sky.

They were all about Steve's dancing scenes.

It was equivalent to this shameful content.

It was preserved forever.

Later, Captain America became a real hero.

These newspapers that affected the image were basically put away.

Carter gradually forgot about it.

Fortunately, the video in the light curtain helped her remember the past.

"If Steve could see this"

"How wonderful the expression will be"

"Unfortunately, he is dead."

Carter felt deep sadness in his heart.


Stark Industries.

Tony hunched under the table.

Not because of fear.

I was just laughing so hard that I couldn't stand up straight...

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