【Doctor Strange drives a car】

【Driving on a winding mountain road with cliffs】

【Suddenly, the phone rang】

【He pressed connect】

【Doctor Strange: Billy, how can I help you?】

【Billy: I have a 35-year-old Air Force colonel here who had his spine crushed by some kind of mechanical armor.】

【Dr. Strange: I can do this surgery. Anyone can do it. There is no challenge.】


Inside the hospital.

Doctor Strange couldn't help but be stunned.

A 35-year-old Air Force colonel?

Are you talking about Rhodes?

He quickly opened the chat group

【Doctor Strange: Rod, is this talking about you?】

【Rhodes: The high probability is that, based on time, I was exactly 35 years old that year】

【Doctor Strange: What a coincidence!】

【Tony: Why not operate on Rod?】

【Doctor Strange: Because there is no challenge】

【Tony: You're awesome. 】

No one thought of it.

You can also connect before and after the event


【Billy sends Doctor Strange a case】

【Although the doctor is driving】

【But still look down】

【It is this bow】

【Hit the car in front】

【Then he turned the steering wheel hard】

【The whole car is out of control】

【Fly off the cliff and fall down】

【when he wakes up again】

【He is already lying in the hospital, his hands are useless】

【these hands……】

【I can never be a doctor again!】


New York Hospital.

Doctor Strange watched the video.

The whole person froze.

His hands were trembling slightly.

Trembling with fear.

In this life, my favorite thing is to have surgery.

And the car accident destroyed both hands.

This means that he will never be able to undergo surgery again.

We can only say goodbye to the medical industry.

This is true for Doctor Strange, who loves medicine.

It's simply a fatal blow!

Doctor Strange can only comfort himself

"This is something in the future, it hasn’t happened yet"

"There is still a chance to change, there must be a chance"

"In the future, I can continue to practice medicine!"

He tried to comfort himself


Stark Industries.

Tony looks sorry

"Such an excellent doctor"

"It's such a pity"

"He paid the price for his pride."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Tony felt Pepper's eyes.

"Okay, I admit I am conceited too."

507"But I am very measured."

"Besides, my car has smart driving"

"Even if there is a car accident, it can be avoided urgently."

Little Pepper was slightly silent and said:

"I hope you will focus on whatever you do"

"Especially when driving, don’t be distracted"

"I'm really worried……"

Tony takes Pepper's hand

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention"



Nick Fury is full of regrets

"Patient loses an excellent doctor"

"But the earth……"

"There will be an excellent Avenger soon"

"It seems to be a relatively good deal."

The road of a hero is always bumpy.

Sometimes you have to go against your own will and go on this road. It is in line with the"old saying".

I don't have the right to choose between heaven and hell.

Only I The chosen destiny!



Thor scratched his head

"The human body is indeed fragile"

"a small car accident"

"The hands are useless."

He is a god.

Even if he falls from a high altitude, there will be no danger.

At this time, Loki was confused.

"Something is wrong!"

"How can he still be a mage when both of his hands are disabled?"

"uncontrolled hands"

"Can you cast spells?"

Loki didn't understand very much.

Thor patted him on the shoulder.

"The world's great wonders"

"You will understand."



Deep in the universe, on a certain planet.

Groot: IamGroot!

Rocket Raccoon looks at Groot

"Yes, yes, your hand can grow back even if it is useless."

"But theirs doesn't work"

"they are human"

"Once it is abolished, it is completely abolished."

Groot scratched his head naively.

Rocket Raccoon was speechless.

"When will your character change?"

"At least be more mature."

Groot: IamGroot!

Rocket Raccoon waved his hand quickly

"I don’t think you’re stupid"

"I just hate that iron cannot become steel"

"You... forget it, I will take good care of you."

Groot: IamGroot!

Rocket Raccoon said:"You're welcome."

"In other words, if your branch clings to this person's hand"

"to control his hands"

"What will happen?"

Groot: IamGroot!

"Okay, I just know you don't know"


【Famous scene 2: The dawn of recovery!】

【Stephen Strange will never be a doctor again】

【He used every method】

【There is no way for me to recover】

【Despair covers the whole life】

【One day, while I was recovering】

【Doctor Strange: Answer me, top student, have you ever seen someone with such a severe nerve injury recover?】

【Top student: There really is one. Back injury, paralysis, one leg disabled, confined to a wheelchair】

【Doctor Strange looked up and glanced at him】

【Top student: He came three times a week, but then he stopped coming. I thought he was dead.】

【Doctor Strange: Then what?】

【Top student: One day, I saw him walking past me on the street】

【Doctor Strange: Passed by?】

【Top student: Yes, walk over】

【Doctor Strange: This is impossible, I want to see his medical records】

【Top student: It's illegal to adjust records, but if I can shut up you asshole, it's worth it.】


Inside a New York hospital.

Doctor Strange narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to have seen this case somewhere.

Doctor Strange took out his phone.

Call your assistant

"Hello, is there a case recently of a work-related injury, back injury, and loss of a leg?"

"Yes, Dr. Strange, he approached you and you refused."

Beep... the phone hung up.

Doctor Strange's face was full of shock!

He had just come to see him for this case.

So he remembered it very clearly.

"Broken cervical vertebrae, damaged nerves"

"The kind that is helpless!"

"How could he still stand up and walk?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Doctor Strange didn't believe it.

However, he suddenly thought of something.

He raised his head suddenly

"Could it be a super power?"

"He has super powers"

"So you got back on your feet?"

Doctor Strange can only think of this possibility.

If this is the case, then it is really possible for him in the future to recover his hands!"


【Doctor Strange saw the archives】

【Confirmed the identity of this person】

【Then he set off to find this person】

【In the basketball gym】

【Doctor Strange meets his target】

【Jonathan Pangborn!】

【This guy is actually playing basketball!】

【Doctor Strange: Jonathan Pangborn, neck segments 7 and 8 were completely damaged and paralyzed from the chest down. All hands and feet have lost the ability to move.】

【Jonathan: I don't know you】

【Doctor Strange: Stephen Strange, a former surgeon】

【Jonathan: I remember you. I went to your office, but you never saw me. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Doctor Strange: You recovered, you performed miracles. I also want to create my miracle】

【Jonathan sees the Doctor's hands】


【Jonathan: I was carried up the mountain by many people to see the saint. There, my soul was lifted and I recovered. There are many mysteries there】

【Doctor Strange: Where?】

【Jonathan: Kamal Taj, it’s very expensive to go there.】

【Doctor Strange: How much?】

【Jonathan: It has nothing to do with money】

【Doctor Strange sees hope in treatment】

【Without any hesitation, he set out immediately】

【The moment when dawn comes (cbab)】

【Desperate people cannot miss it no matter what!】


Inside a New York hospital.

Doctor Strange looks curious[]

He took out his cell phone.

Search Kamal Taj.

Found that it couldn't be searched at all.

Think about it carefully, such a mysterious Di Fan.

How is it possible that you can just search for it?

"The only thing that can heal my hands is Kama Taj."

"What methods will they use?"



Nick Fury searched for a long time.

Kamal Taj was not found either.

"A place where even S.H.I.E.L.D."

"It seems very mysterious"

"Unexpectedly, there are such guardians on the earth."

Nick Fury couldn't help but admire.

Although he couldn't find Kama Taj, he could spy on Jonathan Pangborn.

When this guy goes to find Kama Taj, he would be able to lock the position!

With this thought, Nick Fury I felt that the plan was perfect.

The people I sent out quickly found Jonathan Pangborn.

This guy was complaining about everything and everyone at the moment.

He was extremely desperate.

Little did he know that a fate was about to come.


Stark Industries.

Tony didn't find Kama Taj either.

"Strange, I can't find this place"

"Rhodes, lend me your account."

On the phone, Rhodes was very dissatisfied.

"Do you want to search in secrets again?"

"Give up this idea"

"I've searched and can't find any relevant information."

Tony became even more interested.

Being able to hide it so deeply means that this place is very mysterious.

There must be someone in charge inside.

Tony became more and more curious.

【Chat group】

【Tony: Has anyone heard of this place?】

【Cap: Never heard of it】

【Nick Fury: Can’t be found, and neither can S.H.I.E.L.D.】

【Thor: The earth is so big that you can’t even find a place?】

【Odin: You can't find it. 】

At this time, everyone couldn't help but be silent.

See the word"Odin".

BreatheSome urgency!

This is God!

The most powerful god in mythology.

That’s all it really exists.

Still in the same group.

Chat with them!

It’s incredible!

Saul was also shocked.

My father actually went into the group to speak in person.

She seems to attach great importance to Kamal Taj

【Odin: There is a very powerful mage on earth who can hide anything he wants to hide!】

【Nick Fury: Mr. Odin, can I ask who you are talking about?】

【Odin: You don’t know me, so why are you asking?】

【Nick Fury:……】


The widowed sister and Hawkeye burst out laughing.

Seeing Nick Fury being attacked by Odin.

It’s a scene that I can’t resist yet.

It's almost laughable.

Nick Fury said:

"It’s almost enough to laugh!

Hawkeye said:"Director, your face is getting darker, hahaha!""

Nick Fury:...

It's rare to let the director die.

Of course everyone has to laugh at it.

At this moment, the video screen changes

【Famous Scene 3: The proud Stephen Strange refuses to learn!】


New York Hospital.

Doctor Strange:? ? ?

"What not to learn?"

"Why not learn?"

Doctor Strange looked confused.

But if he thought about it carefully...

Since he uses"proud" to describe himself, it is a complimentary word.

That should be a good thing.

"Not learning is right."

Doctor Strange said to himself.

He looked at the screen expectantly


【After many hardships and dangers】

【Doctor Strange finally found Karma Taj!】

【Of course, he was brought here】

【Looking at the simple door】

【Doctor Strange is confused】

【Doctor Strange: Here? Are you sure this is Kama Taj?】

【Looking at the simple door】

【Doctor Strange can't believe it】

【He believes that Kama Taj is a sacred place】

【At the very least, there shouldn’t be just one wooden door】

【The person who introduced Doctor Strange was named Mordo】

【Mordo: Come here and forget everything you think you know】

【Doctor Strange feels that this sentence is very philosophical】

【He nodded】


New York Hospital.

Doctor Strange is confused

"Is Kama Taj so simple?"

"Too plain and simple"

"It's hard to believe"


Stark Industries.

Tony also found it incredible.

Kama Taj.

Can heal broken limbs.

So crude?

Don't they have the money to fix it?

【Chat group】

【Tony: Stephen, when you go to Kamal Taj, tell them I can help with the repairs.】

【Doctor Strange: Okay, I'll pass it on】

【Black Panther: If it doesn't work, I can help. 】

There is no shortage of rich people in Fulian.

At this moment, the local tycoons show their"richness" vividly

【Doctor Strange: Actually, I am also very rich】


As expected, it is the poor who rely on technology.

An era when the rich relied on mutation.

Parker shed tears of envy


【After entering Karma Taj's house】

【Mordo introduced Doctor Strange】

【Modu: This is the temple of my master, his name is Ancient One】

【Doctor Strange: The Ancient One? Is this a real name?】

【Modu glanced at him】

【Doctor Strange: Got it, forget about your self-righteousness】

【The two of them continued walking inside】

【There is an old Taoist priest wearing glasses and Taoist robes who is reading a book】

【Doctor Strange saw him at a glance】

【This must be the Ancient One!】

【At this moment, a bald man came over to pour tea for Dr. Strange.】

【Doctor Strange: Thank you】

【Then he looked at the old Taoist priest wearing glasses】

【Doctor Strange: Thank you for having me, Ancient One】

【Baldhead: You’re welcome】

【Doctor Strange:? ? ?】


New York Hospital.

Doctor Strange:? ? ?

"Gu Yi, is she a woman?"

"Or a bald guy?".

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