Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 304 Walking on the wrong set

When turning over an upward slope on the road, a group of urban buildings suddenly jumped out in front of it.

Under the black and blue sky, the entire city is emitting ample light energy, and it radiates outwards. The clouds above are more colorful and eye-catching.

"Attention." Lin Tuo supported the steering wheel, looked ahead, narrowed his eyes, and whispered a reminder in the imperial language.

The bodies of Huaxi and Mount Sinai in the car tensed tacitly, and the latter subconsciously pressed the slender backpack beside him.

After driving for so long, I finally entered the city.

Apart from nervousness, several people were also a little curious.

Lin Tuo slowed down the car, trying to spread the mental power in a small area.

However, what he didn't expect was that when the vehicle passed the last stop sign, his wristband suddenly lit up, and a line of words popped up on the virtual panel:

"Welcome to the event area, this event is about to start."

"The name of the play is Under the Night.

Summary: For the residents of Night City, life really begins when they step into the night. Of course, this will also be accompanied by fighting, violence...

As an outsider, you arrived in this city at night and got involved in the fight between two major gangs in the city. This is a calamity, but also an opportunity...

I believe you are ready..."

"I... I didn't do it well." Lin Tuo murmured subconsciously, and immediately, new words appeared on the panel:

"Please choose a camp to join: Sweet Party Salty Party"

"Event Rules: Occupy more than half of the marked locations before the end of the event to win."

What the hell is this?

Choose a side?

sweet party?

Salty party?

Is the name of this gang so random?

After entering Ueno Star, he felt confused for the first time. Everything he saw from entering to now was completely different from what he expected.



Inside the car, Huaxi and Mount Sinai also looked away from their bracelets at the same time and looked at him.

Apparently, all three received the same message.

"Hathaway? Do you know what's going on?" Lin Tuo asked in a deep voice.

After a pause for a few seconds, the voice of the latter appeared in the minds of the three at the same time:

"The network in this city is denser...well, we seem to have entered another area, uh, the one just now seems to be some kind of system notification."

Another area?

Lin Tuo frowned, very inexplicably, he remembered that he used to travel for work, every time he entered another province, his mobile phone would receive a text message from the local operator...

Feeling is something similar.

After thinking about it, Lin Tuo confirmed that he didn't notice the danger, and said, "Don't choose yet, cheer up and adapt to the situation."


While talking, the vehicles kept driving, and soon they entered the interior along the main road. On both sides of the road, there were dozens of high-rise buildings.

The surfaces are decorated with graffiti or flashing decorations of different colors, and the light pollution is serious.

The street is not clean, but it looks a little messy, giving people a feeling of being swept by a storm. The vehicles on the street are parked randomly, and many of them are crooked.

An unknown strange music came from a distance, but the whole street was silent, not a single person was seen, as if something was brewing.

Lin Tuo opened the roof of the car and walked slowly, the red and blue light shone on the faces of several people, and the atmosphere was quiet and strange.

"The event is on!"

"You have not selected a faction within the specified time, and it has been automatically assigned."

Confidence pops.

The next second, the expression of Mount Sinai in the car changed suddenly, and he picked up the weapon hidden inside the box with both hands, and the whole city went from dead silence to boiling in an instant!




All of a sudden, the sound of the whistle, the unknown sound, and the sound of the engine starting were played at the same time, mixed together, accompanied by the passionate music that suddenly became many times louder, and swept across the border like a gust of wind!


Huaxi's eyes widened, and he clenched his hands tightly. The ether in his body surged, and his figure arched, as if he was about to jump out in the next second.

In the sight of several people, on the tall buildings on both sides of the road, some originally sealed windows were suddenly opened, and one figure after another appeared.

They seem to have been in ambush for a long time, waiting for this moment to come.

The moment it appeared, the weapons with different shapes and powers in their hands were poked out, activated, lit up, and in the black muzzle of the gun, a fiery, scarlet ether beam lit up.

Down below, in the alleys between the buildings, there were also things that looked like motorcycles rushing out. They were huge in number and extremely ferocious, and the people riding on them were also holding similar weapons.

If you zoom up the camera and slow down, you will find that in the center of the city, the slippery and wide asphalt road that strictly separates the two sides, under the neon lights, reflects the strange orange color.

In the center of the scattered cars, a convertible with flashing taillights was driving slowly.

In the car, there were three human beings with serious expressions. On the left and right sides of the road, among the high-rise buildings that looked like cliffs, dense figures appeared, raising their "gun muzzles".

The battle came suddenly.

"Be careful!" Mount Sinai shook the weapon box in his hand, and the defensive spell model was quickly outlined in his mind.

Huaxi also arched her body, and pulled out two daggers from her waist that were covered with alchemy patterns and made by craftsmen of the Moon Clan from an angle that could not be seen from the outside.



Could it be that the imperial people have already discovered their arrival?

And set up an ambush here? m

Thoughts flickered one by one, but in the next second, Lin Tuo's voice came into the minds of the two through mental power: "It's not against us!"

While speaking, he stepped on the accelerator, and the whole car moved forward with a bang, dodging a large amount of gunfire.

Then, Mount Sinai and Huaxi realized that the goal of these people was not themselves, but each other.


In an instant, laser-like etheric rays shot out, intertwined into countless spider webs. On both sides of the city, humans from different camps targeted each other at the same time and pulled the trigger.


Amidst the sound of the explosion, flames rose up, and several ether rays fell on the scattered cars, igniting them and exploding them into clusters of brilliant fireballs.

And the countless windows on both sides of the high-rise building, the huge neon lights, and the billboards were all smashed, making a messy reverberation, and falling to the ground!

On the building, some unlucky people were hit in an instant, fell down with a bang, and then the protective clothing on their bodies expanded to protect their vitals.

On the ground, the motorcycles and cars also collided with each other.



Amidst the frenzied music, the people from the sweet party and the salty party fought crazily, and scenes appeared like scenes that would only appear in blockbuster movies.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Tuo's car had just run for tens of meters when he heard a shout from the left, and a tall man in a strange combat uniform jumped from the air.

Still in mid-air, the injector behind the backpack spit out etheric flames, supporting him to fly, and the weapon in his hand, which looked like a cannon, turned and blasted towards the ground.

Ling Kong detonated a cannonball flying from the right, and then yelled to sweep down the man in black hiding on the second floor on the right.

The ether beam hit the latter's body, but no blood was seen, but the whole person lost the ability to resist as if struck by lightning, and then fell down, unconscious.

"One point!" The tall man shouted excitedly, and his whole body was suddenly hit by a car flying from the sky, followed by a series of curses from the empire...

And this is just a corner of the battle, similar scenes are still happening in the entire city.

"Get out of the car! Dodge!" Lin Tuo's eyelids twitched when he saw this, and he had guessed at this time that these two groups of people should be the two camps that were active under the night.

It feels like... I seem to have strayed into a large-scale live-action game arena.

And those ether rays, although they looked mighty, but through the spiritual induction, he found that their lethality was very limited. Fastest update PC::/

And the person who was hit in the vitals just fell badly, then fell into a coma, and did not really die.

"Okay." Mount Sinai and Huaxi also noticed this keenly, and put their weapons back.

Their weapons can really kill.

"Brother! Cover me!" But just as the three of them got out of the car, suddenly, a motorcycle burning with illusory flames flew over.

The driver yelled, and jumped towards them. The car was still in the air, and it was exploded by a few ether lines from behind!

"The weapon is so good? Brothers, shoot him!" The young man who had lost his motorcycle got up and shouted. Then, seeing nothing happened, he turned his head and looked at the first three comrades in the same camp.

After seeing the three of them clearly, none of their hands were prepared for battle, and their entire faces turned green:

"I'm going, what's the matter with you? Are you poorer than me? If you can't afford the equipment, at least get some basic equipment! How lonely is this??!"

"Hahaha, Li Ran, lie down at ease!"

On the opposite side, a team of five people jumped on the roof of the car and chased after them. This group of people moved extremely vigorously, and their physical fitness far surpassed that of earthlings.

"At least F grade." Lin Tuo made a judgment in his heart.

At this moment, the five opponents raised their etheric weapons at the same time, aiming at everyone, apparently intending to bombard them together.

"Teacher" Huaxi looked over and asked for instructions.

Lin Tuo finished thinking in an instant, and said, "Uniform."


Huaxi and Mount Sinai comprehended, and instantly understood what Lin Tuo meant. Huaxi's body shrank and flicked, and the ether in his body burned, but he didn't use to condense the sword energy. Zuo Ying ran to the left.

Although Mount Sinai mainly majored in spells, as a high-level transcendent, his fighting ability was equally terrifying, and he was also running to the right at this moment.

In an instant, the opponent's five people were blown away, causing them to fall to the ground and become unconscious!

In the distance, a person who was floating in the air with ether jet equipment witnessed this scene, his face was stunned, but he almost instinctively pointed the large, cannon-like fog in his hand at Li Ran and Lin Tuo who stayed in place.

And the moment he pulled the trigger, he was horrified to see the young man who didn't even wear basic protective clothing turn his head calmly, and looked at him indifferently across the night sky full of gunfire.

With just one glance, his heart throbbed inexplicably, and he felt a strong fear. With a flick of his finger, an ether shell flew towards Lin Tuo in a dazzling arc.

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In the next second, Lin Tuo suddenly raised his leg and kicked the car beside him into the air, blocking the ether bomb in the air!

And as the cannonball exploded, a ball of arc light with a strong paralyzing effect spread out, enveloping the launcher himself!

His body trembled for a while, and then he fell to the ground with a plop, falling into a coma.

Only the young man named Li Ran stared wide-eyed, looked at the returning girls, one big and one small, and the strange young man standing beside him, speechless.

at the same time.

Lin Tuo bracelet pops up the light curtain:

"1 kill, 1 contribution point"

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