Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 32 The Chase on the Snowfield

The night came up and engulfed the entire Li Mountain.

The courtyard of the martial arts hall was empty, and the surrounding lights illuminated the entire courtyard, but in the surrounding houses, there was only a large area of ​​darkness.

Only one of the study rooms is bright. If you look into the room from the outside, you can clearly see a silhouette leaning on the wicker chair, as if sleeping.




When Lin Tuo transferred his consciousness to the clone and began to fall towards the land, the first sound he heard was the whistling of cold wind.

The wind wasn't too strong, but it was probably because it passed through the nearby mountains and produced some kind of echo, so it was extraordinarily loud and choked, as if the earth was crying.

Eyelashes fluttered, eyes opened, and the cold wind rolled fine snow flakes and poked straight at the face.

The chill penetrated into the clothes from the neckline and neck, and even Lin Tuo, whose body was far beyond ordinary people, shivered subconsciously.

"It's so cold!"

This idea came to his mind.

And subconsciously tightened the zipper of the thick jacket around the collar... Before entering, he judged that the temperature in the sand table was very low.

Therefore, first put the avatar into the martial arts gym in the sand table, searched for the light down jacket, cotton shoes, and gloves for the winter, and armed himself fully.

Although with his current body, he can wear single clothes in winter, but he is not a masochist, so he naturally wants to keep warm if he can.

For now, it seems like a wise decision.

Looking around vigilantly, in the field of vision, there is a dark wilderness, very empty, with mountains behind, and not far ahead, there is a dilapidated road.

The ground under their feet was covered with a layer of not-so-thick snow. Obviously, it was severe winter here.

At this moment, it is about dawn, and there is still a distance from dawn.

Lin Tuo got used to the environment and confirmed that there was no danger around him, so he raised his head and looked up into the sky.

In the dark night, there are wisps of black clouds above the head, and only a few stars come in through the gaps, barely providing a certain vision.

"Better than I expected." Lin Tuo took off a glove and exposed his right hand to the air.

In addition to the cold, he could vaguely feel a tingle of pain.

The ether in the body is more active than usual.

"Radiation." Lin Tuo spit out the word lightly, his eyes became a little heavy.

From the description of the operation log, he judged that the "annihilation bomb" that caused the disaster should be some kind of super weapon that is less powerful than nuclear weapons but similar in nature.

Although it is not a nuclear weapon, it is clear that the energy generated by its explosion still produces some kind of "radiation" phenomenon.

And caused the death of countless lives.

Before Lin Tuo came in, he was mentally prepared. He believed that since many ordinary people here survived, there was no reason why he, who was already quenching his body, could not bear it.

Things are just as he expected.

"This level of radiation can indeed cause me stinging pain, but it's very slight. As long as you don't stay for a long time, it's not a big problem."

Feeling relieved, Lin Tuo put on his gloves again and began to identify the direction.

Recalling the condescending lights of the suspected gathering place that he glimpsed in this area before, he took a deep breath and ran at a constant speed along the dilapidated road that was completely impassable.

"Along this road, you should be able to find the city."




At the same time, somewhere across a mountain from Lin Tuo.

If you raise the angle of view and look down from mid-air, you will find that on the wasteland paved with heavy snow, there are three modified cars performing a chase.

Among them, the smaller one took the lead, without driving lights, and left the two cars behind, stumbling, like a mad cow galloping across the wasteland.

There was a hoarse bang.

behind it,

A little farther away, the other two modified off-road vehicles turned on their lights recklessly, appearing more "relaxed".

The ferocious and huge tires rolled up patches of flying snow, leaving four deep ruts on the wasteland.

If you zoom in the angle of view, you will find that there are several soldiers in the car wearing black army cotton clothes and holding guns.

At this moment, a man with epaulets on the front co-pilot, obviously an officer, said with a gloomy expression:

"Where are we?"

the back seat of the car.

Hearing this, a soldier held a flashlight, pressed a paper map on his knee with the other hand, looked at it, and replied:

"The mine town is in front of it, it's not far away, and it can be reached in five minutes at most."

"Mine Town? It seems that the hunter should be heading there. The fuel tank of that car is not full. After running so far, it must be almost out of gas." The officer said.

Immediately, he raised his voice and shouted:

"Everyone, cheer me up, check the guns, and prepare to arrest. If you let the other party go, and return to the company, everyone will be punished!"

"Yes! Boss!"

There was an echo and sound, mixed with the sound of the safety of the gun being pulled.


Not long after, the outline of a small town appeared in their field of vision.

Collapsed buildings, dilapidated walls, and a dilapidated and rusted steel windmill standing outside the town, at first glance, it seems to be in ruins.

Only the sparse lights in the town indicate human life.

When this group of soldiers and vehicles approached, there were bursts of violent barking and noise in the town, and there was a faint fire.

"Boss, the other party has abandoned the car!" The driver shouted, pointing to a stalled car on the wasteland outside the mining town.

"Keep driving." The officer said, at the same time, he pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger towards the sky.


Amidst the low sound of breaking through the air, the noise in the town suddenly stopped. The two cars drove along the dilapidated road into the square in the center of the town as if they had entered a deserted area, and stopped immediately.

I saw that many people had gathered in the town.

Compared with soldiers equipped with weapons and wearing thick uniforms, these people are much more miserable.

Most of them are short and thin, with dirty and tattered bodies, unrecognizable clothes, unkempt faces, dusty faces, and an unpleasant smell permeating their bodies.

Holding "weapons" such as wooden sticks or steel bars in their hands, they gathered together in fear and timidity, and looked at this side in awe.

Under the firelight, some people could still be vaguely seen, with obvious deformities on their bodies.

This is a refugee from a mining town.

"Where is the person in charge here?" A group of soldiers jumped out of the car with their guns in their hands, and carefully swept the guns around.

The officer narrowed his eyes and asked sharply.

No one answered.

There was only panic on the faces of the refugees.

"Here! Here!" Suddenly, there was a commotion behind the crowd.

A nervous but full of breath sounded.

The crowd dispersed like a tide, and a middle-aged man with a worn cotton jacket on his upper body and a pair of relatively intact overalls on his lower body hurriedly squeezed out.

Behind him, there were several thugs holding rifles.

However, compared to the firearms in the hands of these soldiers, those tattered rifles are no different from fire sticks, and their deterrent effect is far greater than their actual effectiveness.

"Sir, I'm the person in charge of Mining Town, what orders do you guys have?"

The person in charge quickly glanced at the uniforms of these soldiers and the badges on the cars behind them, and said with a smile.

While speaking, he deliberately puffed out his chest, making the polished metal badge hanging on his chest more conspicuous.

The badge was made of brass, with a burning flame embossed on it, and the background was a forest standing in the snow field.

That's the emblem of the Burning Fire Company.

"We are on a capture mission," the officer looked down at him expressionlessly. "A wilderness hunter stole the company's property and killed our people. The other party abandoned his car not long ago and entered this town."

Speaking of this, the officer suddenly raised his head slightly, moved his high nose, and said:

"I confirm that the target is in this town and hasn't left yet. Now, you, immediately call everyone to help us search for him! Do you hear me clearly?"



at the same time.

In a collapsed building in the southwest corner of the town's central square.

A figure looked at the scene in the square through the window, his eyes flickered, and then the figure moved and disappeared silently like a civet cat.


not far away.

In another shadow, Lin Tuo, who was wearing a black down jacket, slowly walked out of the darkness, glanced at the disappearing figure, and showed a thoughtful expression.

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