Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 317 Post-war Summary

"Come in!" In the spirit world, deep, silent airspace.

When Lin Tuo stepped into the search ship No. 404, Huaxi and Mount Sinai, who were full of anxiety, let out a cry of relief at the same time.

Without ordering, the entire battleship immediately opened an arc, and immediately flew towards the earth at the fastest speed.

On the invisible planet in the spirit world, two "satellites" finally captured the existence of battleships. However, no warships appeared in the spirit world to hunt them down.

"Go back to the voyage with all your strength! Is there any problem with manual driving?" Lin Tuo hurriedly asked after standing firmly in the cabin, "Hathaway has something wrong."

"no problem!"

A Moon Clan engineer who was also guarding the entrance immediately replied:

"We have already mastered the driving technology, and there is also a guidance program left by Ms. Hathaway in the spaceship system, just follow the star map and drive back."

"Very good." Lin Tuo nodded, and then saw Huaxi standing in front of him and Mount Sinai with a slightly pale face looking over with a worried expression: "Hathaway, she..."

Just now, with the help of the tunnel, although the two of them couldn't see very clearly, they could also see the general process of what happened outside.

"The situation is more complicated, but she should not be dead. I can sense her existence."

Lin Tuo looked at the silently burning prayer candle in his hand with an extremely complicated expression.

At this moment, the flame of this simple candlestick turned into a red and white intertwined appearance.

Hathaway's actions really exceeded Lin Tuo's expectations.

He was extremely convinced that at that moment just now, she had shown a spirituality not inferior to that of a lord of the spirit world, which was why she could shake the governor's suppression.

Unfortunately, the gap between the two sides is not an order of magnitude.

The price of breaking the suppression for a short time is the disintegration of Hathaway's body.

Fortunately, the lord-level soul can actually exist independently from the "body".

Just like Lin Tuo now, even if his body is destroyed, he can still survive in the spirit world.


Hathaway's "body", that is, the crystal ball was blown up, but she did not dissipate, but was stuffed into the candlestick by Lin Tuo to parasitize.

The lord-level spirituality made her not have to worry about being swallowed by the spirituality of the candlestick itself, but the collision with Governor Ueno might have had a considerable impact on her.

Lin Tuo tried to wake up, but got no feedback, more like entering a certain sleep state.

After he described the situation, the tense expressions of Huaxi and Mount Sinai relaxed slightly.

Especially the former.

The little girl usually quarreled with Hathaway ruthlessly, and both of them looked disliked.

But now, she was obviously panicked, staring at the flame on the candle, full of anxiety.

"Okay, the danger is not over yet." Lin Tuo handed the candlestick to Huaxi for her to hold, and immediately returned to the rest hall with Mount Sinai and others.

He mobilized the light curtain, stared at the coordinates where Ueno was, squinted his eyes, and remained motionless.

After a while, Lin Tuo's tense spirit relaxed a little until the search ship had flown a long distance without seeing any pursuers:

"The alarm is temporarily lifted, it seems that they did not choose to chase."

"Why? That governor is very powerful. If it enters the spirit world, we may really be wiped out." Seeing this, Mount Sinai finally asked.

Although the previous battle was fierce, Mount Sinai was not seriously injured by the sky. After returning, he was healed. Although he was still a little weak at the moment, he was obviously fine.

"The governor cannot easily leave the Ueno network, and cannot make offensive actions. This is the rule written at the bottom of them," Lin Tuo explained:

"So, even if it made a move before, it only used the power of spirituality itself to suppress me. The fight with Hathaway was a defense. It never took the initiative to 'attack', but had to wait for the soldiers to do it."

"I see." Mount Sinai suddenly understood.

Lin Tuo threw his tired body on the sofa, let out a deep breath, picked up a bottle of drink on the table and drank it. Only then did he feel that he was really out of danger, and said:

"As for it not sending warships to hunt it down, it should be judged to be meaningless.

The resistance caused by the energy turbulence I created before is still there, but at the speed of the search ship, we can get rid of them as long as we pull away for a while.

When I recover, I can knock them out one by one.

It seems that it has also calculated this point, and simply did not pursue it. "

"Sounds like good news," Mount Sinai said.

Lin Tuo had a bitter expression, and took another sip of his drink: "Maybe."

After a pause, he turned his head to look at the candle in Huaxi's hand, and said, "In comparison, what's going on with Hathaway?"

Hathaway always has no reason to break through, right?

It was more like in a crisis situation, she finally gritted her teeth and chose to restore her real body, and in the brief exchange with me just now, Lin Tuo clearly noticed the imprint of the "real Hathaway" on her back then.



Retrieve memory?

What's the matter?

Looking back at this moment, perhaps, Hathaway had already undergone such a change after she woke up from a deep sleep last time, but she deliberately kept it from her.

Seeing the innocent faces of Huaxi and others, Lin Tuo sighed:

"We can only ask after she wakes up...the premise is that she can wake up."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tuo waved his hand and said:

"Everyone, let's rest first. I also need to rest. Don't worry, the other party will not be able to catch up at such a distance. If there is something to do, we will talk about it later."

Huaxi and Mount Sinai looked at each other, "Okay."

After the two left, Lin Tuo leaned on the sofa, and his body began to tremble... It wasn't fear, but the damage to his body caused by the forced burst of thousands of sword qi.

Although he can't remember clearly, Lin Tuo can probably guess that when he released those sword lights earlier, the peak value of ether in his body might have reached 100,000 points.

"This should be the limit of my body."

Of course, the pool of Ether in the military base is not just a mere 100,000 points... but a lot more. Thinking of this, Lin Tuo sighed.

The gap.

This is the gap between advanced civilizations and the earth.

But this time, he was really overwhelmed.

The last time was the time when I prayed for the candle to explode... By now, Lin Tuo already knew that the total amount of ether that a normal practitioner's body can hold is very limited.

High-level Transcendent and Inhuman Realm are no exception.

And perhaps because he is bound to the sand table, he hardly sees the upper limit, or in other words, his upper limit is equal to the upper limit of the sand table itself.

However, there is a unit time limit here.

In a short period of time, Lin Tuo's body can absorb a limited amount of food, just like eating. You can eat a lot of food in one bite, but you can eat a bowl in one bite, and the esophagus can't be filled...

Therefore, he actually used the mechanism of the sand table before, spewing most of the excess ether into the Lunar Sea Continent No. 4 for storage, and scattered a small part into the earth, and lighted up several large cities by the way.

Under the condition that time does not accelerate, these ethers will not be lost quickly.

In this way, in the next period of time, he can eat the ether temporarily stored in the Moon Sea Continent back into his stomach in one bite.

Of course, going back and forth this time will definitely cause a lot of loss.

But there is no way.

Besides, there is a high probability that part of the loss is also given to the sand table, which is not a loss.

"Maybe, maybe this wave of sand table can be upgraded again." Lin Tuo thought to himself.

And these harvests will also become ammunition for the war with the empire in the near future.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo finished his rest and opened his eyes. Feeling that his state had stabilized, he looked at Huaxi and Mount Sinai who had returned to the hall at some point:

"Everyone sit down and have a summary meeting."

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