Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 68 The Raiders Group of Speeding (please recommend!!!)

"Holy, remember to add shields to the whole team! Don't stop the breath of qigong wind!"

Mo Shigui led nearly fifty-three first-line raiders from the Yuedong Nuclear Association to rush quickly on the battlefield.

They have also played this kind of battlefield dungeon in disputes, and the number of times they have played is very large, and the characters they face are players.

The fifty-three players led by Mo Shigui are the core members of the Jumping Nucleus Guild, and all actions follow Mo Shigui's voice command.

"Don't get entangled with the mobs on the battlefield! It's pointless!" Mo Shigui swat away a living corpse that was charging towards him with his shield.

But at this moment, a thunder burst out in front of him. Mo Shigui raised his shield to block the thunder, but the impact of the thunder still knocked him three meters away.

Mo Shigui's blood volume also dropped by a tenth in an instant.

"You are the best of the invaders."

The Lionheart Knight appeared in front of all the Raiders of the Leaping Nucleus Guild holding a long spear.

There are not many holy spirits on the battlefield who can break through the defense line formed by the army of living corpses. The Leaping Nucleus Guild is definitely the fastest group. If they continue to advance, they may pose a threat to the city wall.

"C'mon, c'mon! President! Isn't this the second-to-last boss at the end of the stage? Why did you come to us when you first entered!"

Ion Spark saw that he was wearing a golden armor, mighty and majestic, in short, it looked like a limited gold version of Lu Bu after he appeared.

As a gunner, Ion Spark knows that he is definitely not Zhang Fei, Liu Bei or Guan Yu, and the problem is that this "Lu Bu" cannot be handled by Sanying.

It takes at least a hundred British battles to kill them.

The information fed back by the ion spark reconnaissance technique shocked him instantly.

'Queen's Guard Lionheart Siegel, level: 68, elite lord, HP 7534350/7534350...'

A total of seven million blood volumes! You must know that the damage value of the Holy Spirit game has not yet expanded to the point where players can deal millions of damage. Under normal circumstances, a player who hits a damage of more than 2,000 is already a move of the nirvana.

The elite of the Leaping Nucleus Guild might be a little higher.

But when they played the hero-level dungeon, they beat the black dragon princess, and the black dragon princess' blood volume was only about 1.3 million.

The heroic black dragon princess made... the elite strategy team of the Leaping Nucleus Guild destroy the group during the land reclamation.

"Haven't you read the description on the official website? This time the world dungeon is dynamic." Mo Shigui said.

"The dynamics are not enough to fight the bottom boss at the beginning, right?" Ion Spark saw the Lionheart Knight swinging his long spear, which attracted Lei Ming.

"Isn't it Princess Seven Black Dragons? President! Fuck him!" Your mother must die tonight, but you acted fearlessly.

If Mo Shigui hadn't held that boss assignment meeting, he might have attacked the lion heart knight directly, but now their target is the wolf knight in the city dungeon.

"Bubbles! Your boss is here!" Mo Shigui switched to a channel and started shouting for the president of the Coke Fanatic Guild.

"Come here! Seven o'clock direction!"

When Mo Shigui was communicating with other guilds, the spear in Lionheart Knight's hand had already swung down towards Mo Shigui with thunder, and Mo Shigui immediately raised his shield and entered a defensive posture. With the blessing of various buffs He took this trick hard.

But the price of taking this trick was that his blood volume dropped by a full fifty percent.

"President, Xueluo has been caught!"

"Mr. Peach Blossom was also killed."

The moment Mo Shigui blocked the blow, shouts came from the guild channel.

Mo Shigui glanced at the lower right corner of his game UI. Four of the densely packed guild team groups in the lower right corner had lost their connections and turned gray.

The thunder carried by Lionheart Knight's attack is a super-wide-range AOE skill. The thunder burst out from Mo Shigui's shield, and directly killed several crispy occupations who were relatively close.

"I pulled Xueluo up, does the president want to fight?"

The three nannies in the team, headed by Fluffy Rabbit, released the resurrection technique in less than a second to resurrect three of the dead team members.

Resurrection is a skill that most priests have. No matter what job they change, they can master one or two resurrections, but this skill is very weak in terms of game revenue.

Because the cooling time of resurrection is mostly too long, if you use resurrection in battle, the cooling time is generally about five to ten minutes, and the death penalty cannot be exempted, and the death penalty will even be aggravated, and the durability of the equipment that should be lost will also lose durability. At this time, those who should be cursed by the living corpse will still be cursed.

At most, the resurrection technique saves the time of running a corpse.

But this is very important for the first-line strategy team.

"Old Song, I'm here..." The voice of the president of the Coke Fanatic Guild sounded next to Mo Shigui's ears. At this moment, the Lionheart Knight seemed to have sensed something. He suddenly raised his head and saw a magician in the distance suddenly looking up. Wave your arms.

A huge wall made of thunder was instantly formed with the wave of his arm. The moment he waved his arm for the second time, the wall made of thunder slammed into the Lionheart Knight at an extremely fast speed.

Lightning barrier.

Elementalist's job change The skill mastered by the elemental blaster.

Bubble, the president of the Cola Fanatic Guild, is an elemental blaster. The difference between this profession and ordinary elementalists is...the path that elementalists take is to drive them as the masters of elements, while elemental blasters use elements even more. Crude, directly as a one-time weapon... A bomb-like existence is released...

The price of this class's high damage is that it consumes a lot of mana. If you don't pay attention to the recovery of MP, one or two advanced skills can empty the player's MP.


The lightning barrier flashed across Lionheart Knight's body in an instant, and Lionheart Knight's powerful lightning resistance didn't even drop his HP much.

"Interesting way to use magic, but that's it." Lionheart Knight praised the mage's use of the thunder element, but the Lionheart Knight burst out thunder again when he was about to use the same move to fight back.

The bubbles did not stop the release of magic, and the dark magic element reappeared in his hand. The jet-black magic element seemed to imprison the Lionheart Knight in place, but the Lionheart Knight waved the spear in his hand and wiped out all of them. The elements are all chopped up.

"Another boss who doesn't take the judgment of imprisonment?" Bubble didn't have much time to scold his mother. Mo Shigui took this opportunity to lead his guild members around the Lionheart Knight and ran towards the city wall.

The Lionheart Knight turned around and tried to stop the members of the Jumping Nucleus Guild.

"Old Song! The hatred of the boss is on you." Bubble quickly reminded Mo Shigui with his voice.

"Didn't you read the instructions for this dungeon? Bosses don't have hatred, and their targets change according to the battle situation. If you want to get the lion heart ring, you'd better stop him."

"Trouble! Soldiers echelon stop that boss, if you have any taunting skills, hurry up!"

While commanding the actions of his team members through voice, Bubble gathered high-purity magic element condensate in his hands, and a prop called magic stone in his backpack began to be consumed rapidly.

"President! He doesn't take taunts!" A shield warrior named Yi Lacan tapped his shield to release his taunting skills, and found that the Lionheart Knight didn't like him at all.

"Let me think about it... Hey! Big lion!" Bubble was quick to think, and suddenly remembered the introduction about the Lion Heart Knight on the official website, and he shouted loudly to the Lion Heart Knight, "Your Queen May is awesome!"

Lionheart Knight stopped his footsteps and turned his head to look at Bubble. At this moment, Bubble felt inexplicably palpitating...

What the hell? The president of the majestic Coca-Cola fanatic guild is afraid of being glared at by a boss?

But this verbal taunt is as effective as the shield warrior's taunt skill!

"Who is the most snarky person in the guild?" Bubble shouted in the voice channel.

"Caffeine, isn't that guy the talkative king of our guild?"

"Quickly pull the caffeine over and shout something to the boss! Stabilize the hatred first!" When Bubble shouted, a thunder gun had already pierced his chest, and he hadn't even had time to use his skills. When released, it becomes a tombstone belch.

"You guys... just said what happened to Queen May?" The lion heart knight was surrounded by a lot of thunder.

"My mother! The president said that the BOSS has entered the second stage!"

"You motherfuckers stop complaining, can you? Where is the nanny! The boss has killed the president!"

PS: It is expected to be on the shelves on June 1, and updates will be added at that time!

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