The Tao grows and the magic disappears, and the magic disappears and the Tao rises.

Where mountains and seas were opened up in ancient times, there were two qi of yin and yang, and two qi of clear and turbid.

Taoism eats clouds and drinks dew, absorbs the spiritual energy scattered from the ancient mountains, seas and heavens, and supplies them for practice.

The Demon Sect devours blood and flesh, and swallows the turbid energy of flesh and blood in the bodies of all living beings and spirits in ancient mountains and seas to supply them for practice.

These two orthodoxy, one comes from Dao Patriarch Hongjun, and the other comes from Mozun Luohu.

Due to the completely different ways of cultivation, in the ancient times, a world-shattering dispute between Taoism and demons was triggered.

The final result, of course, was that Daozu Hongjun led the Taoist sect to victory.

And after that, the demon king Luohu learned from the pain, realized that the demon is formless, and the demon is the morality born from the heart, established the Dazizai Heaven Demon Realm, and rebuilt the demon sect's orthodoxy.

However, in the heavens of the universe, there are still countless worlds, which have been developed to this day under the influence of the old magic system.

The three-party five-elder demon sects are the Blood Demon Realm, the Bliss and Acacia Realm, and the Xuanyin Sha Devil.

The monks of the Blood Demon Realm are good at driving blood energy to fight, which is different from the monks of the Nine Nether River Sect who drive the blood energy of the Nine Nethers.

The monks in the blood demon world are playing with their own blood.

Absorb the vitality of life, integrate it into your own blood, use your own body as a big dye vat, and combine the abilities of various bloodlines to enhance your own potential and combat power.

And this kind of practice method, no accident, is naturally an evil way that is cast aside by all the heavens.

For this, those blood demons in the blood demon world are also very helpless.

If they had a choice, they didn't want to absorb other growing bloodlines.

After all, not all creatures' bloodlines contain things that are beneficial to them.

For the Gorefiend, to absorb the blood of a living being, it is necessary to absorb all the advantages and disadvantages of the blood of a living being.

The blood of divine beasts such as the real dragon, the phoenix, and the Qilin blue bird are naturally extremely powerful when absorbed, and there are many benefits.

But the stronger the bloodline of the creature, the harder it is to deal with. Even if you want to bully their cubs, you must beware of revenge from their parents and elders.

And as long as you embark on the path of blood demon practice, if you don't swallow the blood essence of living beings for a day, you will feel numb all over your body.

Therefore, most blood fiends cannot always find good blood to swallow, they can only swallow whatever they can, eat whatever they are hungry, and drink poison to quench their thirst.

And the blood of those ordinary creatures always has some kind of defect, which makes the blood demons miserable.

After swallowing the blood of the sea creatures, the Gorefiend will instinctively resist the land, and its combat power can be increased several times in the water, but when it comes to land, it will become a soft-legged shrimp.

In the same way, if the blood of land creatures swallowed is too much, they will be extremely resistant to the sea water. Even if a ten-du gorefiend falls into the sea water, it may be unable to exert its supernatural powers in the sea water due to blood defects, and thus be drowned by the sea water. !

Because by swallowing the blood of living beings, while gaining abilities, they are also easily affected by the defects of living beings.

So much so that the Blood Demon Realm has been notorious in the heavens over the years, and has done a lot of evil, but its strength is getting weaker and weaker, and there is a possibility of gradually falling into the status of the five elders.

Compared with the Blood Demon Realm, the monks in the Bliss and Acacia Realm are much faster.

They believe that the essence of the ancient magic way is to do whatever they want, enjoy themselves in time, and vent their desires wantonly, so that they can reach the peak of bliss!

This kind of practice concept makes the Bliss Acacia Sect the happiest world for practice in the heavens.

They are good at double cultivation, triple cultivation, joint cultivation by many people, dancing with beasts, and the more important tastes, they can even have relationships with those strange-looking abyssal monsters in the abyss spring.

It doesn't matter what morals are, as long as you're happy, that's all!

This is their philosophy of practice.

Because of this, it often conflicts with Taoism and the world derived from Buddhism.

Because this world often seduces the disciples of those worlds and embarks on their path of bliss and joy.

It has always been easy to go from frugality to extravagance, and it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. The Taoist and Buddhist monks who are used to being pure-minded and ascetic, once they embark on this road of no return, it is difficult to turn back if they eat the marrow and know the taste.

And if it wasn't for the intentional suppression of Buddhism and Taoism, the Bliss and Acacia Sect should have greater development in the heavens and heavens just because of their extremely happy way of practice.

Compared with the two worlds of the Blood Demon Realm and the Bliss and Joyful Sect, the Xuanyin Sha Demon Realm is much more serious.

Although this world is the evolution of the old magic sect, it is not easy to kill, and it does not harm other worlds casually.

The monks in this world search for all kinds of mysterious yin and evil spirits in the heavens, and use the mysterious yin and evil spirits to temper the evil energy in their bodies, so as to supply them for practice.

And the place where the evil spirit of Xuanyin resides is always a place of bitter cold and ferociousness. It is extremely dangerous to practice in such areas, and you will die at every turn.

This kind of practice method is even more difficult than that of secret Tibetan monks.

And because the demon cultivators in Xuanyin Sha Demon Realm don't like to meddle in other people's business like secret Tibetan monks, and act out of justice.

It is actually better than the world of secret Tibetan monks.

As for the strength of the five elders in this world, although the speed of increase is very slow, it has been steadily rising in the past few million years, and now they have the strength of the peak level of the five elders

So much so that nowadays, even when the Dazizai Heavenly Demon Realm sometimes calls on the Demon Sect or the orthodoxy to do something, it still has to ask the opinions of this world!

In addition to the four imperial worlds, Buddhism and Demon Sect also have the three-party five-old Taoism.

(Promised) In contrast, Taoist Xuanzong, who was born in the ancient mountains and seas in the past, and the Daoist Xuanzong, who was born in the Sanqing sage, naturally influenced more realms.

Although he is the leader of the Taoist sect, the three sects of Xuanmen are contentedly cultivating quietly in the West Kunlun Mountains within the realm of Taoism and Heaven, rarely interfering with the heavens and the universe.

Most of the Taoist inheritances of the ancient mountains and seas also established sects in the Taoist universe, and they have never established their own big world in the heavens and heavens.

But the Taoism of the ancient mountains and seas has too much influence.

Daoist Hongjun once opened the Zixiao preaching in the ancient mountains and seas, and told the ancient mountains and seas, the universe and the heavens, a great way that has gone through three thousand years.

That Great Dao allowed countless realms in the universe and the heavens to obtain a heaven-reaching fortune!

As a result, even if the Daoist sects are scattered, within the heavens of the universe, there is also a big world of Daoist sects of the six directions and five elders!

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