The new classrooms are in the College Hall.

no way.

After the big project of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu started, even if Su Xiao wanted to substitute more classes, Tang Sancai would not allow it.

He originally had seven classes a week, but now he only needs to take two classes a week: basic offensive courses and basic defensive courses.

Regarding this, Su Xiao didn't think it mattered. Although he now has a lot of life and resources, he has a lot of martial arts knowledge, and he really has to take it easy in class this month.

But to the students, this news came like a bolt from the blue.

When Teacher Su was there, they didn't know how happy they were. They had seven classes every week, and they could see the birth of the seven martial arts.

But when Teacher Su didn't have a class for more than a month, they realized that the courses of other teachers were no longer interesting to them!

On the Martial Artist Forum, countless students from other colleges were also waiting for the renewing of the live teaching, which had been interrupted for more than a month.

How tormented the wait was, after seeing Su Xiao's one-month teaching plan released by Tang Sancai.

How angry the students are!

The update has been suspended for more than a month. If you don't ask you to add an update, you can't resume the update?

Is seven days a week more excessive?

The students didn't dare to ask Su Xiao for theories. After all, Teacher Su had worked hard enough. Although he was still as radiant as before, he could see a trace of exhaustion in the corners of his eyes.

Instead of looking for Su Xiao, they looked for Tang Sancai, even though the vice president was so busy preparing experimental materials for Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu recently that he lost a lot of hair.

But the students don't feel sorry for him, they beat gongs and drums at the door of his house in the middle of the night until they made him too troublesome.

At the cost of moving Su Xiao's teaching place to the auditorium of Shoujiang College, which can accommodate 10,000 people, the anger of the students was barely pacified.

When Su Xiao came to the auditorium of the college with a thermos cup in his hand.

It was agreed that the auditorium could only accommodate 10,000 people, but more than 30,000 people were forced into it.

For this, Su Xiao is not surprised.

Putting the thermos cup on the podium, he was full of air, and his tone of voice was normal, but it happened to reach the ears of everyone in the auditorium.

"Today is a basic defensive course, but I want to talk about an offensive martial art."

"Before the lecture, I would like to ask everyone, what is your impression of horizontal martial artists?"

Su Xiao asked out of habit.

The students in the audience were also enthusiastic and responded one after another.

"Thick and tough, with arms that can run horses, a body like a giant beast, and strength like steel!"

"What impresses me most about them is their fighting style. In the midst of thousands of beasts, I can't move like a mountain!"

"Reckless, crazy, on the battlefield, the martial practitioners rushing to the front line are often the craziest and most reckless existence!"


The students talked a lot, but Liu Yajing frowned and remained silent, thinking about the purpose of Teacher Su's question.

Teacher Su once said that for martial arts creators, asking a question is more important than solving a problem.

Discovering the problem of a warrior, and then solving this problem with a new martial arts, this is the research method of a warrior.

In this way, when this martial art is created, at least the practicality and popularity will be solved, and there is no need to worry about the problem that no one will practice it.

And what is the problem with practicing martial arts?

It was a cover-up before, but it has been solved by Teacher Su's King Kong Immortality.

So what's the problem?

Liu Yajing recalled the scenes of Uncles rushing to fight on the battlefield when she was beside her father when she was a child.

They are not afraid of death, even though the monsters attack like a tide, the Uncles standing on the front line are also standing firm like a rock.

They kept silent, but like a personal shield, they escorted the comrades behind them and drove forward for the king!

After each battle, although they have the highest defense among warriors of the same level, they suffer the heaviest casualties!

Suddenly, Liu Yajing seemed to know the answer to Su Xiao's question.

"It's sacrifice, they are the most sacrificed on the battlefield!"

Liu Yajing's clear voice came out.

For this Qianlongbang student who is good looking and good at fighting himself, everyone gave me a lot of face. Seeing her speak, the other students also fell silent.

Su Xiao on the podium nodded to Liu Yajing, then knocked on the table and said:

"Yes, they seem to die easily?"

"Some people will say that their death is valuable? But others can say it, but we martial artists can't say it!"

"The purpose of our martial arts creators creating horizontal training martial arts is to enhance the defense of warriors and avoid casualties!"

"The current situation of the horizontal training warriors on the battlefield has not achieved this goal!"

"Nowadays, there are hundreds of martial arts practitioners rushing to the western border every day, and they all go to the battlefield. Are they here for sacrifice?"

Su Xiao's voice was so loud that the students in the audience felt as if they were struck by lightning.

But some students said weakly: "But they stand in the front line, isn't it normal for them to sacrifice the most?"

"I, Longxia, know that in this era, all my Longxia people, regardless of land, north or south, or age, no matter who they are, have the responsibility to defend the land and fight, and they should be determined to sacrifice everything!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao nodded first, then shook his head, and said in a deep voice:

"Longxia people are not afraid of sacrifice."

"But no one is ever born for sacrifice!"

"They sacrifice the most because we are not doing enough!"

As soon as these words came out, some students who had never experienced a battlefield just felt shocked.

Only Liu Yajing felt the deepest. At this moment, her beautiful eyes were full of tears, and her heart was rolling.

Yes, no one is born to sacrifice!

Although, in this era, those Longxia warriors who fought against monsters in the western border, those who resisted the invasion of foreign worlds in the secret realm, and those who braved the wind and waves in the East China Sea, they all died without regret.

But, it's always better if you don't die!

This was Liu Yajing, who grew up in the military camp and saw countless warriors sacrificed, the original intention of choosing to become a warrior.

"No one is born to sacrifice, what Teacher Su said is really good..." Liu Yajing muttered to herself.


ps: Please ask for flowers and comments...

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