Creating Martial Arts For All: From Dragon Elephant Prajna To God Elephant Suppressing Prisons

Chapter 6: Madman Wang Ye, Rectify Mr. Su's Name! (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Votes)

In the classroom, there was silence.

Everyone, like Liu Yajing, realized that the new teacher on the podium might not be an academic bastard, but a real genius!

And like them, the impression of Su Xiao has changed drastically, and there are also countless martial arts creators from the martial arts creator forum on Optical Brain.

The reason came from a post by a Grandmaster Long Xia.

His name is Wang Ye, and he is affectionately called Madman Wang Ye by the Longxia people because his cultivation method is mainly violent.

Wang Ye practiced martial arts at the age of eighteen, and got a chance to become a martial artist and martial artist, and his martial arts cultivation soared to the sky.

Became a martial artist at the age of twenty, and a great martial artist at the age of twenty-eight.

Before the age of fifty, Yu Longxia experienced thousands of battles in Xijiang, and had more than 3,200 monster heads under his command.

At the age of sixty-eight, he was promoted to a martial arts master. During a monster attack on the city, outside the city gate, the mad blood in his body was stimulated, and driven by the master, he slashed the fourth-order monster mountain giant ape!

After this battle, he was seriously injured. The grandmaster who originally had a lifespan of two hundred years only had two years left.

In the last two years, he rejected the kindness of Long Xia's high-level officials to let him return to Zhongjing City to recuperate, and instead hunted monsters even more frantically in Western Xinjiang.

If there is no accident, this warrior who believes that the general should die immediately is about to die.

[Madman Wang Ye, justify Master Su Xiao's name! 】

[In the battle two years ago, the old man's body seemed to have been broken into countless holes, and vitality continued to flow out of these holes. 】

[This old man is not afraid of death, but he just feels that he hasn't killed enough monsters in this life, and that he hasn't had enough fun in this life! 】

【Twenty days ago, the old man's niece gave the old man a trial of the Turtle Breathing Technique. The old man didn't have any hope, and he didn't want to waste Long Xia's time source before dying. 】

[But I couldn't bear the pleas of my daughter Lihua Daiyu. I feel sorry for this girl the most in my life, and I can't see her crying the most. In desperation, I can only use all my accumulated military achievements to exchange for ten strands of time and space origin, and enter the time-space tower The second layer of cultivation. 】

[The second floor of the Time-Space Tower, the time flow rate is 500:1. I have never had such a luxury in my life, and I still feel a little bit reluctant at the time,]

[And when I finished my turtle breath, I realized that it was so worth it! 】

[Under the effect of the turtle's breathing exercise, the vitality of the old man's whole body has been condensed, and he will never scatter his vitality outward again! 】

[This is not just as simple as a five-year lifespan. Now my strength has returned to its peak, and there is even the possibility of breaking through again! 】

[As mentioned above, the old man uses my whole life's reputation to justify Mr. Su's name! 】

【He is not a liar, he is a genius that I, Long Xia, have met in a hundred years! 】

[This Turtle's Breathing Technique is just a little tasteless for martial apprentices and martial artists, but for us great martial artists and grand masters who are about to die and go to bed. 】

[It allows us to borrow from the sky for another five years! 】

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and Madman Wang Ye's post rekindled the enthusiasm about Su Xiao that had slowly dissipated before.

In an instant, this post rushed to the top of the hot search list.

Mr. Wang Ye has been steadfast all his life, and everyone in Longxia can trust his character.

And he personally proved the value of the turtle's breathing technique, and made the martial artists who questioned Su Xiao before all realize what kind of misunderstanding they had fallen into before.

As we all know, second-level martial arts are generally only applicable to the stage of martial arts masters. For great martial arts masters and masters, the level of second-level martial arts is still too low.

Therefore, everyone only considered the effect of this martial art on martial artists.

For a martial artist with a lifespan of only a hundred years, practicing for thirty years only prolongs his life by five years, which is really not worthwhile.

And using a ray of time and space origin to use the time tower to speed up the practice of martial arts, which does not help much in combat power, is even more wasteful for them.

Because, no matter how you look at it, this martial art has no value in practice for martial artists.

That's why so many martial arts creators questioned Su Xiao's original intention of creating this martial arts.

But who would have thought that this martial art could have an effect on great martial artists, master-level martial artists?

It is indeed inappropriate to exchange a ray of time and space for the five years of a martial artist.

But if it is exchanged for a great martial artist, or for five years of a grand master, it will be a huge profit.

Although Longxia is now prosperous in martial arts, the endless mysteries in Longxia's territory, as well as the monsters in the western border, and the sea tribe in the East China Sea all need warriors to solve them.

Great martial arts masters, master-level combat power, Long Xia has always been in short supply!

Let these combat forces fight for Long Xia for another five years. I don't know how many resources can be obtained for Long Xia, and how many martial arts apprentices and martial artists can be saved by Long Xia.

What's more, if a few of the masters are the same as the king, and break through to become great masters in the extra five years, then it is not comparable to one strand or two of time and space.

From this point of view, the martial arts created by Su Xiao is not only academic fraud.

On the contrary, it is an extremely rare strategic-level martial art that has strategic significance for Long Xia's overall interests!

After realizing this, the keyboard warriors who had been raving about Su Xiao on the forum before suddenly felt hot all over, and felt an indescribable sense of shame, which made them unable to forgive their previous shallow behavior.


ps: Please ask for flowers and comments...

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