Creating Martial Arts For All: From Dragon Elephant Prajna To God Elephant Suppressing Prisons

Chapter 65: Do Great Things Without Sacrificing Your Life, A Decision That Attracts Worldwide Attent

It's more important, we can't take a little risk!"

Shoujiang Academy, amidst the cheers of everyone.

Tang Sancai, who had suffered a lot of grievances these days, dragged Su Xiao into the academy's meeting hall.

Entering with them, there were also eight vice presidents from Zhongjing, Yan Wushuang, the commander of the garrison, Yuan Canghai, the president of the Martial Arts Academy, and the presenter of the Longxia Treasure House.

"The thing is like this, now, whether to give up the tree-growing world depends entirely on your personal opinion!"

"If you feel unsure, we will give up the world of trees and fight for the hundred magical powers in the outside world!"

Tang Sancai told Su Xiao everything about the outside world these days.

And after he finished speaking, Ru Wu Hongling, Yan Wushuang and others, even though they were the same as Tang Sancai, wanted Su Xiao to give up and enter the world of trees.

But they can't speak~, and they can't speak.

Because now Su Xiao's choice is not only related to the fate of the ten supernatural beings including him, but also the fate of millions of Dragon Xia warriors.

They couldn't bear for Su Xiao to enter the world of trees to take risks, so could they let Baifang warriors enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains to fight with monsters?

This choice is too heavy.

Therefore, in the meeting hall, there was silence, and no one spoke, for fear of disturbing Su Xiao's thinking.

In their eyes, the probability of Su Xiao giving up is still higher.

After all, the strength of the monster clan in Shusheng World almost crushes the human race. Even if Su Xiao is now promoted to Martial King, it is still far behind the accumulation of the Jinpeng King and the Red Monkey King for hundreds of thousands of years.

In their hearts, as long as Su Xiao chooses to live in the tree world, he is actually preparing for a narrow escape.

In the world outside the tree, it seems that millions of warriors went to die in the 100,000 mountains, which is extraordinarily heroic, but in fact it may not be so.

The Western Xinjiang Military Region has been sticking to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in recent years. Although generally speaking, the forces do not belong to monsters, the control of some mountains is still in the hands of the human race.

When millions of warriors enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains, with the cooperation of the Xijiang Military Region, these warriors will not only be able to clear some areas for the Xijiang Military Region that were previously inaccessible, but the Western Xinjiang Military Region will also be able to protect them to a certain extent and prevent them from being attacked by monsters. Besieged.

So it works out.

Ten supernatural beings entered the world of tree life and almost died.

And a million warriors will suffer heavy losses if they enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but at least many of them will be able to come back alive!

This choice is not difficult for them to make.

In this day and age, there are trade-offs in everything.

It is said that human life cannot be measured, but it is undeniable that the weight of some people is indeed much heavier than others!

And Su Xiao, who can make millions of Dragon Xia warriors willing to go to the 100,000 mountains to fight for their lives, is obviously the one who holds a lot of weight to Long Xia.

Everyone's thoughts were spinning.

Su Xiao didn't make a decision right away, instead he picked up his optical brain and sent a message to all Master Long with the authority granted to him by the Long Xia first-class medal.

[Hello everyone, because I don't know how to contact the supernatural beings outside the western border, I can only use this method. 】

【I’m Su Xiao, I’ve just left customs, I’d like to ask the other supernatural beings, are you willing to go to the world of tree life?】


Yan Wushuang and the others turned on their optical brains with mixed emotions, and when they saw Su Xiao's message, they felt mixed feelings.

They know what Su Xiao means by this message!

If he chooses to give up, other supernatural powers will definitely not object.

Only when he chooses to enter the tree-born world, does he want to get the consent of the other nine supernatural beings.

Although, the opinions of these nine supernatural powers were ignored by everyone before.

From the perspective of all the Long Xia people before, only Su Xiao had the value to make Long Xia give up the tree life world, and the other nine supernatural beings did not have this weight, so their opinions were not cared about.

After a short wait.

Su Xiao's optical brain transmitted everyone's responses.

【Liu Yajing: Yajing will follow Teacher Su, if Teacher Su goes, Yajing will go!】

【Qin Mengmeng: Mengmeng will go wherever Teacher Su and Yajing go!】

【Song Tianye: Mr. Su has an order, how dare Amano refuse to obey!】

【Ye Kai: Ye Kai is lucky to be able to walk with Mr. Su!】

【Zhiya: If Mr. Su doesn't dislike bringing an oil bottle, Zhiya is willing to go to the tree-growing world!】

【Shi Tong: I want to hang out with Mr. Su...】

The nine supernatural powers are all at the discretion of Su Xiao!

Millions of warriors are willing to die for Su Xiao, why not nine of them?!

Su Xiao looked at the message on the optical brain, feeling a little moved in his heart.

【Su Xiao: Since you have entrusted your lives to me, Su Xiao will try my best to keep you safe!】

And when Su Xiao's words were posted on the optical brain, they spread throughout Long Zhen.

Everyone in Long Xia knows that Su Xiao has already made a decision!

He is going to the world of trees!

He is not ready to give up!

At the same time, the Western Xinjiang Military Region Command.

King of Fighters Yang Qi laughed and patted the table!

"Do great things without sacrificing your life, this Su Xiao, it's really possible!"

There was no lack of appreciation for Su Xiao in Yang Qi's tone, obviously he supported Su Xiao's decision.

This puzzled Bai Qiguang who was standing below.

"Commander, Su Xiao Chuangwu's contribution to our Long Xia is obviously greater. Letting him go to the world of trees to take risks is not worth the loss!"

When Yang Qi heard this, his tiger eyes widened, and he slammed his right hand fiercely on the table made of bones.

"A martial artist? I'm not a martial artist? Qiguang, aren't you a martial artist?"

"Everyone knows that creating martial artists will benefit Long Xia's future, but if every martial artist thinks this way.

"Now in the Western Border, the Secret Realm, and the East China Sea, those enemies who want to swallow Long Xia all the time, who will resist, will it all depend on those warriors? Are there enough of them?"

"Perhaps, when our Long Xia has a huge advantage in Blue Star, the warrior creators don't have to go to the battlefield, but now, Long Xia, anyone who is capable, will give me the front line!"

"Without the present, how can we talk about the future! We, Long Xia, are not qualified to talk about the future for the time being, and holding on to the present is what we need to consider!"

Yang Qi's words were so deafening that Bai Qiguang nodded slightly.

Over the years, many martial arts creators in Long Xia have indeed held the idea of ​​creating martial arts in the rear, which is more important to Long Xia than going to the front line, and refused to be recruited by the front line army.

Even, just like the Song family, if they go to help Chuangwu in a secret realm that is on the verge of extinction, they will not be paid less.

In their view, their creation of martial arts is also making a contribution to Long Xia, and they can play their value better than they go to the front line.


But in fact, the martial arts they created are not outstanding, and it takes time to improve the martial artists before they can produce results.

On the contrary, after being fed back a hundred times by martial arts, they are Long Zhen's most needed helping hands on all fronts!

Martial creators are always the highest combat power of the human race!

Bai Qiguang knew that Yang Qi couldn't understand those martial creators hiding behind, and he also agreed with his point of view.

But he still feels that Su Xiao is different!

Because he is different from other martial arts creators, the martial arts he created in the rear is an existence that can enhance Long Xia's overall combat power by himself!

Such a martial artist, if Long Xia hadn't been in a critical moment, he probably wouldn't be able to use it!

"Now is the time of the day!"

Yang Qi, who knew more than Bai Qiguang, said in a deep voice to Bai Qiguang.

Bai Qiguang was taken aback when he heard the words, then he seemed to think of something, his whole body was struck by lightning, and he said tremblingly:

"Then, we have to take the millions of warriors outside the city of Xijiang to the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

Yang Qi nodded, although these people are not enough, but they have no choice!


For thousands of years, among the three clans, Long Xia, who was attacked from two sides, has always been on the defensive.

On the one hand, it was because Long Xia had too many enemies and it was difficult to take the initiative to attack; on the other hand, it was because almost all Long Xia people knew that as long as they were given time, and the martial creators were given time, the future would be on Longkou's side.

But it's different now.

Now it's the tiebreaker!

In the past hundred years, every inch of land in the Dragon Tomb will be contested!

The tree grows in the world, Long Xia wants it!

The world outside the tree, he wants it!

"It's a pity that most of the people who come here are warriors. It would be great if we could have some warrior creators!"

Bai Qiguang, who knew that this dispute over supernatural powers was different from the past, said with some regret.

But Yang Qi shook the optical brain in his hand and said to him:

"Don't worry, why do you think I'm happy for what Su Xiao said, this kid not only has a good prestige among warriors, but also a high prestige among warrior creators!


In a luxurious manor.

Lu Quanfu, a warrior creator in the Jindan period, who was in the realm of Wuwang, holds a copy of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in his hand.

While shaking his head, savoring the subtlety of the martial arts created by Su Xiao, he reached out and picked a moist grape from the fruit plate.

This life, highlights a minister.

That's enjoyment!

He does not enjoy who enjoys.

In his opinion, he is entitled to enjoy it.

Over the years, although he has not worked in the four major colleges, he has not been employed by several guardian families in Zhongjing.

But he did a lot of tasks in a scattered way, and his contribution to Long Xia was not good at all.

This manor, this life, is what he worked hard for, and he enjoys it with peace of mind!

And just when Lu Quanfu was thinking about how to find ideas from Su Xiao's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he could create a martial art that is faster in practice, but has some side effects, and can be sold at a high price among warriors.

Su Xiao's message on the optical brain shocked him all over.

Su Xiao, he is going to the world of trees?

Why is he so upset?

Shouldn't a martial artist like him cherish his body?

Lu Quanfu was shocked and puzzled, turned on the optical brain, and clicked on the Chuangwu Zhe Forum!.

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