A series of titles that Su Xiao himself didn't know came out of World Tree.

Not at all the arrogance Su Xiao imagined, which belongs to the gods, but still very respectful?

Su Xiao didn't continue to struggle with what World Tree called him, and listened to it continue.

[The mountains and seas have been revived for a thousand years, and there are still a hundred years left to unblock them. The little tree and the other four gods have been entrusted by the ancient powers to rekindle the fire for the mountains and seas, so that the mountains and seas can stand above the heavens and worlds again. 】

【Today, the Tower of Time supports the Human Race, the Evil Nest supports the Monster Race, the Creation Boat is in line with the Sea Race, and Wanjiejing's attitude is unclear, but Xiaoshu, I choose to stand on the winning side!】

[This time, the human race represented by Mr. Su won. 】

[Since the human race won this time, Xiaoshu will open another permission for the human race, please Mr. Su choose carefully. 】

[Option 1: Omniscient vision, Long Xia’s light brain can display the information of all creatures within a hundred miles in real time, including but not limited to monsters, seas, and beings at the Shidu level and above cannot be displayed. 1

[Option 2: Cross-boundary passage, Long Xia can use the cross-boundary passage built by another world to enter the base camp of another world. 】

The World Tree's voice slowly dissipated, and the surrounding was silent, giving Su Xiao plenty of time to make a choice.

Su Xiao knew clearly that mastering part of the authority of a fetish was of great significance to Long Zhen as a whole.

This choice must be made carefully.

But these two choices are very delicious, he doesn't want to give up!

Omniscient vision is of great benefit to the human race in dealing with the threat of the monster race and sea race inside Blue Star.

You must know that there are many existences with concealment ability in Yaozu and Haizu. With this all-knowing vision, assassination and ambush are meaningless to the human race.

In a large-scale battlefield, mastering the enemy's information within a hundred miles, so as to arrange targeted troops and create a situation where more local troops fight less will be even more effective!

This is simply a map hanging. It was impossible for the world tree to release such permission before.

According to Su Xiao's knowledge, every time Long Xia obtained permission during the millennium, World Tree could store ten years' real-time data of Long Xia's warriors.

The same is true for the Yaozu. Although they have obtained more permissions than Long Zhen, the effect of the permissions is by no means as heaven-defying as the omniscient vision.

In addition to this omniscient vision, the cross-boundary channel is also of great significance to Long Xia.

You know, for thousands of years, there have been hundreds of secret realms in Longxia territory.

And among these secret realms, the strength of the world behind many secret realms has been overtaken by Blue Star.

That is to say, Blue Star can't reach their own world, so they can only slowly obtain the resources of their world through the secret realm.

For example, Long Xia's main materials for building energy chariots and eagle fighters, as well as countless weapons and armor used by Long Xia's warriors, are mostly made of 100-forged black iron produced in the secret territory of Longquan, an A-level secret realm.

Today, apart from the S-level secrets, the remaining A-level secrets pose a very low threat to Long Xia, and they have become a way for Long Xia to obtain resources.

And if Long Xia can counterattack and enter these secret realms, not only can the guarding family responsible for guarding that secret realm be freed, but also obtain the resources of eleven entire worlds!

The temptation is too great.

After much deliberation, Su Xiao felt that giving up which one would be a bad thing for him, Long really a bad thing!

When Su Xiao was struggling.

Long Xia Xijiang, Yang Qi, Liu Wu, Gu Yi and the other three also looked nervous.

"The Tower of Time said that the World Tree of Gods and Objects is the best at judging the situation and watching people order dishes. I sent Su Xiao to the World of Trees after waiting. I really don't know what kind of authority he can bring to Long Xia this time!"

As soon as Liu Wu, the king of fighters, changed his previous calm, he was now anxious like ants on a hot pot, talking to himself all the time.

For so many years, both the monster race and the human race have wanted to obtain the complete World Tree authority.

But World Tree is like sending beggars away, except that when it first appeared, it established separate communication tools for all three tribes.

Afterwards, every time the human race and the monster race fought over the small supernatural fruit, the authority obtained was pitifully small.

But this time, the Tower of Time told them that the three six-story tower guards, Su Xiao might be the successor of Long Xia's martial arts.

Just let them move their minds.

In any case, as the successor of Long Xia's martial arts, this weight is very heavy.

If the World Tree really told the Tower of Time what it said, it would be up to people to order the dishes.

Let Su Xiao go, World Tree can always get a good ring!

"It would be best for us to have the ability to transmit data in real time and download data in real time. In the future, I will wait for the warrior creators to create warriors, process warrior data, and conduct simulation experiments. It will be much more convenient!"

While paying attention to the situation on the battlefield in Western Xinjiang, Yang Qi is also concerned about the authority.

Sword Emperor Gu Yi said calmly:

"It is estimated that the Red Monkey King sent by the Yaozu is to use its ancestral bloodline to gain the approval of the World Tree, but I didn't expect that there would be an extra Jinpeng Emperor, and Su Xiao would kill them all!"

"No matter what authority Su Xiao got this time, at least, Long Xia can't make any money without letting the Yaozu go!"

"As for the weight of our identity as the successor of Long Xia's martial arts in the eyes of these fetishes, we don't have to expect too much. I don't have high requirements for authority, just a little more than before!"

The three titled emperors looked at each other and fell silent.

Blue Star's five gods, each of which can support a family, wants to win the favor of the World Tree and the Myriad Realms Mirror, the two godless gods.

It is by no means a matter of overnight, they have long been prepared for a protracted war.

A little more this time, and a little more next time, with the accumulation of ten small magic fruit battles in a century, perhaps, they will be able to completely grasp the world tree!

"I choose omniscient vision!"

In the world of trees, Su Xiao finally made a choice.

There are priorities, and the inside must be settled first.

In the cross-border passage, the human race can certainly counterattack the other world, but Long Xia's main enemies now are the monster race and the sea race.

It is unrealistic to transfer power to another world, it is better to use the omniscient vision to bully the Yaozu and Haizu.

You know, at this very moment, in the 100,000 mountains outside, a battle between the human race and the monster race is still going on fiercely.

【As you wish, from today onwards, the optical brain of the human race will have the authority of omniscient vision】

[In addition, Xiaoshu can independently set up the authority to travel to and from other worlds for Mr. Su. It is right that Xiaoshu replaces my temple master and gives the old man a gift of meeting for the inheritor of supernatural powers!】

"Old man? Is it that monkey?"

【Monkey? Don’t dare to say that, we all call him the Great Sage, Mr. Su, please pay attention in the future, if you talk about the sacred, it may be unknown!】

Hearing World Tree's somewhat panicked instructions, Su Xiao had a new understanding of the sacred phantom that emerged from his body.

He speculated based on the indestructible body before that the sacred phantom is likely to be the existence of the four royals. If the mysterious temple master in the mouth of the world tree can be friends with such an existence, isn't he also the existence of the four royals?

Thinking about it, if it weren't for the existence of the four imperial ranks, how could it be possible to create such a fetish as the world tree?

If this is the case, is it possible that the creators of the extremely evil brood, the creation boat and other gods are the existence of the four imperial ranks?

Only the Martial Saints of the Ten Capitals can dominate the Blue Star. Wouldn't it be possible for the existence of these four imperial ranks to make the heavens and the world tremble with a single stomp?

And where did they go?

"Mr. Tree, I don't know where the great sage and your temple master are now?"

If you can't figure it out, just ask, this World Tree seems to be a talkative person, Su Xiao doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

After a long silence, the world could accept him.

[The Dao ancestor collapsed, the saints scattered, the power fell silent, the mountains and seas withered, and the ancient things, the little tree dared not say too much. Mr. Su only needs to remember that the mountains and seas are the roots of the worlds, and the mountains and seas are the roots of the worlds. source of!】


Is it one of the second ancestors in a statue of the second ancestor?


Could it be San Qing, a big figure who is above the four imperial powers.

Great power? What kind of existence can be called great power?

Mountains and seas are the source of the heavens and worlds? That is to say, Lan Xing is the father of the heavens and ten thousand worlds? These unworthy descendants actually want to come to Lan Xing to bully their father? It really deserves to be beaten!

World Tree's response made Su Xiao have more doubts.

But World Tree seemed to be afraid of him, and after opening the authority of the cross-border channel for him, it quickly sent him outside the world of trees.

[The battle for the small supernatural fruit in the tree life world is over. Please prepare for the teleportation by the survivor Su Xiao. The teleportation location: Wanyuanshan Factory

"Wan Yuan Mountain? Isn't that the lair of the War Ape Clan?"

"World Tree, didn't you just pay back Mr. Su? Why are you trying to kill me now?"

The roar from Su Xiao echoed in the already deserted world of trees.

The voice of World Tree talking to himself then came out.

【The Immortal Body of the Great Sage was acquired by the extremely evil mother nest. The true pupil of delusion should also be contained in the war ape clan's mother nest. The extremely evil mother nest, you really think that the great sage belongs to your monster clan ?1

[Mr. Su should be able to understand Xiaoshu's painstaking efforts when he obtains the true pupil of delusion. In the future, if he really becomes the son of mountains and seas, the protagonist of destiny, Xiaoshu's life will be easier! 1

[The viewer just suffered from not being able to stand in line back then, Xiaoshu this time, don't stand wrong again...]

One hundred thousand mountains.

Following the Zhanyuan clan and the Jinpeng clan, the two imperial forces came out in full force.

Long Xia also dispatched 30,000 black iron heavy cavalry, 100,000 energy chariots, and 10,000 eagle fighters.

Let the dispute of small supernatural powers completely evolve into a large-scale war between the monster race and the human race.

But at this moment, the Shusheng World is about to come to an end.

There are millions of warriors, but they are all scattered in every corner of the Shiwan Mountain.

At this time, the human race has already taken nearly half of the hundred small magical fruits from the outside world, plus the big victory in the world of trees.

Long Xia has already won a big victory in this battle of luck.

But now, the key to victory is no longer this

For the monster race, and the human race.

What they want is to exterminate the two imperial nests of the Yaozu, and to exterminate these human forces sent by Xijiang City!

In addition, the two sides have to fight around a goal.

That is Su Xiao's safety!

After the Shusheng World is closed, even the Demon Emperor can participate in the battle.

At that time, how to bring Su Xiaoping back to Longxia under the eyes of Emperor Zhanyuan, Emperor Jinpeng and other emperors of Yaozu.

It will become the most important concern of all races on this battlefield.

Teacher Zhang, otherwise we should stop running, the more we run, the more monsters will be chasing after us!"

In a certain mountain, Zheng Qiuhua, the tutor of Shoujiang Academy, said to Zhang Hai who was running ahead.

As the mentors of Shoujiang Academy, they are the second batch to enter the battlefield. She and Zhang Hai are both senior foundation-building stage warriors. Although they are only in the realm of grandmasters, their combat power is almost the same as that of ordinary grandmasters.

These days, a lot of monsters have been killed in the world outside the tree, but I don't know what kind of bad luck happened.

Ever since they cooperated with more than a dozen energy chariots to kill a demon king in the king's nest, the surrounding demon clans have been chasing them to death.

The two fled in a panic and were killed.

From time to time, they ran into other monsters, causing the number of (Zhao's Zhao) monsters chasing them not to decrease but to increase.

"After all, this is the base camp of the monster clan, it seems that there are monster clan ambushing everywhere, running like this is really not an option!

While Zhang Hai took out the few energy stones left to replenish his energy, he showed a ruthless expression, ready to turn around and fight with those monsters.

Since you can't run away, it's good to pull a few monsters to back your back before you die!

And just when Zheng Qiuhua made the same decision as him, standing in place and preparing to fight to the death with the monster chasers behind him.

Suddenly, hundreds of red and green light spots appeared on the optical brains of the two of them.

Then a burst of optical brain prompts came into the ears of the two.

[All-optical brain notice: Su Xiao of the human race has opened the omniscient vision authority, and now he can view the information (level, location) of all creatures below the Shidu level within a hundred miles through the optical brain. 】

"Omniscient vision? All monsters within a hundred miles have nowhere to hide?"

Zhang Hai looked at the intertwined red and blue dots on the optical brain, and instantly recognized that the blue square represents the human race, and the red square represents the demon race!

"How did Mr. Su do it, so that the world is so right?"

Zheng Qiuhua was overwhelmed with surprise, it was hard to imagine that World Tree, who has always been stingy, gave Long Zhen such a big gift this time.

Zhang Hai heard the words: "No matter how Teacher Su did it, with this omniscient vision, he has saved our lives!"

Looking at the monster race information distributed on the optical brain, Zhang Hai instantly found an escape route that could avoid most of the monster race. With Zheng Qiuhua, he was about to continue running for his life.

"Aren't you going to fight?" Zheng Qiuhua, who was already ready to fight, asked as he ran.

"If you can run for your life and fight hard, isn't that stupid?"

But at this moment, in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, not only Zhang Hai and Zheng Qiuhua benefited from the all-knowing vision. .

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