Creating Martial Arts For All: From Dragon Elephant Prajna To God Elephant Suppressing Prisons

Chapter Ninety-Ninth: Human Emperor's Seal, Blessing Mountains And Seas To Revive, Make The Sun

【Su Xiao! The number one player in the Western Xinjiang battlefield, the tree grows and the tree blooms!】

[Su Xiao, with his own power, let me, Longxia Xijiang, gain at least ten years of peace!]

[A brief analysis of Su Xiao's martial arts skills that break Zhu Yan's talent and supernatural powers!]

[Discuss the significance of Su Xiao's battle to Long Xia, and talk about Su Xiao's historical position in Long Xia now. 】

【Su Xiao in the classroom is full of energy, making me lick the screen, and Su Xiao in the battlefield is so domineering, making me dizzy!】

Before Su Xiao returned to Longxia.

With nothing to do on the fighter plane, he clicked on the optical brain and saw that there were many more posts about him on the forum.

If you click on a post at random, you can see people from Longxia licking him from various angles.

"Ms. Su, this time I'm going back to Longxia. I think it will be troublesome to go out in the future. If you accidentally cause a traffic jam, the impact will be bad!"

"Hahaha, I don't blame those little girls. If I were more than 20 years younger, I wouldn't be able to resist Teacher Su's temptation. I'm young and handsome, and I can fight.

Hui don't like it?"

"Tang Sancai is the one who has the most headache now, and now he will definitely not be able to keep Teacher Su anymore!"

"Mr. Su, if you want me to tell you, you can indeed go to Zhongjing to teach a few courses. After all, Zhongjing is the center of Longzhen's martial arts creation. Whether it is the atmosphere of creating martial arts or the resources of creating martial arts, there is nothing comparable to Shoujiang College!"

"If you miss our Shoujiang College students, just take a fighter plane and come back. With Teacher Su's current status, Long Xia will definitely assign you a special plane!"

Inside the fighter plane, Zhang Hai, Hua and others spoke eagerly to Su Xiao.

At this moment, they are not exhausted after the war at all, but they are full of pride and relaxed.

Of course you should be proud.

This battle in Western Xinjiang was the biggest victory Long Xia had ever won against a foreign race in the past thousand years.

Although the main contribution is still Su Xiao, but these fighters who sacrificed their lives on the battlefield are also the heroes of this war.

To be able to participate in this great victory, they will naturally volunteer.

And because of this great battle, one of the nine king's lairs of the Yaozu was completely destroyed, and one was also maimed. It is foreseeable that for at least the next ten years, the war in Western Xinjiang will be relatively stable.

And these martial arts creation instructors who have been busy with various military creation tasks in the Western Xinjiang Military Region, at least in the past few years will be a little easier because of this. 670

While they can be relaxed, Su Xiao is not at all relaxed.

Thinking of returning to Longxia and needing his own liver, his brows furrowed even more.

And at this moment, a pair of soft and delicate hands wrapped around his neck, gently rubbing his brows for him.

Su Xiao looked back, but saw Liu Yajing who was returning together on the special plane.

The cold and pretty girl seemed to be doing something trivial at the moment, her face didn't change at all, she just looked at Su Xiao with a gentle and watery look.

And because of Liu Yajing's sudden intimacy, not only did Su Xiao's body stiffen, but the instructors in the fighter plane also fell silent suddenly.

Su Xiao scanned their faces, and could see a bit of relief and a bit of surprise, but more of them looked like they were all experienced and had seen this kind of thing a lot.

Only Qin Mengmeng, who was behind Liu Yajing, had a big reaction.

She was excited to share this exciting battlefield journey with her little sisters on the optical brain, and generously shared the beautiful photos of Su Xiao secretly taken in the Jiuqiao Linglong Ring. After harvesting the little sisters, she was so grateful After that, I was very satisfied.

And when she was enjoying this feeling, she saw Liu Yajing reaching out to Teacher Su without talking about martial arts!

How can this be reasonable!

It started right away!

If you can get started, I will go to the Holy Spirit!

Somehow, Qin Mengmeng jumped to Su Xiao's side, bent down and gave him a hammer on his thigh.

Looking at Qin Mengmeng, who couldn't grasp the severity and had never had any experience in serving others, Su Xiao's eyes were full of horror.

On the other hand, Qin Mengmeng stared wide-eyed with an expression of reluctance to admit defeat, which made him completely stunned.

Looking at the situation of the three teachers and students, the instructors in the fighter plane suddenly felt that the atmosphere was strange.

Zhang Hai, who has been teaching at Shoujiang College for many years and has seen many bloody scenes between students and couples, and was lucky enough to witness any bloody scenes, immediately reacted.

"Peaches and plums do not say anything, they are self-sufficient, Mr. Su teaches well, and the students are much more sensible!"

When Zhang Hai said this, the other teachers finally came to their senses. It wasn't that they were slow and made the atmosphere awkward for so long.

The main reason is that they really don't understand the situation.

To say whether Liu Yajing and Su Xiao are compatible, to be honest, they are a good match, talented and beautiful, Liu Yajing is still the King of Martial Arts, before in the world of trees, for Su Xiao, she dared to fight the rampant giant ape.

Such a beautiful girl who is usually docile like a deer and can stand up for herself when needed, if she can have a good relationship with Su Xiao, it will be a good story in the world.

But what happened to Qin Mengmeng who suddenly appeared, this little girl has great advantages!

This made them unable to deal with it all at once. Seeing Su Xiao's stiff and bewildered look, he quickly followed Zhang Hai's words and said:

"It has to be Teacher Su, or else only a teacher who really thinks about the students can be loved by the students!"

"When I go back to the academy this time, I will also learn from Teacher Su and hold more classes in the academy!"

"Like Teacher Su, I can't create a martial art in one class, but I can still do general teaching!"

The teachers forcibly described the behavior of the two women as the relationship between teachers and students.

This made Su Xiao, who was a little embarrassed at first, relaxed a lot.

But Liu Yajing behind him and Qin Mengmeng next to her thighs were competing with each other.

During the whole journey back, Su Xiao's brows were almost bald by Liu Yajing, and her legs were numb because of Qin Mengmeng's care.

Fortunately, the journey is not long or short.

When the fighter plane landed at Xijiang Airport.

Su Xiao, who got off the fighter plane, saw the welcoming team headed by Yang Qi, Gu Yi, Liu Wu, and the three dragons Xia Bang.

The scene is huge.

The gongs, drums and firecrackers blared together, which made Su Xiao feel a little embarrassed.

For him, the battle for the little supernatural power fruit was not without danger, but it was all within controllable range.

He is very clear that behind this is the credit of the three dragons Xia Tian.

If they hadn't blocked the blood ancestor of the monster clan in places he didn't know, he wouldn't be able to make a scene on Wanyuan Mountain unscrupulously.

But this disturbance made his prestige in Longxia catch up to the three titled emperors, and made him obtain a strand of blood of the Great Sage!

Just when he was about to thank the smiling Yang Qi and Liu Wu "Gu.

Yang Qi waved his hand, but didn't let him speak.

"A rare big victory, do you think we are the heroes who welcome this big victory?"

"We are welcoming Long Xia's new ancestor of the martial arts, and we are welcoming Long Xia's future!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Su Xiao saw Wu Hongling, Liu Song and other vice presidents of Zhongjing College returning from the battlefield.

Speaking of which, it was really a coincidence that they wanted to travel west to Su Xiao.

Unexpectedly, a great war broke out, and they were abducted into the battlefield by Shoujiang Academy.

Fortunately, the vice presidents are all Golden Core stage warriors, and their luck on the battlefield is not bad, and now they have all returned to Xijiang City alive and well.

However, it seemed that even after going through a battle on the battlefield, the vice presidents still did not forget their mission.

In the crowd, they kept clamoring to remind Su Xiao not to forget to give speeches at the four colleges in Beijing and Beijing.

Tang Sancai's expression on the side was very stiff, and he didn't bully others like this. Although he knew that it was unrealistic to tie Su Xiao to the Shoujiang Academy, but you can't wait for him to come back and face him in front of you. poaching!

Su Xiao didn't bother to look at Tang Sancai's face, he was ready to go to Zhongjing, he nodded to several vice presidents (ccee), and agreed.

But now, he was brought to the combat headquarters of Xijiang City by Yang Qi and other three celestial figures.

When he came here, there were only him, Yang Qi, Liu Wu, and Gu Yi in the huge combat headquarters.

Even Yuan Canghai, a great figure in Tang Sancai Xijiang, is not eligible to enter here.

Looking at the situation, he knew clearly that the next three Long Xia celestial rankings had important things to tell him.

As expected, as soon as the King of Fighters Liu Wugang opened his mouth, he threw out a blockbuster.

"Su Xiao, would you like to be one of the four leaders of Long Xia?"

The four leaders of Long Xia?

The person in charge who has the final decision-making power over all Longzhen's affairs is rotated every ten years?

Is this what he can do?

Isn't it necessary to enter the Tianbang in order to be eligible?

Su Xiao immediately wanted to refuse.

"Su Xiao is still young, and he is only a little Martial King. He knows very little about the various forces and threats that Long Xia faces. With Long Xia in charge, Su Xiao is really powerless.

In his opinion, although Long Xia has great power, he still understands the truth that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

If you want to make correct decisions about various affairs of Longxia, you first need to have an understanding of various affairs of Longxia, and then you need to have the strength to make a final decision.

But after the recovery of spiritual energy, the area of ​​Blue Star continued to expand. Now Longxia's territory is more than tens of thousands of miles. Among them, the entanglement with the monster clan and the sea clan, and the troubles of other worlds are inextricably linked and trivial. , I can't figure it out at all.

For him, the priority now is to improve his strength, and he doesn't want to waste his energy on trifles!

And hearing his answer, Gu Yi also said:

"Being in charge of Long Xia doesn't mean that you will take responsibility immediately. It will be your turn every ten years, and it will be at least thirty or forty years later.

"It's been so long, enough for you to understand the Longxia affairs!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao wanted to continue to refuse, so Yang Qi also spoke up.

"Quickly agree, the three of us have brought the origin of the world, if you don't take charge of Long Xia today, you will still do it in the future!"

Is there a world source to send?

Say it earlier!

Didn't I say earlier that I agreed?

The origin of the world Su Xiao got a wisp of it before.

Contained in that Long Xia Medal.

This is a good thing that is a level higher than the source of time.

He has never been willing to use it to create martial arts, he would rather kill his own life than kill it.

The reason is that the origin of the world has a function that cannot be replaced by the origin of life and time!

According to the god-level Chuangwu system, the origin of the world contains energy that touches the essence of heaven and earth.

As long as there is a sufficient number of world origins, he can use this to develop supernatural powers above the five elders!

You must know that even if he created the ultimate supernatural power martial art before, the level of martial arts great supernatural powers that can be born cannot be controlled.

Like that Jian Leiluo, it only gave him two more small supernatural powers.

And the four imperial martial arts great supernatural powers, that is, the good fortune given to him by the two strands of the great sage's blood essence, and there happens to be a top-grade supernatural power fruit, which can give him the opportunity to obtain five old martial arts great supernatural powers like Tianya.

By chance and coincidence, good luck descended from the sky, and combined with the system's krypton life, it is possible to create a high-level

Martial arts great supernatural powers.

In addition, directly creating the ultimate supernatural power martial arts, unless the martial arts is ridiculously strong, it is difficult to have four royal-level supernatural powers born.

And that kind of martial arts, don't need to think about it, it's not a hundred years, a thousand years of life can be afforded.

Calculated in this way, it is very precious to be able to directly deduce the world origin of martial arts great supernatural powers above the fifth elder level.

And looking at the posture of the three Tianbang in front of him today, this Long Xia is in charge, he has to do what he does today, and he has to do what he doesn't do, the possibility of rejection is very small.

Therefore, Yin Xiao also reluctantly agreed.

He wasn't just for the six strands of the world's origin that the three heavenly lists added.

The main reason is that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, but if you have the ability to pick up the stars and take the moon, you must shoulder the sense of responsibility of the sun and the moon, let him take over this heavy burden!

Seeing that he agreed to come down, Yang Qi summoned the Tower of Time.

In the Tower of Time, strands of the origin of the world descended from the highest level and converged towards his body.

Among them, six strands were presented by Yang Qi and others, and three strands were kept in the time tower by Liu Wu before he became the ancestor of the fingering martial arts.

As soon as the nine strands of the world's origin entered his body, the strand of the world's origin that was originally in his storage ring also emerged from the storage ring.

The ten strands of world origin united into one, slowly forming a white jade object like a seal in the body.

Inexplicably, without anyone explaining, Su Xiao knew what this object was and what function it had!

[Mountain and Sea Relics: Human Emperor's Seal]

[Item Type: Fortune Treasure]

[Item level: Shidu (current level, can grow with the luck of the Longxia people, the upper limit is Sanqing level)]

[Introduction to the item: At the beginning of ancient times, there were thousands of races in the mountains and seas, and there were three emperors and five emperors who led the rise of the human races, gathered the luck of the human races, condensed the emperor's seal, and held the human way and the balance of the sky.

A generation of Human Sovereign was plotted by the powerful, and there was no more Sovereign in the world, and the Human Sovereign's Seal lost its status and became the Emperor's Seal. 】

[Now that the mountains and seas are recovering, the way of heaven is not complete, the tunnel has not yet been established, the way of humanity is prosperous again, the luck of the human race is gathered, and the Seal of Human Emperor is born as the times require]

[Function: Control the order of humanity, help the revival of mountains and seas, and make the sun and the moon quiet and bright again! 】

[The current person in charge of the Imperial Seal: Su Xiao. 】

"why me?"

Looking at the Human Emperor's Seal in his body, Su Xiao understood that the three Heavenly Lists in front of him wanted him to be more than just one of the four leaders in Longxia!

Yang Qi heard his question, his eyes lit up, he looked at him eagerly and said:

"It's done? It's really done, have you condensed into the Human Emperor's Seal?".

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