The houses on both sides of the street looked particularly gloomy in the night, and the dilapidated tiles and mottled walls seemed to tell the vicissitudes of the city.

Gu Yang and Helian Feng led the team members, shuttling through the narrow alleys like ghosts, their footsteps were light and fast, trying to minimize the noise.

In the night sky of Fengyun City, there were occasional barking of dogs, which seemed to add a bit of depression to the city.

Gu Yang pursed his lips tightly, his eyes firm, he knew that every step must be cautious, any slackness could lead to a catastrophe.

Although their team was not large, it was extremely conspicuous in such an environment.

Gu Yang looked back from time to time to observe the situation of the team to ensure that everyone could keep up with the pace. And Helian Feng was walking while vigilantly observing the surroundings, his sword still in his hand, ready to resist possible attacks at any time.

The wounded in the team were carried alternately by other team members, although their faces were full of fatigue and pain, but no one made any complaints.

They knew that only by leaving here alive would they have a chance to seek treatment for their injuries and avenge their dead companions.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle broke through the night sky, and Gu Yang and Helian Feng suddenly paused.

They looked at each other and realized that the whistle was unusual. Gu Yang immediately gave instructions: "Quick, change the route!"

The team immediately changed direction and moved to a pre-set backup route. They were like a group of disturbed birds, quickly passing through dark alleys, trying to shake off possible pursuers.

Just as they turned into a more hidden alley, suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from the darkness in front.

Gu Yang quickly made a gesture, and everyone immediately stopped and hid in the corners and dark places.

Shadowy figures appeared from the front, a team of Fengyun City patrolmen.

They held torches and patrolled every corner expressionlessly. Gu Yang and Helian Feng held their breath and waited for the patrolmen to leave.

After the patrolmen passed by, Gu Yang signaled the team to move on. They set out on the journey of escape again, with a sense of urgency in their hearts.

They knew that as long as they could pass through the city wall, they could get rid of this place of trouble and regain their freedom.

Finally, after a period of intense march, they arrived at the foot of the city wall.

The city wall was towering into the sky, and there were guards patrolling on it, but Helian Feng had already arranged a secret passage in advance.

"Here." Helian Feng whispered, pointing to an inconspicuous corner. There was a loose stone there, and as long as it was pushed open, they could enter a secret tunnel.

The team members acted quickly, they carefully pushed the stone away, and drilled into the tunnel one by one.

Gu Yang and Helian Feng entered last, and then reset the stone to ensure that no traces were left.

The tunnel was dark and damp, but for them, it was the only way to freedom. They endured the discomfort and moved forward carefully until they saw the faint light coming from the other end of the tunnel.

When they finally climbed out of the other end of the tunnel and breathed fresh air, Gu Yang and Helian Feng both breathed a sigh of relief.

They had successfully left Fengyun City, but they also knew that this was just the beginning of a longer struggle.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Gu Yang's face changed, and the golden long sword in his hand condensed instantly, and slashed towards Helian Feng's position.

Helian Feng's reaction was equally swift. Almost at the same time as Gu Yang's long sword was swung, his figure swayed and turned into a residual image, avoiding the fatal blow behind him.

The two turned around almost at the same time, and saw a black shadow emerging from the night like a ghost, with the dagger in his hand pointing directly at the back of Helian Feng with a cold light.

It was an assassin in a nightgown, and his movements were almost silent. If Gu Yang and Helian Feng had not experienced countless battles, their sharp intuition had long been trained to be almost instinctive, I am afraid that they would have suffered a fatal blow.

Gu Yang's long sword drew a golden arc, and collided head-on with the assassin's dagger, making a crisp metallic symphony.

"Dark Night Walker, it seems that you are not going to give up yet."

Amid the sparks, a cold and fierce flashed in Gu Yang's eyes. He knew that such an assassin was not an ordinary person.

Helian Feng was not to be outdone. The sword in his hand was like lightning, and he waved a sharp sword shadow to block the retreat of the Dark Night Walker.

The Dark Night Walker seemed to be aware of his situation. He shook his body and tried to break out of the two people's attack.

However, Gu Yang and Helian Feng cooperated seamlessly, like a pair of comrades who had gone through countless life and death tests. Their attack rhythm was compact and powerful, and every swing of the sword forced the Dark Night Walker to deal with it in a panic.

The Dark Night Walker's breathing gradually became heavy, and he obviously felt the pressure.

A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and suddenly, a strong black aura burst out from his body. It was the unique dark power of the Dark Night Walker, which could greatly improve his combat effectiveness in a short time.

Gu Yang frowned, knowing that the other party was going to fight to the death. He shouted, and a golden light burst out from his body. It was the gold energy in his body, which formed a sharp contrast with the ice power of Helian Feng.

The two forces intertwined in the night, colliding with the dark breath of the night walker, making a deafening roar.

The battle between the three became more and more intense, with swords and shadows, and black air lingering, and the whole space was shrouded by this momentum.

The next moment, seeing that he was no match for Gu Yang and Helian Feng, the Night Walker disappeared into the darkness again.

Gu Yang and Helian Feng exchanged glances, and without words, the two had reached a consensus.

They couldn't stay here for long. The disappearance of the Night Walker meant that more dangers were approaching. They must lead the team away from Fengyun City as soon as possible and find a safe place to avoid the sharp edge.

"We have to go." Gu Yang whispered to the team members behind him, revealing unquestionable firmness in his voice.

The team quickly assembled, and everyone's face was full of fatigue, but at the critical moment of life and death, this fatigue seemed to be replaced by an infinite desire to survive. They supported each other and advanced towards the distant jungle at the fastest speed.

Helian Feng walked in front of the team. He knew this land well. Every path and every forest had a clear outline in his mind.

He led the team, avoiding all possible patrol routes and chose a hidden and tortuous path.

The night was getting darker, and the stars twinkled in the sky, as if guiding them.

Gu Yang followed closely behind, his eyes sweeping across the team from time to time to make sure that no one was left behind. He still held the golden long knife tightly in his hand, ready to deal with any possible crisis.

Along the way, they encountered several small beast attacks, but even when Gu Yang and Helian Feng did not take action, these threats were quickly resolved.

The wounded in the team were also taken care of by other team members, minimizing the pain of the action.

In this way, they rushed all the way until the sky turned pale, the night gradually faded, and they finally arrived in the depths of the jungle. Here, they can stop temporarily, rest and recover their strength.

Gu Yang found a hidden open space and motioned everyone to rest here. The team members unloaded their burdens, leaned on the tree trunks or sat on the ground, and began a short rest.

Helian Feng walked to Gu Yang and whispered, "We are safe for the time being, but we can't let our guard down. The Night Walker will not give up, and we need to make a new plan."

Gu Yang nodded, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure, "I know, we need to find a more secret place, at least before we recover our strength, we can't be discovered by the enemy."

After exchanging opinions, the two decided to send several team members to investigate the surrounding situation and ensure the safety of this area. At the same time, they also began to discuss the next action plan.

Under the arrangement of Gu Yang and Helian Feng, the team members each performed their duties. Some were responsible for hunting, some were responsible for collecting water sources, and some were responsible for investigating the surrounding movements.

With the arrival of morning light, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

They knew that although they had temporarily escaped the pursuit of Fengyun City, the road ahead was still full of unknowns and dangers. They needed to restore their strength and then embark on the journey of escape again.

Gu Yang stood under a big tree, looking at the distant sky, and silently swore in his heart that no matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead was, he would lead this group of companions to leave this place alive.

Their journey has just begun, and their story is far from over.

Just as the team members took a short rest in the jungle, Gu Yang and Helian Feng were discussing future plans, and faint footsteps came from a distance.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire open space became tense, and everyone's eyes were cast in the direction of the sound.

"No, the pursuers are coming." A scout team member ran back panting, with urgency written on his face, "It was led by the Night Walker, they have more people than us, we must evacuate immediately."

Gu Yang's eyes became sharp in an instant, and he quickly gave an order: "Everyone, pack your bags immediately, we have to retreat in another direction. Helian Feng, you lead the way, we move to the northwest."

Helian Feng nodded and immediately took the lead to move quickly into the depths of the jungle in the northwest. The team members did not dare to hesitate at all and quickly followed. Although their bodies were very tired, no one dared to slow down in the face of life and death.

Gu Yang and several agile team members were the last ones to leave. As they moved, they kept an eye on the movements behind to ensure that the team could evacuate safely.

Not long after they left the open space, the pursuers led by the Night Walker pounced on the original resting place like a cheetah.

The Night Walker stood in the middle of the open space, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes. He could feel that Gu Yang and his team were not far away.

"Search in a scattered manner, don't let them escape!" The Night Walker ordered in a low voice, with an unquestionable command in his voice.

The pursuers quickly acted according to the order. They dispersed and chased in all directions of the jungle. Their movements were swift and orderly, and they were obviously elites who had undergone rigorous training.

Gu Yang and his team shuttled through the jungle, trying to avoid places that were easy to be discovered, but the dense branches and uneven terrain in the jungle limited their speed.

At this moment, a team member accidentally stepped on a dead branch, making a crisp sound. This small mistake immediately attracted the attention of the pursuers.

"There is movement here!" The voice of a pursuer echoed in the jungle.

Gu Yang's heart tightened, knowing that the situation was not optimistic, he immediately said to the team members: "Quick, let's split into two groups, one group continues to move northwest, and the other group follows me to attract the attention of the pursuers."

After that, Gu Yang and Helian Feng stopped with several team members and tried to stop the pursuers.

The other team members continued to move northwest. They had to find a safe place as soon as possible, otherwise, once surrounded, there would be no chance of survival.

A moment later, the footsteps of the pursuers were getting closer and closer. Gu Yang and Helian Feng exchanged a firm look. They knew that now was the time for them to show their true strength.

After a while, the shadows surged, and dozens of pursuers in dark armor appeared in their sight like ghosts. Their eyes were cold, and the weapons in their hands flashed with cold light. Each of them was a practitioner in the realm of immortality.

Gu Yang and Helian Feng stood side by side, their auras merged into one, forming an indestructible barrier.

"Come on!" Gu Yang shouted, and the golden long sword drew a dazzling trajectory in the air, directly facing the pursuers in the front.

Helian Feng was not to be outdone, the sword light was like ice, and the cold sword energy bloomed in the night, forcing the pursuers on the other side to retreat.

The two cooperated tacitly. Although there were many pursuers, it was difficult to break through their defense line for a while.

However, although the strength of these pursuers could not be compared with the two of them individually, they relied on a special joint attack formation to withstand the attacks of Gu Yang and Helian Feng, and even tried to distract Gu Yang and Helian Feng and surround them from both sides.

Gu Yang's eyes were stern. He knew that he could not let the pursuers form a siege, otherwise the situation would become extremely dangerous.

"Master Helian, left!" Gu Yang suddenly reminded loudly.

Helian Feng reacted very quickly, turned around and slashed at the black shadow that pounced on the left. Wherever the sword passed, the air seemed to solidify, and the pursuer was forced to retreat again and again.

Gu Yang was not idle either. His long sword danced more violently, and every swing was with the force of thunder and lightning, forcing the pursuers to distract their attention to deal with his attack.

At this moment, a pursuer took advantage of the gap between Gu Yang's attacks and suddenly launched a fierce sneak attack. His movements were as fast as lightning, and the dagger pointed directly at Gu Yang's waist.

At the critical moment, Gu Yang turned sideways and narrowly avoided the fatal blow, then used his backhand to force the pursuer back.

But the pursuers' offensive became more and more fierce. Although Gu Yang and Helian Feng were brave, they also felt the pressure. They understood that such a confrontation could not last too long, and they needed to find a breakthrough as soon as possible. (End of this chapter)

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