Creation and immortality: I can manifest endless talents

Chapter 38 Military Camp Deep in the Mountains

Mang Mountain is located more than 300 miles to the west of Wancheng. It is the intersection of Wancheng, Licheng and Chongcheng.

Mang Mountain does not refer to a single peak, but a collective name for several mountains stretching for hundreds of miles.

A tributary of the Wanli Canglong River runs through it, forming a landscape. It has been a breeding ground for ferocious beasts since ancient times. At the same time, it is also the first choice for disciples of the Three Cities Martial Arts Academy to go out to the city for training.

Under the cover of night, a team wearing leather armor and holding fierce soldiers was rushing towards Mang Mountain.

Among the crowd, Gu Yang looked attentive and maintained the steps of the mosasaur dance while running.

A quarter of an hour later, a line of small words suddenly flashed across his eyes.

[Skill ‘Mosasaurus Dance’ proficiency +1]


The corners of Gu Yang's mouth curled up, and his heart was filled with joy that his guess had come true.

His idea is very simple. Since Mosasaurus dance is composed of three martial arts: fists, legs, and steps, then using footwork alone to move forward will definitely increase your proficiency.

And the fact was just as he expected, as he went all out, his proficiency was indeed improving.

Although it's not as good as fighting an evenly matched opponent, it improves proficiency much faster than practicing the action routines on your own.

The sun sets and the moon rises above the branches.

The team never rested and kept on going.

The scenery that everyone saw along the way gradually changed from a village full of people to a withered yellow wilderness.

Although these disciples are all warriors in the blood coagulation realm, they have extremely fast steps and long physical strength, but their faces are full of fatigue when they reach the end.

Of course, except Gu Yang.

For Gu Yang, not only does he have the talent of "emerging vitality" that continuously restores his physical strength, but also a line of small characters [Proficiency +1] will be crossed in front of his eyes every quarter of an hour.

This kind of immediate improvement feedback made him not only not feel tired, but also became more and more excited and energetic as he walked.

Before Hai Shi, the team will arrive at the foot of Mang Mountain. Master Liao from the Wuyuan School who leads the team immediately raised his hand and said: "Stop, rest where you are for a quarter of an hour, and then enter the mountain!"

The team dispersed instantly, using the previous small group as a structure to sit on the ground and rest.

However, even when they were resting, these disciples still did not relax their vigilance in their eyes, and their weapons were tightly clenched in their hands.


Gu Yang took a deep breath and followed the example of the others and sat down on the ground to rest.

He held the weapon in his hand and closed his eyes gently.

[Skills: Blood Nourishing Stake·Dacheng (106/400); Mosasaurus Dance·Small Success (191/1000), Killing Sword·Small Success (7/200)】

[Talent: Emergence of vitality, surge of power, the power of a bull, and the perception of murderous intent. 】

Depart from Wuyuan in the middle of Youshi and arrive before Haishi.

In just one and a half hours, the proficiency of Mosasaurus Dance improved by twelve points.

Although it is not as good as the same amount of time of sparring, it is far more improved than practicing the moves for a day.


Noisy breathing sounds continued in this wilderness, and soon a quarter of an hour passed. All the disciples stood up one after another, and the team set off again.

After entering the mountain, although they were walking on the mountain road that had already been opened up, the team's speed slowed down rapidly.

At the same time, Master Liao’s voice kept ringing from the front of the team.

"In the front mountains, except for extremely rare occasions, generally no ferocious beasts will appear, but even so, you cannot relax your vigilance. There are countless dangers in the mountains. In addition to ferocious beasts, there are also poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, and even some kind of belts. Plants containing paralyzing toxins, if the skin is scratched by them, the body will quickly become stiff and lose consciousness. If you are in danger, you can only wait for death. "


A flash of sword flashed across, and a giant python with a thick mouth suddenly jumped out from the tree nearby. It was split into two pieces with a knife and fell from a branch not far away.

Master Liao put away his sword and continued to move forward with a normal expression, and continued: "In the mountains, day and night are completely different. Many insect beasts rest during the day and only come out at night. Why does the martial arts academy always arrange for everyone to enter at night? The purpose of mountains is to let you feel how dangerous the mountains are in the dark night.”

Gu Yang glanced at the python, slowly put down the hand holding the knife, and continued to listen carefully to Master Liao's teachings.

"Fifty feet..."

At the same time, he was silently calculating the distance between him and the python.

Just now, before the python jumped out, a strong signal burst out in Gu Yang's mind that there was something hiding in the dark, coveting them.

But before he could raise his sword, the python was instantly killed by Master Liao, and the strong signal was instantly interrupted and disappeared.

He immediately understood that this should be the function of the talent of ‘Killing Intention Sense’.

The team continued to move forward, and Master Liao's voice kept ringing.

Gu Yang was walking among the team, listening attentively and doing two things at once, constantly sensing the killing intent coming from all directions from time to time.

This walk lasted another full hour.

An hour later, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up. In the mountain stream one mile ahead, a huge camp covering an area of ​​more than 100 feet came into Gu Yang's eyes.

Groups of sergeants wearing half-length steel armor and holding long knives were constantly walking in and out of the military camp, patrolling all directions.

Everyone else has been here several times and can still remain normal at this time.

Only Gu Yang, although his face remained calm, his crazily shrinking pupils revealed his extremely shocked mood at the moment.

Deep in the mountains, there is a military camp of this size!

And looking at the sergeants coming and going, it was obvious that the military camp was still operating normally.

At this time, two scouts wearing leather armor also walked out of the forest, came to the crowd, and greeted Master Liao: "Master Liao."

"Well, fortunately." Master Liao nodded at the two scouts, and then led everyone to move forward.

Soon, the gate of the military camp, which was more than three feet high, came into view.

At this time, Master Liao's voice sounded again, "The others disbanded on the spot and returned to the division where the martial arts academy belongs. Gu Yang, follow me. This is your first time here. You need me to bring you to register your information."

"Yes." The other disciples immediately dispersed and formed small teams to move forward. Only Gu Yang turned around and came to Master Liao's side.

The two walked into the camp, and Gu Yang suddenly looked around with twinkling eyes.

What he saw was a vast martial arts field with two rows of weapon racks next to it. Gu Yang guessed that this should be a place for army training and gathering for expeditions.

Across the martial arts field and further inside, there are rows of barracks where sergeants and clerks work. Even though it was already midnight, the barracks were still brightly lit.

Master Liao obviously knew where the newcomers registered their information. He just roughly confirmed the direction and took Gu Yang straight to a barracks.

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