The person in charge guessed correctly.

Su Yang did change the speed of time flow of the entire nothingness.

But he did guess one thing wrong.

At this time.

The time flow rate of nothingness is not five times.

Rather, ten times!

It is already remarkable that a genius who masters the laws of time can change the speed of time flow within God by five times.

But for Su Tian, who is in charge of the Avenue of Time.

That’s not enough.

If it weren’t for his limited divine power now.

He could even adjust the time flow rate of nothingness to a hundredfold.

However, ten times the flow speed was enough to deal with the appearance of the Sky Arena three days later.

Su Xiao’s eyes closed slightly.

Lying in a rocking chair seemingly casually.

It’s like enjoying a leisurely afternoon.

But his whole body and mind have actually disappeared into the avenue.

Constantly feeling the deep avenue.

And the one that divine source was obtained earlier.

He had already been thrown into chaos.

But at the same time as he sensed the avenue.

He glanced meaningfully at the Chaos Sand Table.

It was as if I had seen interesting things about the gods and demons.

Chaos at the moment.

The three camps are opposed.

The disorderly camp, the orderly camp, and the neutral camp contain each other.

With the infusion of divine sources.

The newborn Dao gods and demons are also constantly joining them.

During this time.

The three camps seem to have gained some kind of weird balance.

They are quietly feeling their own avenue.

Instead of fighting and fighting as before.

The Life God and Demon Disc sat in a chaos.

He is surrounded by gods and demons of the same line as rules, order, and immortal paths.

They are constantly discussing their own path.

In words.

Avenue resonance.

Chaos is slow.

It was as if the heavens were hearing their word.

Yet at this very moment.

The life gods and demons seemed to have discovered something.

I stopped discussing the Avenue of Life.

Instead, he looked at a chaos.

The rest of the gods and demons also seemed to have sensed something.

They all looked at the chaos.

I saw that in the chaos, a touch of apricot color was constantly pregnant out of thin air.

Exudes a burst of life.

Also with endless mystery.

From a distance, it looks like an ordinary almond tree.

But here is the chaos of ordinary beings that has not yet been born.

How could an ordinary almond tree appear here.

Innate Spirit Wood, Chaos Star Tree.

When I saw that little tree for the first time.

All the gods and demons knew the information about the tree in an instant.

The innate spirit wood was born in the chaos and was conceived from the avenue.

But it is different from gods and demons.

Because the spirituality is too strong, it cannot give birth to divine intelligence, but it has the power that is not weaker than that of gods and demons.

It also has an incomparable and powerful blessing for ordered gods and demons such as life gods and demons.

“Guys! Be sure to take this thing!! The Life God and Demon suddenly got up.

The scales all over his body stood upside down, and for the first time an emotion called longing rose in the eyes of the star tree.

If they can successfully obtain this star tree.

Then the disorderly camp can be completely suppressed by it.

The disgust from the avenue made them want to completely annihilate each other.

The rest of the gods and demons also got up at the same time.

Run the power of your own avenue and rush towards the Star Tree.


Disorderly camp.

The Death God Demon looked at the apricot color.

Several shades of disgust flashed in his eyes.

“Humph! Disgusting breath, you must not let this thing fall into the hands of life and others and destroy it!!! ”

Saying that, His huge bull’s head rose and burst out with great power.


Destroying gods and demons, killing gods and demons, returning to ruins, fear-wielding and other disorderly avenue gods and demons followed.

Two major forces for this spiritual creature that appeared out of thin air.

Once again, a shocking battle broke out.



Around the Star Tree.

Several powerful avenues collided together unscrupulously.

The aura of the mighty immortal path is dashing and flowing.

The breath of tyrannical killing is twisting everything.

The gods and demons of the two camps are fighting together.

Every collision of avenues.

It’s as if it’s about to tear the chaos apart.

The two peak gods and demons of life and death have not yet made a move.

However, the entire chaos has indeed begun to shake constantly.

The vertical pupils of the life gods and demons reflected the figure of the death gods and demons.

Neither of these two gods and demons did it easily.

Because once they make a move, it means that the conflict between the two camps will be completely detonated.

“Death, this thing is in conjunction with our nature, what is the intention?” The Life Demon God said lightly.

“Sexual fit?” The death god and demon glanced at the life god and demon with great disdain, and every word seemed to have the power to wipe out chaos.

“Will I watch you get this thing and put us to sleep?”

As the embodiment of the avenue, the gods and demons are immortal, and at most, they will fall back into the avenue and sleep until the next awakening.

“We just want to ask!” The Life God and Demon looked at the Star Tree and felt the longing from the avenue.

It was as if his own avenue was longing for the star tree.

“Seek, false, life, the road between us is completely contradictory, only by annihilating you, I can be stronger, and you are the same, so don’t pretend!!!”

The Death God Demon got up in vain.


Behind him, the Avenue of Death appears.

As if the death rage that could cover the heavens broke out at this moment.


Behind Him, it was as if countless worlds were withering, dying, and shattering.

And the life gods and demons also got up at the same moment.


The power of the Dao with a strong breath of life emerged.

The Avenue of Life rose in response.

Behind the life gods and demons, they turned into a huge and incomparable tree.

Every leaf, every vein, seems to be a countless world bred in it.

“Then I have to do it!!”

“That’s exactly what it means.”

With the rise of these two peak gods and demons.

The rest of the gods and demons unscrupulously unfolded their own avenues.


Countless avenues appear.

These forces seem to be able to shatter chaos.

It was as if even the chaos that gave birth to everything could not carry their power.


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