

The originally disordered chaos began to shake constantly.

All the rules that don’t exist are manifesting themselves in some extremely slow way.

Around the thirty-six pints of green lotus.

Scatteredly, several images of nothingness emerge one by one.

There are no rules for everything, not even the concepts of nothingness and image.

But now.

These concepts appeared in front of Su Tian’s eyes.

“Is it because of you, Pangu?”

Su Yang suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at the huge and incomparable egg again.

Deafening heartbeat.

As if to say something.

Every breath of nothingness is conceived with ineffable rules.


The first shadow that emerged began to solidify.

Su Yang looked at the shadow.

In an instant, he knew what the shadow represented.


Three thousand avenues, the road to the heavens.

Three thousand rules, the origin of all beings

The Avenue of Life begins to manifest itself in the root of all this chaos.

And the existence of this ruling rule is called….

‘God and Devil!! ’

With this first life god and demon began to be conceived.

The condensation speed of the other ghosts also became faster and faster.

And on the opposite side of the life gods and demons,

A pitch-black shadow became clearer along with its rudimentary emergence.

There was a burst of dead silence.

The back of life is called death!

“It went even better than I expected.” Su Xiao looked at the shadows with satisfaction.

“Because I created the Pangu Egg and the Thirty-Six Pins Green Lotus, Chaos has an existence called life, so the law of life is manifested

And the emergence of the law of life will lead to the emergence of other laws that complement or contradict it, which is really good. He whispered.

Although the three thousand rules are not all stripped away.

But the avenues complement each other, and the rules stick to each other.

For example, the emergence of the Avenue of Life will lead to the complementary Avenue of Creation, but it will also lead to the opposite Avenue of Death.

That is to say, as the rudiments of other gods and demons emerge, the remaining gods and demons will also be stripped away and manifested one by one.

With the embodiment of these rules, Su Yang could sense that his strength was constantly improving.

His consciousness withdrew from the chaos.

His eyes widened slightly.

One palm slowly raised.


Two very different powers emerged.

One with vitality, the other with infinite death.

The two forces are completely opposite, but they complement each other.

The surrounding space began to distort slightly with the appearance of these two forces.

But the next second.

That power dissipated.

A smile appeared at the corner of Su Tian’s mouth.

“Being able to refine divine power, I should now reach the rank of trainee Creator God, and there is no problem in participating in the Awakening Day.”

Being able to successfully manifest divine power represents Su Tian’s chaotic world, which can now be called the Kingdom of God.

Those who possess the Kingdom of God, known as the Creator God, are divided into nine levels, starting from the trainee Creator God who does not enter the stream.

And studying the Creator God is also the first step to ignite the divine fire and become immortal.

Generally speaking, if you want to create a kingdom of God, you need to create your own kingdom of God on the day of awakening with the resources distributed by the school.

Because whether it is the creation of rules or the creation of living beings, a large number of divine sources are required.

Only a few children of chaebol families have the opportunity to use family resources and lay a foundation.

Subsequently, he became famous on the day of awakening, attracting the solicitation of prestigious schools.

But Su Yang didn’t need any of that at all.

Because the three thousand gods and demons themselves are part of chaos, and the law is what these gods and demons are in charge.

Therefore, Su Yang can create the Kingdom of God before the day of awakening and become a trainee creation god.

A few hours ago, he was still known as the wasteland, and was regarded as an unlucky ghost by his classmates around him.

And now….

Su Yang looked out the window, the students who were anxious on the playground for the awakening day in three days.

The corners of the mouth smiled even more.

Now he has created the kingdom of God, become the lower god, and stand above all men!

“Although I don’t need to spend divine sources to create creatures and rules, if I want to improve the foundation of chaos, a large number of divine sources are required for levels and the like…”

Thinking of this, Su Xiao couldn’t help but feel a little headache.

After becoming a god, the divine source becomes an indispensable necessity.

If you want to improve the Kingdom of God, you must have a lot of divine source support.

The reason for successfully creating the Kingdom of God was because Su Yang created Pangu with all the divine sources.

This set off a series of chain reactions.

Causing the shadows of gods and demons to appear, and the avenue surged.

This allowed him to create the Kingdom of God.

But the follow-up improves the quality of the rules and creates a foundation.

These require a lot of overhead.

Moreover, normally speaking, the more rules a world breeds, the higher the potential of that world, and the more divine sources are needed.

The ordinary world can give birth to ten to twenty rules, and more than twenty can already be regarded as geniuses.

And Su Yang has the law of three thousand avenues, and even has a heaven-opening god who surpasses the rules.

Therefore, the number of divine sources he needed reached a terrifying number.

In an instant, a poor word flashed in his head.

“I remember, if you have excellent grades, the school will reward the divine source” Su Yang suddenly thought of what Teacher Liu said a long time ago when he cheered them up.

One divine source is converted into a Daxia coin of about 1.5 million, this wool is not white.

“If there is another divine source, it can accelerate the birth of gods and demons.” Su Xiao calculated for a moment.

“It seems that you have to work a little harder.” His eyes closed slightly.

The surrounding environment began to trance again.

Then, he was once again in the endless chaos.

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