
Creation space, nothingness.

Su Yang sat in a rocking chair.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, showing a somewhat satisfied smile.

He looked at the roar that enveloped the entire chaos.

It should be said that it is really worthy of being the first thorn of chaos.

In the chaos where countless avenues converge.

The Devil’s Avenue is the most special, because all avenues can be magic.

Anyone who has a demonic heart can be a demon.

Therefore, Luo Qiu is the most special being in the entire chaos.

He can assimilate the power of almost all avenues.

Although only assimilating the most shallow power.

But it’s also powerful enough.


I don’t know how long it has passed.


Under the incredible gaze of everyone.

That extremely powerful second-order monster.

Upon reaching Chaos, in addition to developing a roar, it was a creation for Luo Qi to kneel.

In the midst of that endless onslaught.

It began to crumble gradually.

Its body is like sand in the wind.

It began to crumble gradually.

In full view.

It completely dissipated in front of Luo Qi.

“Waste!” Luo Qi indifferently converged on the Avenue of Demons.

That disdainful ‘waste’

But it fell extremely clearly in the ears of everyone present.


These geniuses who are proud of their own schools and even cities.

At this time, the extremely unified gasp.

They only felt chills when they looked at the black figure.

Is this figure really just an ordinary first-order Divine Realm creature?

Even if it is said that he is a third-order divine realm creature, no! Even a third-order divine realm creature may not be able to be so domineering.

Qin Ming and the others also felt a burst of dumbness when they looked at Su Tian’s world projection.

Until now, they can’t believe their eyes.

“He really didn’t even make a move…” Principal Yun Tian muttered silently.

Qin Ming stared at the chaotic world even more deadly, and an extremely astonishing light erupted in his eyes.

Regular incarnation actually has such a terrifying ability. 、

First-order divine creatures erase second-order monsters.

It’s just crazy.

Where is this chaotic world the wasteland.

It’s a real Tianjiao world, even if it’s nothing.

Qin Ming asserted that looking at the entire history of the Creation Gods, there was absolutely no first-order Creation God who could reach the height of Su Tian.

And to know.

Luo Qi, who could annihilate that powerful monster, was just a creature in the chaotic world.

Qin Ming knew such a creature.

The chaotic world is still gestationed.

Once the rules of that world are all incarnated.

What a terrifying scene that would be.

“Did he pass the exam??”

“Not even shot?” An auditor said incredulously.

Zhang Jingfeng looked at the teenager who was still a little lazy in the picture.

There was an indescribable excitement flashing in his eyes.

The previous scene floated rapidly in his eyes.

He just wanted to take a gamble.

His expectations for Su Yang were originally only the top one thousand in the country.

But now Su Yang actually broke into the top ten of the province in just a few days.

It has brought the ranking of Tianhai No. 1 High School to an unprecedented height.

And amazingly.

From the time of the Creator God arrived.

It was determined that it was impossible to create the chaotic world of the Kingdom of God.

At the moment, it was in Su Tian’s eyes.

Metaplasia with rules,

The first order extinguishes the second order.

When a strong enemy descends, lying on the rocking chair on the side, it seems to be no man’s land.

Such a heart.

Such a talent


I haven’t heard of it!!

“I won the bet, I really gave birth to a Kunpeng this time…”

Zhang Jingfeng muttered in a low voice.

Until now, he still feels a little unreal.


The black pillar of light reappeared.

But this time, there was not the slightest evil aura.

In its place is a vastness that cannot be described in words.

An air that embraces everything and overrides everything announces its existence to the world.

Many students only feel softness under their feet.

Slightly weaker students even need to hold on to the wall to stand.


The pitch-black pillar of light burst out with dazzling light.

A white coat walked out slowly in the black light.


Da, da, da

These footsteps are not loud, but they seem to ring in everyone’s hearts.

Every step is in everyone’s heart.

It was as if some terrifying demon god was about to walk out of that pillar of light.

“Yo, it seems that I am the first to come back~”

The lazy and casual voice of the teenager sounded above the square.

The pillar of light that penetrated the sky came to an abrupt end.

The gentle and jade boy stood in the square in white clothes.

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, like a boy next door who has just returned from a tour.

Relaxed and cozy.

Yet the next second.

The whole square erupted into a deafening noise.

“Su Shen !!!”

“Su Yang’s eternal god!!!”

“I want to learn rule incarnation with you!!”

“Even among all the provinces and regions, Su Shen is also the strongest person who can be ranked high!!”

The students shouted for the legend they had witnessed.

This reaction made Su Yang feel a little uncomfortable.

He was like that, he hated trouble.

Even if he could feel that these people were genuinely celebrating themselves.

But I still can’t get used to it.

“Congratulations, Student Su Xiao, you became the first student to come out of the trial.”

“You are really amazing…” Qin Ming praised from the heart.

A teenager who is noticed by everyone.

Standing proudly in place, the smile on the corner of his mouth did not decrease.

Looking at other people’s screens, there is no sorrow or joy on their faces.

“You’d better hurry, because I’m ready to make Pangu appear.”


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