Chapter 80 Kunlun Mountain Zhong Chuan Da Luo, Ding Da Luo Honghuang Root!!

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the original flood and waste, Hongjun talked about the way and created Xuanmen. The Purple Sky Palace collects the divine luck of the world and determines the future flood and famine pattern. Merge the Heavenly Dao and block the realm of floods and desolations.

And in the Great Luo Hong.

This Hongjun actually wanted to repeat the old trick and deceive the people in the flood and desolation with the power of Da Luowei. However, it was broken by the Queen Mother of the West.

Since then, the ordinary flood famine has begun to completely transform towards the Da Luo Hong Wilderness. Su Yang chuckled and muttered a few times.

Subsequently, the parallel space around the flooded world was continuously improved. Da Luo practiced fakes to come true, even he must deal with them carefully. In the Zixiao Palace at this time.

Hongjun suppressed the countless miscellaneous thoughts in his heart and began to tell the way of the saints. Suddenly, heaven and earth resonated, and the sky fell.

Everyone was mesmerized when they heard it, as if the road could be sought.

This sage fruit position, although it is the fruit position shaped by Hongjun with the Da Luo Dao fruit. But there are also countless truths in it.

Far above Taiyi. The divine benefits of nature are extraordinary. And at the same time.

What the heavenly gods did not notice was.

From Hongjun’s forehead, a black breath flashed.

“The Dao exists in the demon, and the Dao destroys the demon life…”

Meanwhile. Above the Kunlun Sacred Mountain.

Queen Mother Xi and Fuxi, Nuwa sat and talked.

Many innate divine beings stood respectfully outside the Kunlun Divine Mountain. Trying to think of entering Kunlun.

But without the permission of the Queen Mother of the West, even Hongjun would not be able to enter this Kunlun Divine Mountain

The Queen Mother of the West went to the Zixiao Palace this time just to interfere with Hongjun’s preaching.

As for passing on the true intention of Da Luo and benefiting all sentient beings. She hadn’t thought about it.

With her domineering nature, if she is not interested, even if the heavens are sacred, everything in the heavens is listed here.

She also ignored it, or even completely ignored it.

This is the real king of the west, Si Tianzhi and the existence of the five cripples. Instead of the legendary Queen Mother of the West who married Hongjun Tongzi.

“Sister, isn’t the way of a saint really the ultimate way?”

Nuwa looked at the countless creatures outside the Kunlun Mountains, and she couldn’t bear it in her heart.

She opened her mouth to ask the Queen Mother of the West.

And the Queen Mother of the West looked at Nuwa playfully, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked. Obviously knowing Nuwa’s mind.

“Xiao Nizi, the mind is too kind and unscrupulous, easy to recruit people to calculate.”

Queen Mother Xi said softly.

Nuwa smiled obediently, although she was young but already had an extraordinary temperament.

“There is the grace of rain and dew, and there is also the wrath of thunder, otherwise I would not have listened to my sister’s teachings in vain?”

Nuwa said.

“Humph! This is much better than your brother who can hide. ”

Queen Mother Xi glanced at the famous good old man Fuxi.

Fuxi, who was innocent, just shrugged helplessly. Then, I saw the Queen Mother of the West wave her sleeve.

The Kunlun Divine Mountain enchantment dispersed.

Countless divine beings walked into it, and the number of people was actually no less than that of the Purple Sky Palace. It turned out that many divine people had not gone to Zixiao but came directly to Kunlun Mountain.

“I’ve seen the Queen Mother of the West!”

Countless divine beings bowed down and performed salutes together, and the work of preaching was no less than that of the teacher, and no less than that of heaven and earth.

And the Queen Mother of the West has no intention of preaching now. But she broke through the realm above Taiyi.

Awakening the innate sacredness can receive this gift.

The Queen Mother of the West turned a blind eye to the movements of these saints. She sat on top of Kunlun.

In an instant, heaven and earth were obscured.

All divine beings cannot forget this scene.

At the top of Kunlu, a red robe is like the truth of the avenue, which will not die in the past and future.

Heaven and earth were eclipsed again.

“Above Taiyi, Nai Da Luo Ye, heaven and earth are purified, and beyond all past and future, in endless time and space…”

As the Queen Mother of the West answered this question for Nuwa about the realm of the supreme Da Luo above Taiyi, countless divineness was suddenly shocked.

I only felt that my proud cultivation and Dao Yun were so weak and helpless at this moment.

They were listening to Da Luo’s words.

But in any case, it can’t really be heard, just like an ant can hear people’s words, but it is difficult to understand people’s meaning.

But even so.

These divine also feel greatly benefited. For a moment.

Countless sacred avenues are handed over above Kunlun

All beings are constantly inspired, and the avenue that was originally shackled is also loosened at this moment. Da Luofei seeks one way, but the end of all roads and the starting point of all great roads.

Therefore, these inquirers all saw a completely different path to heaven at this time.

It is as if every path leads to infinity. On Kunlun Mountain, the heavens sit on the ground.

There are no seats here at all, or the Queen Mother of the West has no intention of leaving any Taoist rules at all.

She wanted to say it, so she said it.

This is Da Luo, big at ease, big at ease. But there are also big calculations.

For example, Taishang, Tongtian and the two were originally disciples of Hongjun, but at this moment they went to sit on the ground in Kunlun.

Hearing about Da Luo and the soul continues.

Rounds of the great sun-like path are constantly circulating.

Taishang Ben had felt that touch of Da Luo meaning in the true spirit.

And now, I feel that I can faintly see the long river of years that runs together. And the Tongtian on the side is under the mantra of Da Luo.

Completely different morals have been understood.

The so-called Tao is the hegemony that suppresses everything, and the Tao has the freedom to exist, but it also has the true intention of dominating everything.

Although it is a word, it falls into the ears of different people, and the lack is completely the same as the true meaning. Unlike the divine extraordinary of Taishang, the Dao Yun on Tongtian’s body became more and more domineering.

It actually vaguely suppressed the countless divine auras around him. This is, the other side of the Avenue of Force, domineering!

Three thousand avenues, Li Zongsiji, the avenue of the heavens, domineering.

Even the arrogant Queen Mother of the West glanced at the two brothers Taishang and Primordial one more. When all beings heard this, they couldn’t help themselves.

Until the Queen Mother of the West has retreated for a long time, she is still immersed in it and does not want to wake up.

I don’t know how long it took.

The saints then got out of Da Luo’s artistic conception. Then they bowed to the Kunlun Divine Mountain and performed the disciple salute.

“Thank you King Xi~”! ”

“Thank you Master!!”

Countless divine recitations of its names.

“I’m not waiting for a master, I’m just preaching to my own little sister.”

The indifferent voice of the Queen Mother of the West came out.

Countless divine beings instantly understood that this Queen Mother of the West was creating momentum for Nuwa. Therefore, they saluted Nuwa one after another.

Thank you. Seeing this, Nuwa dodged again and again. 100 years.

Inside the Kunlun Divine Mountain and Zixiao Palace.

The explanation of the corresponding meridian realm and fruit position has ended. Queen Mother Xi and Hongjun during their sermons.

Da Luo Daoyun collides intentionally or unintentionally. Almost no distinction.

Both pairs of eyes looked into the void at the same time at the end of the sermon.

It seems that countless worlds, two pairs of eyes in infinite time and space peek through everything. An indifference like the sky.

A domineering like respect. This is the battlefield of Da Luo.

Whether it is a sentient being who hears the sermon. It’s still innately sacred.

Before becoming Da Luo, he was just a pawn in Da Luo’s hands. Regardless of victory or defeat, it cannot hurt its roots.

Many divine beings have seen further possibilities in the Kunlun Mountains. Although only a very small number of people with the fate of the law can really hear the word Da Luo.

Although Yu couldn’t hear what Da Luo was, he already knew what Tai Yi was above him.

Therefore, it has been precipitated in Kunlun for another hundred years. Then, he saluted slightly to the sacred mountain.

They all walked out of Kunlun.

Only Taishang and Tongtian refused to leave.

It seems to have sensed that once you walk out of Kunlun, something unpredictable will happen.

“Why don’t you go” The figure of the Queen Mother of the West appeared behind Taishang and Tongtian, and her eyes were as bright as if she had seen through the ages.

“I’ve seen the king of the West.”

Taishang and Tongtian salute at the same time.

Queen Mother Xi did not recognize them as disciples, but they refused to be rude. Hence the title of King of the West.

“Once we walk out of Kunlun, the great road of our comprehension may be suppressed, and my Dao is warning me.”

Taishang said worriedly.

Tongtian scratched his hair and said, “I haven’t dominated everything yet, and I don’t want to leave!” ”

Although the rhetoric of the two is very different. But it’s all feedback from Avenue.

Queen Mother Xi nodded lightly.

“If you don’t become a big Luo, it will be empty in the end.”

These words were heard by Taishang very seriously, but Tongtian could only hear half of them. It was as if those two words had been annihilated by some unsniffable force.

“Please King Xi to solve my confusion!”

Taishang bowed and saluted, and there were too many doubts in his heart.

The Queen Mother of the West peeked through countless voids, and there seemed to be endless years in her eyes.

“Our company Kunlun, he controls the flood and famine, this is our tacit understanding.”

“My shot in front of the Zixiao Palace is already the limit, and the struggle between Da Luo is more complicated than you think.”

Queen Mother Xi said lightly.

“Hongjun wants to make the world prosperous, but he doesn’t know that this is a definite number.”

“He was almost in harmony, so I cut off the cause and effect of Kunlun and Honghuang thousands of years ago, and became a world of my own.”

“Hongjun doesn’t understand, Da Luo can’t suppress it, even if he plans everything, there will still be great magic people, who prove the true self from the long river.”

After saying this, the Queen Mother of the West did not say more, but looked at Taishang and Tongtian with a confused face and said: “If you want to stay, you will stay, the mighty Kunlun, not worse than the two innate sacred”

Then slowly disappeared in front of the two of them.

After listening to the words of the Queen Mother of the West, Taishang’s eyebrows tightened, how could he not hear the deep meaning of them.

Hongjun wants to use the Hongjun beings as pawns to establish his status and strength. Leaving the second brother on his side is right or wrong.

And Tongtian on the side is sad now.

That’s right, very sad, the communication of three people, only two people can understand.

The words of the Queen Mother of the West fell into his ears, as if they were blocked. Not a word of the important message is heard.

“Big brother, I…”

“Go and feel your Tao!”

“Okay, brother…”

In the Purple Sky Palace.

Hongjun has dismissed many disciples. Pass down the ways of the saints.

And as the Word is in him today, it is already before him.

Although it will take some time before it can be completely integrated. But enough time.

Hong Desolation is like a palm view on him.

As the only Dao Luo who has mastered the Dao Fruit so far.

If he does not allow it, he will erase all sentient beings’ pursuit of Da Luo.

Even raising his eyebrows and other sacredness of Da Luo’s true meaning that he had heard him personally mention was erased by him.

In the endless river, only you can become the only master! And, as it should be!

Even Hongjun himself did not notice that his mentality was wrong. He looked in the direction of Kunlun, his eyes leisurely.

It is enough to have one Da Luo of him in this heaven and earth, and the second Da Luo is too obstructive.

“Yes, it’s a pity that I don’t think it’s an eyesore, I hope that this world will emerge, this is wonderful, interesting!”

The Queen Mother of the West sat on top of Kunlun and looked at Jiuxiao with a smile.

In the hundred years of their discourse. The development of the Lich and Lich races is terrifying.

At the invitation of Dijun, Fuxi and Nuwa were named among the demon clan. Become the Great Sage of the Demon Clan.

And after Dijun and Taiyi returned from the Zixiao Palace. It was as if I felt the deeper Tao.

Even when Hongjun erased the concept of Da Luo.

He is still able to constantly explore, plan, and even faintly touch the edge of Da Luo.

And among the witches.

With the return of the back soil.

The true meaning of reincarnation that she had comprehended was stimulated by the breath of the immortal gods and demons. A complete awakening.

The consciousness of reincarnation gods and demons even appeared from time to time to point out the Wu clan such as Houtu. This made the already fierce and deathless witch clan even more terrifying. At this time, on the flooded and barren land.

The Lich Race has become a well-deserved protagonist.

“Interesting, under the oppression of Hongjun, you can still touch the Demon Emperor of Dao Daluo.”

“As well as the Wu Clan under the guidance of gods and demons who are infinitely close to Da Luo.”

“Such a Lich battle is really exciting.”

Su Yang looked at the void with a little expectation. Then I felt something strange.

Consciousness gradually returns to the body. Airplanes!


The race badge began to vibrate constantly. Su Yang opened the virtual light curtain. That’s when I found out.

It turned out to be the end of the first round of exams.

A total of hundreds of Tianjiao in provinces and regions across the country have been eliminated by more than half of them at present. There were only about one hundred and fifty people left, and Su Yang checked his province and region.

It was also found that five students were eliminated. This was an extremely simple exam in Su Tian’s opinion.

For these Tianjiao, it is indeed a height that is difficult to reach in his lifetime. Airplanes!

A majestic old man suddenly appeared above the light curtain.

Elder Yuan, who had rewarded Su Yang with five hundred points in his personal name.

“First of all, congratulations to all the students for entering the second round of competition.”

“The second round of assessment is different from the first round but a god domain battle!”

“I will put your consciousness together with the kingdom of God into a divine realm”

“In the God Domain, your God Kingdom is your territory and points, and if you defeat the other party’s God Kingdom, you can get all the points of the other party.”

“You are free to explore every corner of the Divine Realm, and there are surprises we have prepared.”

“The second round of assessment will be counted after these surprises are over.”

“Then I wish you…”

“Happy exam!!”


The next second disappeared with Yuan Lao’s figure.

An incomparably powerful divine power instantly came from the badge. Although that divine power is extremely terrifying, it is not violent.

It was more like some kind of traction, guiding Su Yang into the so-called God Domain. Su Yang responded.


His figure appeared in the courtyard of nothingness in an instant. And the scene in front of you.

It is the endless and boundless God Domain.

His kingdom of God unfolded before him. And nothingness borders the Divine Domain.

About a hundred kilometers of the Divine Domain all have Su Tian’s divine power. This side is his territory.

And the more territory you occupy, the more points you get. One hundred kilometers can be exchanged for ten points.

“Divine power occupies the Divine Domain?”

Su Xiao looked at the Heavenly God Domain with a strange expression.

“Then I’m welcome.”

Then he seemed to lie down in a rocking chair as if he didn’t care.

Then a stream of extremely brilliant divine power spread from his body.

Lucas looked at the Divine Realm around him.

Began to constantly invade the Divine Domain with divine power. The pale divine power was all around.

“Damn boy, this is the world of the Kingdom of God War, when I find you, I will annihilate you!!”

Su Yang’s smile that never seemed to fade appeared in front of Lucas that day, if it weren’t for Honda, they would have arrived.

You may even be tortured to the point of breaking your heart.

His hatred for Su Yang was endless, and he even wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

His Odin Divine Kingdom was originally a divine kingdom that was good at personal combat of the Creator God. Instead, it is more inclined to the war of the kingdom of God.

There are countless powerful beings in his divine kingdom.

Therefore, Lucas firmly believes that as long as he meets Su Tian. It will definitely be able to tear apart the other party’s kingdom of God.

Therefore, his divine power began to occupy the surrounding territory unscrupulously. The same scene began to play out all over God’s Domain.

“Boy, this place is mine!”

“Huh! Write your name too! ”

“Interesting, then try it!!”

The Creation Gods bordering each other made a big move in order to occupy more territories and gain points.

In the void.

The two third-order creation gods controlled their own divine kingdom and began to collide continuously.

God’s Domain is a very delicate realm.

In the God Domain, the Creator God can release the creatures in the God Kingdom to fight. The war between the two sides is very anxious.

One side mastered the fantasy world, and several of the third-order powerhouses thought that they were caught in an illusion and kept fighting.

On the other hand, the angelic world is mastered by the more popular public.

Countless angels worshipped him as a god.

“For the great God!!”

They shouted slogans and fought with the fantasy gods of war.

Although, the personal strength of angels is not as good as that of the Fantasy God of War. But the victory is in quantity, and the angelic kingdom can give birth to the rebirth pool. Keep bringing dead angels back to life.

But the creator god of the fantasy world is also Tianjiao.

With his heart crossed, he actually ignited the border of the Kingdom of God to bless the divine power of the Fantasy God of War

“As long as you can occupy a large amount of territory in exchange for points, some sacrifices are necessary!”

And just when the two are about to split the winner. Thundered!!


Together, they heard a loud bang. Then something terrible happened.

The divine power like a monstrous wave swept through everything unscrupulously. Take in countless god domains.

“How could it be…”

The two Creator Gods could hardly believe their eyes.

The Creator God occupies the Divine Realm, and the divine power displayed is all slow. Like a stream of water.

But at the moment, this is like a stormy sea, occupying everything in a rather unreasonable posture.

The two are facing each other for this small piece of God’s Domain that they want to compete for. It was taken away in an instant.

Before the two Creator Gods could even figure out what was happening, they were teleported back to their original starting point.

And Su Yang, who was lying on the rocking chair, got up.

He said with a little surprise: “Did the divine power encroachment just now accidentally crush something?” ”

“But forget it, it doesn’t matter.”

He pouted nonchalantly.

At this time, the area of the Divine Domain he occupied was already as high as three thousand kilometers of terror. And that number is growing at an alarming rate.

Almost all the surrounding God Realms are included.

Su Xiao did not pay attention but allowed the divine power to occupy the divine domain and obtain points. And his attention returned to the flood again.

Among the demon tribes.

Di Jun was as usual the report of the ten marshals of the demon clan.

And at this moment, an extremely domineering voice did come to mind in heaven and earth.

“His Excellency the Demon Emperor!”

“I am Kunpeng, I want to ask for advice, the power of the Demon Emperor!!”

At this moment, heaven and earth hear together.

Once a demon master of the demon clan, now the fifth disciple of Hongjun. Since the Zixiao Palace heard the Dao.

When I returned to the flood wilderness, the first thing was actually to challenge the power of the Demon Emperor! At this moment, the world heard it sacredly.

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