"Support Lin Tianya as the leader!"

"Support Feng Chao as the leader!"

Seeing the two groups yelling at each other, the supporters of the rest of the people stopped the food in an instant. There were only two or three kittens, and they knew they had lost without comparing them.

At this time, Boutian snarled at Zhou Dian, and motioned to you to see everyone screaming, should you scream too?

Seeing this, Zhou Dian smiled embarrassingly, others are just a group of people calling for their momentum.

But he is alone, what can he call out!

"Support Boss as a leader!!"

But when Zhou Dian was embarrassed about whether or not to scream, Yabu who was beside him opened his throat with a howl, and instantly silenced the audience.

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was silent for an instant, and everyone turned to Butian.

Then the taunting sound continued.

"Yab actually supported Butian as the leader, he didn't wake up!"

"Butian is so stingy that what's the use of supporting him."

"With Butian's personality, if we become the leader, then do we have to survive!"


Hearing the ridicule around him, Butian silently remembered all these people who were speaking.

"Abu, this is for you."

When Butian flipped his hand, a drop of water appeared in his palm and handed it to Yabu.

Seeing the water droplets, everyone in the audience stared at Bu Tian's palms, their breathing began to become a little quick.

Holy water drop! !

As a true descendant of God, how can you not know something like Holy Water Drop.

They can have only one holy mark all over their bodies, and they can have five times the combat power bonus, although this holy mark is a curse seal, and it is the location of the death hole.

But as long as you don't tell others, then who can know.

It is a pity that holy water droplets are also a popular item for those who enter the realm of the gods, so not many people will bring them into the realm of gods.

And even if it was brought into God's Domain, it was not enough, and the price was so ridiculous that they couldn't afford it.

At this moment, Yabu tremblingly held the holy water drop in his hands, with excitement in his eyes.

Four times and five times the combat power bonus, it seems that there is only one number difference, but there is a huge difference between them.

"Boss Bu, thank you!" Yabu said with trembling lips.

At this time, Zhou Dian on the side looked annoyed at the holy water drop in Yabu's hand. Why was it embarrassing and didn't bark just now!

If this is called, isn't this holy drop of water hiss?

"I support Boutian as the leader!"

At this moment, a voice broke the quiet atmosphere of the scene.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, only to see the fat man who likes to open the market and gamble everywhere, raising his arm and calling out loudly.

Seeing this, the corner of Butian's mouth raised, and another drop of holy water dropped his hand, flying towards the fat man.

"I'll go, really!"

The fat man stared at the holy water drop in his hand blankly. He just wanted to try it. Anyway, whoever voted for is not a vote!

But what he didn't expect was that cloth was so naive and generous to give him a drop.

"Support Boss as a leader!!"

Seeing that there are fat people, Zhou Dian dared not hesitate in a daze, and immediately shouted.

But Butian did not disappoint Zhou Dian, it was just another drop of holy water.

Seeing this, the audience instantly boiled, as long as you support Butian, there will be holy water droplets, and this transaction is not a loss!

"I'm so proud of Boss and support Boss as a leader."

"Boss Bo is young and promising, he will surely lead us to a more brilliant tomorrow in the future, support!"

"Just Chongbu boss is handsome and unmatched, we must support!"

"Only from seeing Boss Bo, I know that my whole life is to follow you and support!"

"stand by!!"

In a short moment, those who were still on the sidelines became the leader of Butian.

No way, the treasures Lin Tianya and Feng Chao promised them were just external combat power bonuses.

Although precious, as long as they want it, it is not unavailable.

But the sacred water drops given to them by Botian is not only a bonus to their own strength, but also a treasure that money and relationships can't buy.

Ask them how it is possible that they will miss this opportunity!

Bu Tian looked at the leader who was all supporting him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, although the holy water drop was rare in the sanctuary.

But for him, it was useless.

Use some useless things in exchange for the blessings of the gods, this trade is not a loss.

Moreover, after these members of the Gods Society used the holy water droplets, they changed from having no dead spots to having dead spots.

If anyone dared to provoke him from now on, it would be called Doudou, and he would immediately know where his culprit was.

Then drag it directly to the star field space and easily destroy it.

Save time and effort, simple to get.

And if someone is really like Yabu and Zhou Dian, recognize him as the boss.

Then he didn't mind dragging the banner, and would continue to recognize the Genesis System as his grandfather, and let these guys come over to please him.

In this way, more and more gods will be called.

At any time, see that God dares to trouble him.

As long as you are not afraid of death and dare to come, you can directly summon a group of gods to gang fights, and come to a vigorous slaughter of gods.

At this time, on the stage of Feng Chao, the faces of the Fenghua brothers were extremely gloomy.

They did not expect it to make Tian Butian, and it completely disrupted their layout.

Now 50% of the members of the Gods Association fell to Butian, and the remaining 20% ​​were people who mocked Butian just now. No matter what good things these people said, Butian would not give them holy water droplets.

The remaining 30% are people who support Feng Chao and Lin Tianya.

Although these people really want to support Butian, they have received the benefits, and there can be such blatant support!

I don’t want my face anymore!

"The general situation is over, and there is no strength to return to heaven." Fenghua sighed.

Hearing that, Feng Chao clenched his fists and was very unwilling, but he was not a fool. Knowing that the foregone conclusion was now complete, he was defeated, and he was defeated by Butian, who hadn't seen it from the beginning.

Compared with the unwillingness of the Feng Chao brothers, Lin Feng was furious.

Butian is going to make him the last of the Lin family!

If there is no blessing from the gods, how to resist the punishment of the gods?

At this time, Lin Tianya looked at Bu Tian's eyes full of fear, as if he had seen how he was defeated by Bu Tian, ​​and then his cultivation was abandoned, and he walked like a dog from then on.

"Father, don't you kid, don't kid..."

Lin Tianya yelled and rushed out holding his head.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng was taken aback. This son will not be taken mad!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly chased it out.

At this time, Butian came to the stage like stars holding the moon, ready to accept Fenghua's announcement.

As soon as he took the stage, Fenghua smiled enthusiastically: "Congratulations, Butian, you become the third song domain, the leader of the gods."

"You are polite, mainly because your brother is more modest and didn't fight with me." Butian smiled slightly.

Hearing that, Feng Chao's face on the edge turned black in an instant, and he was a shit, how much does Lao Tzu want to be the leader, don't you know?

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