After a while, Chen Han steadily landed on Sky City.

But at this moment, several powerful breaths burst out instantly, locking him instantly.

Feeling this, Chen Han repeatedly said: "Don't do it, I have no intention of coming here."

"Everyone, please stop, we are here to find Bouten."

At this time, the female students from Class 8 also landed on the Sky City, only frightened compared to Chen Han.

This group of heartless female hooligans, they looked like they were here to play.

"Look, this palace is so big!?"

"And it's very beautiful, if only I could live in it in the future."

"Who do you guys want to live with?"

"Oh, don't you guys know?"


Listening to the words of the female students in Class 8, Chen Han's face was full of black lines. He really didn't understand how the teacher Chen Yutong educates the students.

The girls taught are all heartless idiots.

The only male student taught is a top most wanted criminal in the world.

If you say you don't admire it, it is absolutely false. Who can teach such a wonderful student?

At this time, several elite disciples in the palace glanced at each other and discussed in a low voice.

"What should I do? Come to find the head?"


"Since they can name the head, and come here, they want to come to know the head."

"That's a good thing, and a lot of women have come here, who want to be the confidantes of the head."

"But there are too many confidants!"

"Our head is a peerless genius, so what does it mean to have more women."

"This makes sense, but don't forget, Miss Xia is still taking care of the head, if you see it like this..."

"This is a problem! If the head and the deputy head fall out, our Divine Sword Sect will suffer serious losses!"

"Now what?"

Having said this, the elite disciples of the Divine Sword Sect were in deep thought, not only thinking of a way to make Bu Tian embrace the beauty, but also a way to keep Xia Shirui from getting angry.

In this way, Xia Biling had an explanation.

After a while, an elite disciple whispered: "In this case, then we will include these women in the Divine Sword Sect, so that the deputy head will not care too much, and the head of the head, who wants to steal something, is also very Convenience."

Hearing that, everyone present nodded, feeling that this method was good.

At this time, another elite disciple smiled and said: "Since they have all been recruited as disciples of the Excalibur Sect, why not just point them and assign them to the master as maids."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the audience gave the elite disciple a thumbs up.

This is a good idea. Now, as a head, Butian doesn't even have a person to serve him, how can this be done.

I thought Xiaoyi was taking care of him, but now Xiaoyi wanted to refine the pill, so he didn't have time.

Xia Shirui is good, but after all, this is the biological daughter of the deputy head. It is not good to be a maid.

Now it's not bad to give him a confidante of Butian as a maid.

"Now that we have made a decision, let's ask the boss if we know these people, don't be deceived and don't know." An elite disciple said.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, took a few photos of these people, and walked towards the sky city palace.

At this moment, the cloth sky sitting in the garden absorbing the heavenly magic ball, his body was filled with a strong wave of life, and the surrounding flowers and plants all exuded vigorous vitality.

In Butian's body, the seed of the tree of life had grown a little bit.

In addition, the two leaves engraved with lightning and flames have also grown up, which has increased the thunder attribute profound energy and fire attribute profound energy in the body of the cloth.


Suddenly, Bu Tian shouted loudly, and the golden core phantom in the sea of ​​qi condensed again, and it was not far from being completely formed.

At the same time, the physical body has been strengthened again, and the soul power has also become stronger.

"Martial Dao cultivation is the power of the Eight Tigers, Immortal Dao cultivation is the eighth level of the Sea Gathering Realm, and the Soul Dao cultivation is the ninth level of the Ming Soul Realm. Only a little bit, you can leave the third song domain.

The corner of Bu Tian's mouth rose up, and he couldn't wait to go to the fourth song domain.

After the battle between the gods and demons, the gods and false gods withdrew from the fourth song domain, but still arranged for many people to look for the immortal golden body.

It can be said that the fourth field is now a mixture of dragons and snakes.

However, this is good news for Boutian. The more chaotic, the more benefits he can get.

After all, as the only person who has come into contact with the owner of the Immortal Golden Body Judgment, what he says can still convince most people.

As long as he reaches the fourth song domain, he has the final say.

But when the time comes, the price offered by the other party is not satisfied, then it can only be embarrassed.

At this time, an elite disciple came to the garden, saw Bu Tian, ​​and respectfully said: "See the head. There are many women outside who say they know you. This is their photo."

Hearing that, Bu Tian Weiwei was a little bit confused, actually there was a woman looking for him in Saint Mercury?

Taking the photo with a puzzled look, when Butian saw the female gangster from Class Eight, he immediately felt a headache.

Why can I see these nymphomaniac women there?

"Head, do you know these women?" the elite disciple asked curiously.

From Bu Tian's expression, he had already seen that Bu Tian knew these women.

Just to be sure, it is up to Butian to speak out.

"Yes, but I didn't expect them to find here."

Boutian sighed and handed the photo to the elite disciple, thinking in his heart, there is really no way this charm is too big!

Thinking of this, Bu Tian turned and left, planning to find a place where no one was there, and appreciate his detached temperament.

In this way, Butian left an extremely chic back figure for the elite disciples.

But the elite disciple showed a sympathetic look. This was the fate of engaging so many women at once, and fled in fright.

At the same time, the elite disciples also understood how to deal with these women.

Thinking of this, the elite disciples turned and left, intending to arrange these women to be maids in Butian's palace. Of course, they had to be trained before, but these wild girls should not be allowed to squeeze Butian out.

If Butian is really squeezed dry, who will guard the Divine Sword Sect?

So just like that, there were dozens of more maids around Butian somehow.

But when the female students of Class 8 heard that they were going to become the maid of the godsword sect, a hundred were unwilling.

However, when these elite disciples said the name of the leader, they immediately approved it unanimously.

This made all the elite disciples admire Bu Tian extremely. When the average woman heard that she became the maid of the godsword sect, she would immediately nod in agreement.

But these women only recognize Butian in their eyes, and they have to say that this head is still a lover, and the ability to train women is absolutely incredible.

When Chen Yutong, Chen Han and others heard that Bu Tian was the head of the Divine Sword Sect, they were shocked.

A young man in his twenties is not only invincible in combat, but also the head of the super-powerful Sword Sect. This is a rhythm against the sky!

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