Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 255: Murder with a knife

When the group returned home.

Doudou has received more than 20 drops of holy water from Bouten, and is still praising Bouten.

This makes everyone feel the urge to flatter.

But in the end, it was not like Doudou, not even the face, and flattering Butian without a lower limit.

"Brother Butian, Doudou found out..."

Just when Doudou continued to flatter, he was interrupted ruthlessly by Butian: "The Holy Water is gone, and to be honest, there is no more."

to be honest!

Hearing Butian's words, the corners of everyone's mouth twitched, feeling that the whole person was not good.

Is Doudou telling the truth?

To what extent is this man narcissistic?

When Doudou heard that there was no holy water drop on Butian, he patted his butt, jumped off Butian's shoulder, and returned to Nangongrou's arms.

Seeing this, everyone was completely speechless. Is this shameless fox really a descendant of the sky fox?

But when Bu Tian returned to his bedroom, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, very happy.

After a simple test just now, Bu Tian discovered that neither Ouyang Ruolan nor Nangong Gentle Hongwen showed the slightest greed.

Some are just entangled, do you want to come over and flatter.

If this is the case, he can feel relieved when he leaves home in the future, without worrying about a bunch of thieves.

It's just that Doudou's stinky fox was bought for nothing, which made Bu Tian feel a little unhappy.

"Forget it, let this fox pay back slowly in the future!"

Butian let out a laugh, as long as Doudou is still at home, the account will be returned sooner or later.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, took out the space magic seal and began to refine.

After a while, Qian Mei'er came to the room, and when she saw that Bu Tian was practicing, she silently quit and went to the bedroom.

At the same time, I thought to myself that after Bu Tian finished his cultivation, he must get all the treasures from Bu Tian body.

Can't let Doudou that little liar be fooled.

At the same time, Mingshen's face was gloomy and terrifying, because Lin Tianya and Butian ended in a draw.

The Battle God Platform did not bring Lin Tianya any treatment, making Lin Tianya still lying on the bed, his breath getting weaker and weaker.


Suddenly, a door knocking sounded.

He turned his head and looked around, and saw Lin Tianya's father, Lin Feng hurriedly walked in.

Lin Feng has been busy vying for the position of the leader of the ninth song domain, so he didn't come to the third song domain to watch his son's duel.

Moreover, Lin Feng also had absolute confidence in Lin Tianya, comprehending the sword intent, the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm, and the supernatural powers of space.

Even if the foundation is unstable and unable to defeat the cloth sky, it is always okay to come to a draw, right?

But in the end this draw was actually bought, which made him not surprised.

When Lin Feng saw Lin Tianya lying motionless on the bed, like an old man in his seventies or eighties, his face was cold and chilling.

"Asshole, hateful cloth day, I will definitely not let you go." Lin Feng hissed in a low voice.

"Don't let Bu Tian?" Pluto laughed at himself: "Now it should be us praying. Bu Tian shouldn't tell his father about the original things, otherwise even if we have a hundred lives, it will not be enough to kill him."

Hearing this, Lin Feng was silent. On the way here, he heard about Butian.

He really didn't expect that Butian's backstage was actually the **** who took away Sky City, and also gave him the seed of the tree of life that fell on Sky City.

If Bu Tian really told his old man, Underworld God wanted to ruin his cultivation path.

Don't even think about it, this will be a big event that will destroy the world.

"Father, in fact, you don't need to do it yourself to kill." Lin Feng said coldly.

Hearing this, Underworld was silent for a while before he said, "Tell me about your plan."

It was indeed unwilling to let him let Bu Tian go, but Bu Tian's backstage was too powerful and he couldn't move it.

But if you can borrow a knife to kill someone, that's not bad.

"Recently, the gods of the third song domain will wipe out the descendants of the gods in one swoop. The whole gods are spreading it, but they don't know that the culprit of all this is Butian. If the gods learn about this news, father you say How to do?"

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a sullen light, although Butian gave all the credit for the descendants of the Heavenly Demon to those members of the Association of Gods who supported him.

But there is no impermeable wall in this world. Lin Feng quickly understood the answer after a brief understanding.

When I first heard the news, I couldn't believe that Lin Feng was killed because Butian could have this ability.

But when he learned what had happened, he had to give Bouten a compliment.

Not only was there nothing to say about the devil in the pit, but it also pulled the entire gods over as a backer.

Although this kind of thing, even if the demon is really unable to speak, can he balance it in his heart?

Can you really let your offspring die just like this?

Can you really let go of Butian, the culprit who caused the Tianma fault?

So once the demon knows the truth of the matter, Butian will be lively here.

Even if the demon is entangled by the gods and cannot directly descend, won't you find other descendants of the demon to clean up the cloth?

When the time comes, how many descendants of the demon can be resisted by one person alone?

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Underworld God nodded slightly and said, "You should do this personally, and you must not let anyone know. This news is from us, you know?"

"Father, rest assured! I know what to do!"

Lin Feng pulled out a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, glanced at Lin Tianya, and turned away.

But at this time Butian didn't know that the Underworld family was calculating him, still refining the space magic seal.

As time passed, a black mark appeared on Butian's forehead.

At the same time, the seed of the tree of life that had moved into the sea of ​​Qi grew a leaf, and a black spiral nest appeared on this leaf.

Moreover, the seed of the tree of life is slowly growing taller, leaving the state of sprouts and becoming a small sapling.

The three leaves were shining with purple, red, and black light, and the golden core was suspended above the tree of life, exuding golden light.

And after a few days of tempering the profound energy, the body finally entered the fourth realm of martial arts cultivation, the power of one image.

At the same time, there is also the cultivation base of Soul Dao, which has also broken through to the fourth realm, the first level of the soul movement realm.

After reaching the Soul Movement Realm, Bu Tian can simply control the soul to leave the body, but he cannot leave too far, at most within one meter.


Breathing out a foul breath, Bu Tian slowly opened his eyes. The three realms of Xian, Wu, and Soul have broken through the fourth realm, and it is time to go to the fourth song domain.

It can also create a whole new world, the four-level world, and the star field space will become more and more lively.

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