Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 274: Jiuqiao Tianxinlian

"The Wizard King, what a rare visitor! You would actually come to me on the initiative." Butian looked at the Wizard King in the light curtain and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

"Butian, I'm here to ask you for help this time." The Wizard King said in a hoarse voice: "I recently discovered a Nine-Aperture Heavenly Heart Lotus, but it was discovered by the descendants of the Demon. If you can help me regain the Nine-Aperture Heavenly Heart Lotus, I Willing to share with you."

Hearing that, the eyes of everyone present lit up, and it was actually a treasure like Nine Aperture Tianxin Lotus.

Jiuqiao Tianxinlian is a kind of lotus-shaped heavenly material and earth treasure, which can bear nine lotus seeds every thousand years.

And eating a lotus seed can break through all attributes.

It is equivalent to the three ways of immortal, martial, and soul, breaking through a small level at the same time.

It can be said to be a rare treasure.

But what made everyone feel pity was that since this Nine Aperture Heavenly Heart Lotus appeared in the fourth song domain, it could only break through the fourth realm level.

For the fifth state, it is impossible to break through.

If you want to break through the fifth realm, you can only transplant the Nine-Aperture Heavenly Heart Lotus to the fifth song domain, and then wait for a thousand years.

"Butian, as long as you take me there, the matter between us will be wiped out."

An Lin blinked his big eyes, looking at Boutian longingly.

Although she was very annoyed by the matter between herself and Boutian, she was not a person of no distinction between right and wrong. To blame, she could only blame the demon.

And now there is still Jiuqiao Tianxinlian in front of the temptation, and she can't let it go.

Hearing this, Bu Tian looked around and found that not only An Lin wanted to go, but Hong Wen and Qian Duoduo were also full of desire.

After all, all attributes break through one level, which is very attractive to anyone.

At this time, the Wizard King also saw Butian's hesitation, and said repeatedly: "If you want to bring more people, it doesn't matter, as long as you give me a lotus seed afterwards."

"Well, you send me the address, and we will pass now." Butian immediately decided to go to the Wizard King.

Hearing that, Qian Duoduo hurried to the cockpit and began to change the flight route.

At this time, Tianyou and the others, who left the entertainment city with Butian, all looked curiously at the spaceship Butian was riding on.

"Brother Tianyou, what are you going to do this time?"

"Yes! I still want to go to his house for two drinks!"

Tianyou looked at the departed spaceship and frowned, "No matter what we are going to do, we should stay away from the sky in the future."

Hearing this, everyone present nodded and expressed their understanding.

From what happened tonight, it can be seen that the Demon Race has already taken action against Butian.

And because of Bu Tian, ​​even An Lin was pulled in, which shows that the Demon Race has completely reckless.

It can even be said that it has reached the point of ignoring Yanshen's anger.

If they walked too close to Butian, then they might become the target of the Demon Race in the future.

After a short while, Bu Tian and his team found the Wizard King.

But as soon as they met, Bu Tian was stunned, because his soul had been extremely strengthened in the star core, and after he had eaten Absolute Spirit Fruit, his soul was sublimated.

Therefore, his soul power is not weaker than the heavenly demons at all, and even much stronger.

Although the whole body of the Wizard King is now airtight, Botian can still clearly sense it.

The other party was not a human at all, but a descendant of a demon, and she was still a female demon.

Feeling this, the corners of Bu Tian's mouth rose, and these demons really didn't give up!

But if you want to play, then play with them. Anyway, he can go to the star field anytime and anywhere, and he is not afraid of any tricks the other party will make.

After a while, the Wizard King brought Bu Tian and others to a cave, and said in a deep voice, "Nine-Aperture Tianxin Lotus is in this cave, and it is expected to mature today."

Hearing this, Bu Tian and the others looked up and saw a demon guarding outside the cave.

"Is this one demon?" An Lin asked.

The Wizard King nodded, indicating that it was this one.

Seeing this, Boutian curled his lips. These guys are not professional at all. Setting up a bureau is so simple. Sending more people will die!

"Who is there!"

At this time, the descendants of the demon guarding the cave yelled and looked at Butian where they were hiding.

Hearing this, Hongwen and An Lin were shocked, and the descendants of the demon were really powerful, which was exposed.

Thinking of this, the two of them didn't bother, jumped out directly, and killed the demon.

But Butian walked out slowly, without any desire to fight.

Because Butian knew that since the demon had left a descendant of the demon here, it was not hoped that there would be too much casualties, so they simply couldn't fight.

Sure enough, when the descendant of the demon saw Bu Tian, ​​he suddenly yelled in horror: "Bu Tian!!"

Then he ran away, and didn't even mean to fight.

Seeing this, the corner of Boutian's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to find a demon to come over and ask, the third-rate screenwriters and actors that you found there are too unprofessional in acting!

Ran Anlin saw this situation, her eyes changed to Bu Tian.

A name that can scare the demon like this is worthy of being the Butian who is known as the first person in the sanctuary.

Ignoring the eyes of the people around him, Butian rolled his eyes and raised his foot into the cave.

When Butian came to the bottom of the cave, he saw a pond with a colorful lotus flower.

In the middle lotus, there are nine lotus seeds.

Seeing this, An Lin, Hong Wen, and how overjoyed Qian was, hurriedly urged Butian to take down the lotus seeds.

But when Bu Tian took the lotus seed, there was still no movement from the Wizard King.

Seeing this, Bu Tian looked at the lotus seeds in his hand, with a bad feeling that he wouldn't be poisoned in it! ?

"Butian, let's go back quickly! When the descendants of the demon come, it will be no good."

Qian Duoduo urged everyone to leave quickly, in case the descendants of the demon go back to find rescuers.

Hearing that, everyone nodded and felt that the most urgent task was to leave.

But after Bu Tian looked back at the Jiuqiao Tianxinlian in the pond, he waved his hand and put the Jiuqiao Tianxinlian into the space ring.

After going back, I plan to transplant the Nine-Aperture Tianxin Lotus into the Sky City.

After a short time, the group returned to Qianduo Mountain Villa without any risk along the way.

When the spacecraft entered Qianduo Mountain Villa, the demon outside immediately relayed the news back.

At the same time, in the fourth song domain, Ye Hui, the descendant leader of the demons, also heard the news.

"Boss, now the lady has successfully entered the Qianduo Mountain Villa, which is one step closer to success."

A demon laughed, as if he had seen Butian falling into their hands.

At this moment, Ye Hui suddenly roared: "Are you all proud? Don't you feel that you have failed? Don't you feel ashamed?"

Hearing that, the descendants of the demon present did not even dare to breathe, their heads lowered and they did not speak.

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