Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 288: Have a good grandpa


Ouyang Ruolan frowned and didn't know how to choose.

According to her original intention, she really wanted to stay, after all, she and Qian Mei'er got along very well.

And there is Bu Tian here, so she will have the opportunity to ask Bu Tian what does it mean.

But now that her identity is exposed, can she really return to that way? Wouldn't they mind?

"Since you don't know what to choose, please stay."

Seeing Ouyang Ruolan hesitating, Butian directly helped her make the decision.

Although Ouyang Ruolan is the goddess of the sky, the gap between the two is too big, but if you can bring in a **** to be a free bodyguard, this business is not a loss!

Hearing that, Ouyang Ruolan nodded, planning to go back and have a look first. If Qian Meier and the others don't mind, then she will stay.

But if you mind, start all over again, reincarnate and rebuild.

When everyone present saw this scene, they felt as if they were caught by a cat, they were very crazy.

What did they see?

Bu Tian helped the goddess Tianxuan with an overbearing tone, and then the goddess Tianxuan dare not disagree.

This spreading dog food is too cruel, so let people live?

You know, in the endless years of God's Domain, I have never heard that a false **** can soak into a goddess, and he is still a person like Butian who is not even a false god.

How can they not be crazy, how can they not be shocked.

At the same time, everyone was particularly envious of Bu Tian, ​​and now that the goddess Tianxuan will be his wife, then this soft meal is simply unnecessary.

"Oh, why did someone have a good grandpa!" A member of the Gods Society sighed.

"I guess Goddess Tianxuan was forced to become a grandson-in-law by Grandpa Butian." A man said sourly.

"Well! You didn't know that Butian is still living with Miss Qian from the sixth song domain."

"Now that the Goddess Tianxuan is here, Miss Qian can only stand aside."

"You don't know this. I heard that the reincarnations of Miss Qian's and the Goddess Tianxuan are best friends."

"Butian, this beast! With the goddess of the sky, I dare to hook up everywhere."

"Didn't you notice that when An Lin was held in her arms just now, she was not dressed properly."

"Beasts! We are here waiting to die, they can actually be happy."

"I guess Anlin knows Boutian's background, so she dedicated her life specifically in anticipation of receiving Bouten's asylum."

Hearing this, the female members of the Gods Association couldn't sit still, rolled up their sleeves and shouted: "Asshole, how can this kind of thing be monopolized by An Lin, this little vixen, look at this lady..."

Hearing that, the male members of the Society of Gods present were a little gloating looking at Butian.

Your background is really strong enough to make them feel desperate to think about it.

But these women went to find Butian together to see how Butian could stand it. If they could go to the bed, it would be best.

At this time, Bu Tian and the Undead Bone Emperor greeted them, leaving the IP addresses of both parties, and then took Ouyang Ruolan with them to leave.

And An Lin immediately went forward, holding Bu Tian's hand, and gave Bu Tian a sweet smile.

Upon seeing this, Bu Tian sighed, who would make him feel soft!

In the end, he could only nod his head at the Undead Bone Emperor, saying that he would take these two people away.

At this time, the members of the surrounding gods all panicked. If Bu Tian ignored them, their fate would definitely be tortured to death, and then transformed into undead.

The thought of becoming a bone shelf in the future, the members of the Gods Society no matter what shamelessness, they all called Bu Tian loudly.

"Butian, please help me!"

"Boss Bo, you can't ignore us!"

"Butian, everyone is a member of the Gods Association, you can't do this!"

"Butian, as long as you save me out, I am willing to exchange it with an artifact."

"Butian, you are one of the nine leaders of the Gods Association. Although you are now in the fourth song domain, you are still the leader! Please help me."


The sound of pleading kept coming into my ears.

An Lin couldn't bear to look at the members of the Association of Gods, although these people are usually arrogant and domineering, and regard human life like a waste.

But after all, everyone is a member of the Gods Association and knows each other.

Watching them become undead in this way, she really can't feel at ease in her heart. For her practicing Buddhism, it will definitely become a mental obstacle.

It can even stop the Dharma cultivation.

Thinking of this, An Lin couldn't help but pull Bu Tian, ​​hoping that Bu Tian could save these members of the Gods Association.

"Don't be troublesome."

Butian gave An Lin a refusing look. Now is not the time to be sympathetic.

You must know that when the Undead Bone Emperor is in the gods' realm, as long as the prey he is looking at, there will be no escape.

Now that the Undead Bone Emperor can let the three of them go, it is already a great gift.

I also wanted the Undead Bone Emperor to release all these people, it was just a daydream.


An Lin hesitated to speak, and she also understood how lucky she was to escape.

But let her watch her companion die like this, she couldn't be so cruel.

At this time, everyone at the scene also saw that Butian did not intend to save them.

But still his gaze fell on An Lin, full of pleading color, hoping that An Lin could ask for the sky and take them away.

Even if you just take them away alone!

The life and death of the others has nothing to do with them.


Suddenly, the undead bone emperor laughed, his ear-piercing and sharp voice made people creepy.

"It's not impossible that you want to leave. As long as you can ask Bu Tian to say the next few words, the emperor will release you with great mercy today."

The Undead Bone Emperor leisurely looked at the members of the Gods Association, relative to these highest achievements, he could only become a false god.

From now on, he was just a small soldier under him, and he didn't take it seriously.

But if these people were used in exchange for the words of Grandpa Butian, he would have earned it no matter what.

Moreover, the undead bone emperor had a strong premonition. What Butian said about Wuji, Taiji, and Liangyi was probably the process of forming the universe.

Thinking of the birth of the universe, the Undead Bone Emperor was very excited.

The birth of the universe, the beginning of life, if he really understands this power, is there still no hope in his body?

At that time, the body will be able to grow out again.

But the reason why Boutian said that he had forgotten it was obviously that he wanted to profit from him, or to leave this place safely.

But once Bu Tian left, he really didn't know what conditions Bu Tian, ​​the bastard, would make to say the rest.

Therefore, if Bu Tian can not be allowed to leave, then Bu Tian must not be allowed to leave.

Hearing that, the eyes of the members of the assembly of gods present were shining with a strong light, which is the light of life and the hope of life.

At the same time, they also want to know, what else is behind those few sentences?

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