Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 319: Fear of the gods

Giant star, on the sky city.

Twelve giants lined up, sitting cross-legged and practicing brute force.

But Butian sat not far away, grinning non-stop, he made a profit this time.

Niu Da and their aptitudes were unexpectedly good. After several days of cultivation and the use of holy water droplets, they practiced brute force and decisiveness.

Niu Da and their bodies change day by day, faster than going to the sky on a rocket.

Everyone's strength is more than ten times stronger than before, and his height has grown from ten meters to twenty meters.

Seeing this, Bu Tian could completely imagine that when the twelve giants appeared, those who dared to attack the Divine Sword Sect would definitely be weakened by Xia's legs.


At this time, Niu Da woke up from the practice, stretched his waist, got up and came to Bu Tian.

Immediately, a wave of air swept in, caught off guard, and almost didn't blow Butian from Sky City.

"Head, do we practice like this every day?" Niu Da scratched his head and said, "Didn't we say that our Divine Sword Sect has enemies? Why didn't we see it?"

Bu Tian glared at Niu Da, then scratched his chin, feeling that Niu Da and the others were already able to practice, and it was time to take them to kill the enemy.

Can't let Xia Biling, Li Yuan and the others keep fighting!

Thinking of this, Butian called the system in his mind: "Take the twelve giants and Sky City to the fairy star."

Immediately, golden light flashed, and the scenery in front of the twelve giants changed.

Before the twelve giants were surprised, they saw Bu Tian fall to the ground, rolling his head.

Upon seeing this, the twelve giants were angry and wounded the person they wanted to protect in front of them, which is simply unforgivable.


In the next second, a violent roar resounded throughout the world.

At this moment, the two parties fighting under Sky City stopped their attacks and looked up at Sky City that suddenly appeared above.

A few days ago, Butian said that he would take Sky City to something, and then Sky City disappeared.

Originally, after seeing the disappearance of Sky City, the coalition forces of various factions on the mainland had no plans to attack.

But the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect refused to let them, what do these people regard the Divine Sword Sect! ?

Come as you want, leave as you want!

As a result, facing the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect who were biting like a mad dog, the coalition forces of various factions were also angry, and they just dared to be upset because the sky city disappeared.

Now that I still want to fight, I'll fight it well.

In this way, the two sides have been fighting for several days.

At this time, when the Allied Forces Sky City appeared again, the leaders all laughed.

Even if he didn't retreat at that time, otherwise he would let the Divine Sword Sect slow down, and that would be called lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot!

At this time, the twelve giants had come to the edge of Sky City. They saw a group of people surrounded and another group of people attacking. This made Niu Da and the others very puzzled, where is their own person?

"Boss, what should we do now?" Niu Er asked.

Hearing this, Niu Da suddenly had an idea and roared: "The patron saint of the Sword Sect, the Twelve Guardian King Kong is here!!"

Hearing the sound, everyone looked up again. When they saw the 20-meter-high giant, they were shocked and speechless.

How could there be such a tall person in the world? !

Could it be that after playing for so many days without rest, hallucinations appeared.

At this time, Li Yuan came to Xia Biling and asked curiously: "Does our Divine Sword Sect have a patron saint?"

Hearing this, Xia Biling looked at Niu Da and the others, frowned and said: "I heard the head said that these people are called giants, they are the ancestors of physical cultivation, and they are now appearing on the sky city, wanting to be our gods. Sword Sect’s side."

After listening, Li Yuan nodded, and then shouted: "Shen Sword Sect disciples listen to the order, our Sword Sect reinforcements are here, everyone fight back!"


As soon as the voice fell, roars continued to sound, and the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect broke out with unprecedented combat power, and the enemy who committed the crime would be killed.

Seeing this, Niu Da and others in Sky City immediately knew who they were.

When they saw that their people were besieged by someone who couldn't see their heads, they immediately became angry. This is not to put their God Sword Sect guardian King Kong in their eyes!

If the Divine Sword Sect was annihilated, how could they go to see the ancestors!

Thus, the twelve giants held huge battle axes on both sides, roared, and leapt down from the sky city.

"Those who dare to invade the Divine Sword Sect, kill without mercy!!"

The cow roared, raised his battle axe and slashed heavily.


Immediately, the earth trembled, a series of hideous cracks spread, and the screams were endless.


Seeing this, the combatants on both sides swallowed their saliva, and the people who were hit by the big cow turned into meatloaf and bloody.

However, this was not the most frightening thing, but the twelve giants were shining with golden fighting spirit again.

And the super attributes of Brute Force God Jue also broke out.

This made the combat power of Niu Da and others increased more than ten times in an instant.

"Fuck! This Divine Sword Sect has come to a monster!"

The head of the Lei Yuan Sect, Lei Ba looked at Niu Da and the others in horror. These monsters were not only tall, but also amazingly powerful, especially the power of pure flesh, which made them feel desperate.

They really can't imagine that there are creatures in this world that can cultivate their bodies to this level.

When Niu Da and the others are fully fired, gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas along the way. They are simply invincible incarnations.

However, no matter how they attacked, the disciples of various factions were unable to break through Niu Da's defenses, which made these disciples terrified and could not help backing back.

But the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect saw the invincible posture of the twelve giants, and they all cheered. This is the patron saint of their Divine Sword Sect. From now on, who dares to attack the Divine Sword Sect.

And Li Yuan, Li Tianyi and others, after seeing Niu Da and their invincible posture, they all rejoiced, fortunately they chose to join the Excalibur Sect.

Otherwise, how can I see such a spectacular scenery.

At the same time, in their hearts, the legendary higher realm is also endlessly outward, and they don't know whether they can reach that level in their lifetime.

Just when the Divine Sword Sect, led by the twelve giants like Niu Da, began to fight back.

In Sky City, Bu Tian was still rolling with his head.

I used to bring a Sky City, so it can quickly recover, but now I have brought twelve giants, and the energy in the body is already in an overdrawn state.

Had it not been for the Zijin Shenyu had been helping him recover, there would be no need to wake up for a month.

And at this moment, a major event happened in God's Domain.

A false **** comprehended the Tao Te Ching mentioned by Butian, and his combat power soared instantly, severely wounding a god.

Had it not been for this **** to run fast, it would be the first **** to be beheaded by a false god.

When the news came out, the realm of God was boiling, the false gods saw hope, and the gods saw fear...

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