Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 324: Marry him

Seeing this, Bu Tian's eyes suddenly opened, the profound energy in his body combined with the soul power, and he opened his mouth and shouted, "Exit!!"


Immediately, a huge word "Mie" slammed into the tiger, erupting with an endless roar.

The demons present all covered their ears, held their heads, and rolled on the ground.

The white-haired old man who received this blow fell to the ground, bleeding from seven holes and convulsing all over his body.

At this time, Butian was no better to go, with a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, he knelt on one knee, barely supporting him to get up.

Although the star soul jade crown can withstand the soul attack, the prerequisite is that the profound energy in the body is sufficient.

If the profound energy is not enough, then the star soul jade crown is also a decoration.

But what made Bu Tian sadly reminded that the recovery speed of the Zijin Divine Jade was obviously unable to keep up with the consumption, so at the last moment, he was injured by the big tiger.

Now my head is a little faint, and my limbs are a little weak.

At this time, Leng Ruoqi came to the scene and found many fallen demon. She was angry on the spot. She didn't care if there was an absolute tree in Butian's hands, as long as she dared to hurt her people, she would definitely not forgive.

But just when Leng Ruoqi was about to take revenge, Butian who was opposite suddenly shouted: "Leng Ruoqi, you big liar!!"

Hearing that, Leng Ruoqi was stunned. When did she become a liar? And what does Butian's angry expression mean?

Shouldn't it be her who is angry now?

Why is there a meaning of changing roles instantly! ?

At this time, Bu Tian was also surrounded by a large number of Heavenly Demons who had rushed over. Although these Heavenly Demons were only at the sixth level of the Soul Movement Realm at most, they would be enough for Bu Tian to drink a pot in one burst.

Moreover, the profound energy in Bu Tian's body has not been fully recovered yet.

"You big liar, when I saved you, you promised to marry me, but after you accepted my dowry, you disappeared suddenly. You are not a big liar, who is a big liar."

In order to delay the time, Butian immediately opened the nonsense mode, saying that it was cold and stunned.

Hearing that, the many demons present opened their mouths wide, and their eyes wandered back and forth between Butian and Leng Ruoqi.

It feels like this is a piece of gossip news.

Feeling the sight of his people, Leng Ruoqi angrily rebuked: "What are you talking nonsense? Who promised to marry you, who accepted your dowry."

"You said that you didn't accept my betrothal gift, then what is on your wrist? And what is that?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bu Tian showed an expression of anguish, came to Leng Ruoqi, grabbed Leng Ruoqi's hand, looked at the smart computer on his wrist, and pointed to the spaceship parked not far away, and questioned loudly. .

Hearing that, among the many demon present, some demon who thought they knew the truth of the matter all began to whisper.

"No wonder the Queen was fighting outside last time, and he could come back with such a serious injury."

"This man must have saved the Queen, and the Queen has agreed with him."

"And this man also used that iron mount as a bride price."

"Yes, but after the Queen came back, she regretted it again."

"Now this man has come here, and the Queen seems not to admit it yet."


Listening to the whispers around, Leng Ruoqi's pretty face flushed with anger, wishing to tear Butian's mouth.

But one hand was held tightly by Butian, making her unable to break free.

But at this time, Butian yelled again in grief and indignation: "Don't you just hate me, the horns and tail of your head have been cut off by your enemies? But what can I do! I was young at that time, but now I Has grown up, and I will go back sooner or later to take revenge, can't you give me a chance?"

Hearing Bu Tian's words, all the demons in the audience were taken aback, when they saw Bu Tian really had no horns and tails.

The female demons all sobbed in low voices, feeling sympathy for cloth heaven.

The symbol of the Celestial Demon is the horns to the tail, but now this enemy has cut off this symbol.

It's also difficult for Buten to have the courage to live till now. It's really pitiful.

But the male demon all looked angry. It was not his fault that Bouten had his tail and horns cut off when he was a child, but their sir Queen despised Bouten because of this.

And when they were fighting with Bu Tian just now, they all felt Bu Tian's super soul power.

This is a genius, a super genius, if he can become the other half of the Queen, it is definitely a blessing for their tribe.

At this time, Leng Ruoqi's pretty face turned from white to red, then from red to green.

She really didn't expect Butian to be so shameless that he would break into her tribe for no reason and injure her people.

In the end, he still has the face to portray himself as the loser.

And also won everyone's sympathy, this shameless realm, she saw it for the first time in her life.

"My Lady Queen, you agree to it!"

"My Lady Queen, such a good man is really rare!"

"Look at him, single-handedly rushing into the tribe for you, this is an expression of loving you!"

"My Lady Queen, this brother's talent is so good, he won't lose it in marrying him."

"Although I want to marry Lord Queen, this brother is miserable enough. If Lord Queen is abandoning him, then he really has no way of survival, so I support him."

"Marry him, marry him..."

"Marry him, marry him..."

"Marry him, marry him..."

Seeing that her tribe was flickered by an outsider to force her to marry her, her cold chest was violently ups and downs, and there was an urge to tidy up these ignorant tribesmen.

"Shut up all of you!!"

Leng Ruoqi roared, quieting the audience instantly, and then glared at cloth sky.

But just when Leng Ruoqi was about to speak, Bu Tian stretched his head and kissed Leng Ruoqi's red lips with precision.

This left Leng Ruoqi's mind blank, and was forced to kiss by this **** again.

At this moment, Bu Tian gave a firm hug and held Leng Ruoqi tightly in his arms, making it impossible for Leng Ruoqi to struggle out no matter how hard it was.

Seeing Butian and Leng Ruoqi in such a big crowd, they kissed them in full view.

The audience was silent for a moment, this is too avant-garde, too domineering!

However, the small faces of the female heavenly demon in the audience were all red, and she was afraid to look at her face, but there was still a light passing through between her fingers.

And the male demon all admired Butian's courage, not only dared to come to their tribe to grab the queen, but also kissed it like this, so domineering and let the demon worship!

At this time, the elders of the tribe also checked the demon who was wounded by the sky. Although the injury was serious, there was no life threatening.

When they saw Butian and Leng Ruoqi kiss, they all hummed and said, "I don't know how to be ashamed!"

After speaking, the old men flung their sleeves and left, but they did not stop them, and obviously they did not interfere with the affairs between Butian and Leng Ruoqi.

After all, Bu Tian's talent was in their eyes. Her Majesty Queen had such a partner, which was only good for their tribe, not bad.

It's just that they can't understand the so-called romance of young people now...

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