"Follow Boss."

"From now on we will follow Butian."

"Throughout the entire sanctuary, only Boss can be the leader."



At this time, An Lin silently looked at the members of the Association of Gods who supported Butian as the leader, and began to mourn for these people in her heart.

Those members of the Society of Gods who came to Qianduo Mountain Villa to take refuge in Butian, after Butian issued an order to pay protection fees.

Each of them was scraped by Yabu and Zhou Dian, and even the things hidden in the underwear were found.

But if this were the case, it wouldn't make An Lin feel frantic.

At least everyone can live without harm in Qianduo Mountain Villa.

But Butian, the bastard, actually said that he was just protecting their safety and was not responsible for food.

If you want to eat, you must use the magical powers you cultivate to pay back.

After listening, the arrogant members of the Association of Gods were completely angry. This **** was simply better than those outside.

But when Butian threw out the two most violent people who took the lead in making trouble, the others all accepted it in shame.

And in order to prevent these people from contacting the outside world, leaking this absolutely good opportunity to make money.

Butian even shamelessly confiscated the emblems of the people's Association of Gods, asking them to say that they should not respond every day, and the earth is not working.

If An Lin had not treated Tian Jing and Qian Meier and others had come to intercede, it would be hard to escape this fate.

At least Anlin had met a few female members of the Gods Association, thinking that when they arrived at Qianduo Mountain Villa, they would be sheltered by Butian, and by the way, they could develop a super friendship relationship, so that they would not worry about life in the future.

But the result was the same. The equipment of the whole body was stripped, and the magic power was used to exchange food. It could not be described as pitiful, but miserable to describe the lives of everyone.

Now these members of the Gods have chosen to support Butian as their leader.

But once the use value is over, An Lin uses her **** to know what will happen.

After all, as the gods sealed the sanctuary, Bu Tian is now even more lawless, and there is nothing he dare not do in the sanctuary.

It turned out that Boutian might think about it, that the gods did not open their eyes and instantly annihilated him.

But now, Butian is really not afraid of this.

At this time, Hongwen had been driven to desperation by Fenghua, dozens of blood stains were drawn on his body, and the blood kept flowing out like this.

Seeing this, Bu Tian turned his hand and took out the Blood Fiend Sword and flew forward.


Immediately, Butian's sword and Fenghua's sword collided, sparks shot in all directions, and fell into the snow.

"Butian, what do you want to do?"

Fenghua glared at Boutian and asked harshly.

He really didn't expect that Bu Tian would make a sudden move. If Bu Tian really planned to intervene, he would be really fine.

But let him watch the person who hurt his brother leave, but he couldn't do it.

"I didn't do anything, it's just that my grandfather recently gave me the sword, planning to find someone to open it."

Bu Tian's eyes suddenly opened, and the blood evil sword in his hand slammed, knocking Fenghua back.

Afterwards, Bu Tian whispered to Hongwen behind him: "Go back to Qianduo Mountain Villa with Bing Po first, here I will stand for you."

Hearing this, Hongwen nodded without moving expression, turned around and came to a pond not far away, grabbed six cryolite shining with white light, and quickly rushed towards a spaceship not far away.

"Butian, don't force me to take action." Fenghua saw this and roared: "Although your grandfather is an invincible existence, I don't believe that as long as you don't kill you, he will come."

Not only did Fenghua think so, but even the entire Sanctuary thought about it.

Since Grandpa Bu Tian is that kind of existence, it is impossible for Bu Tianhu to do everything.

Even for a little bit of things, he wasted the time for retreat and comprehension to help Butian wipe his butt.

So as long as the sky is not dead, then they have reason to believe that this kind of existence will not come.

But Boutian's character is incomprehensible, and it feels like this kind of existence will really come.

So no one has dared to do anything to Butian, but now Fenghua can't help it. He has to teach Butian a lesson, he has to gamble, bet that such existence will not come for this little thing.

Thinking of this, Fenghua was straight like a javelin and shot towards the sky.

Seeing this, the faint smile drawn from the corner of Bu Tian's mouth, if you want to fight, then fight!

Taking a step, a fierce murderous intent appeared on his body, and the blood evil sword in his hand was already raised.

The cold wind is biting!

Jianguang, slightly cold!

The clanging sound resounded in everyone's ears like the sound of breaking ice and snow in winter.

Countless eyes converged on the sword of Butian. They had only heard of Butian's lawlessness, and had never seen Butian shot.

However, when I really witnessed Butian's dark as water, a sword like moonlight, whether it was Lin Tianya or Tianyou's whole body, the hairs were standing upright, and a crisis of unprecedented words surged out.

An extremely cold murderous intent permeated instantly, making Feng Chao a little suffocated.

However, this did not make Fenghua retreat in the slightest. The long sword that was practiced like a galaxy appeared on the snow, revealing an aura that was colder than ice and snow.

In the next second, Fenghua's figure swept straight out like a ghost, and appeared in front of Butian in an understatement, with a horizontal sword on his chest and a slight pick.

The dazzling sword light cut through the wind and snow, and appeared with fierce and domineering destruction.


Immediately, the two swords slammed together crazily with terrifying speed, and the sharp and piercing impact echoed like mourning.

A series of sparks shot out in mid-air, bringing faint warmth to the snow-white earth.

Fenghua took a step forward unhurriedly, and a terrifying breath surged from her body.

Seeing this, Feng Chao looked at the long sword in his elder brother's hand with great enthusiasm. He didn't believe that Butian could take over his elder brother's domineering sword.

You must know that Fenghua's cultivation base has reached the ninth level of the Golden Core. With the addition of a powerful body, it can be said that it is absolutely ranked in the top three in the fourth song domain.

Even if Butian's background is against the sky, this person is not capable of fighting and is still just a waste of relying on the elders.

At this time, the sharp sword energy swept across like a hurricane, and it seemed like the sword light that was practiced appeared with sharp meaning.

Facing this terrifying sword aura, Bu Tian didn't have any panic in his eyes. He moved his steps and the person disappeared in place.

"Space jump!!"

Lin Tianya exclaimed, clenched fists in both hands, and looked very angry. It was his grandfather who condensed this space magic seal in order to save his life.

At this moment, Fenghua frowned, he actually forgot that Butian possessed the supernatural power seal of space.

If he had this, then he felt there was no need to do it.

Although he has a way to deal with the supernatural powers of space, his lethality is too strong, if he really hurts Bu Tian, ​​it is impossible to guarantee that that kind of existence will not appear.

But if he didn't use it, then he took the cloth and didn't fold it, so there is no need to entangle it.

"You are lucky today, I will want you to look good next time."

Fenghua snorted coldly, grabbed Feng Chao and Feng Chao's broken arms, and ran towards the spaceship in the distance.

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