Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 398: Whereabouts were found

When Ou Ziwen was shocked in place, Bu Tian frowned suddenly and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Ou Ziwen was shocked again, looked around, and finally saw Butian in a bush.

I saw Bu Tian kick a black man out of the bushes.

"Go ahead, who are you? Why are you here?"

Bu Tian came to the man in black and looked at the man in black condescendingly.

At this time, the black-clothed man looked at Bu Tian with a look of horror. It was time for Bu Tian to use the Heavenly Sealed magical powers, and he saw it.

He feels that this is one of the most terrifying means of time, which can make people unable to survive.

But now he suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed him out, which made the black man's heart beat so fast.

"This person is a shadow guard of the government department, who specializes in collecting intelligence and investigating important criminals."

Ou Ziwen explained, what just made him wonder, what are these shadow guards doing here?

At this time, Xia Biling came to Butian and said in a low voice: "Head, our whereabouts have been exposed, we should leave with Master Ou Ziwen, and when we go back, we will send troops over."

Hearing this, Bu Tian nodded slightly. Now he is the leader of a party, with hundreds of thousands of younger brothers under him. There is no need to do everything himself.

Thinking of this, Bu Tian opened his palm and pointed at the man in black.

Immediately, the vitality in the black-clothed man's body decreased rapidly, and within a few seconds he finally turned into a gray-haired old man, falling to the ground dying.

Seeing this, Ou Ziwen stepped back subconsciously, and now he fully believed that Butian did not lie.

The legendary underworld **** does exist.

Otherwise, he really can't explain what these peculiar means of cloth day are.


Xia Biling couldn't help swallowing and spitting after seeing the magical power of life again.

After all, this kind of supernatural power that can absorb the vitality of others by raising your hand is really terrifying.

In addition, Butian also uses Heavenly Sealed Magical Powers, Space Magical Powers, and the addition of the three major magical powers, it is simply the invincible embodiment.

"You, are you a man or a ghost?"

The man in black who fell on the ground looked at his old hands in horror. He couldn't believe that he would enter old age in an instant.

But Butian ignored this person and came to Ou Ziwen, with his palm pressed against Ou Ziwen's chest, his vitality was constantly outputting.

In the next second, Ou Ziwen became younger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Ou Ziwen looked very excited, this is simply a method of God!

In this way, he can really go to the underworld to find his lover.

In a short while, Ou Ziwen became a middle-aged uncle in his 30s.

Seeing the changes in his body, Ou Ziwen didn’t hesitate, and knelt directly on the ground, begging: "As long as the head of the sect goes to the underworld to find my love, Ou Ziwen, I belong to the Sword Sect for life, and belong to Sword Sect for death. ghost."

Hearing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Butian's mouth, and he helped Ou Ziwen personally, and said with a smile: "You are a refining weapon in my Divine Sword Sect, and you are not allowed to fight. You will not die. As for you, you said to go to hell. I will tell him when I see my master. If his old man doesn’t care, then when I become a god, I will go to the **** in the underworld myself and bring your love back to reunite with you."

After listening to Butian's guarantee, Ou Ziwen tears in his eyes, and knelt down to thank Butian for his reinvention.

Seeing Butian subduing Ou Ziwen, Xia Biling's mouth wore a charming smile. With Ou Ziwen's participation, the disciples of the Excalibur Sect would be able to make every disciple wear a magic weapon.

There was also the Xingzhou that day, although it was not as big as a spacecraft, the weapons prepared on it were not too powerful.

But Tianxingzhou also has its own advantages, which is not comparable to spacecraft.

Take the energy issue, for example, when a spacecraft starts up, it needs a huge amount of energy. If it cannot be replenished, it is a piece of scrap iron.

But the Tianxingzhou is different. If there is no energy supplement, the energy in the human body can also be input into the Tianxingzhou to make the Tianxingzhou move.

And the most important point is that Tianxingzhou does not need to be controlled by the brain, and there is no need to worry about the powerful intelligence of the other party, invading its own spacecraft and controlling its own spacecraft.

Of course, with the current level of the Shenjian Sect's intelligent computer, there is no need to worry about someone invading.

But who knows what kind of perversion will exist in the universe, if the intelligent computer system of the Divine Sword Sect is invaded, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.

If Ou Ziwen's refining technique can be combined with the high-tech mastery of Shen Jianzong, then a perfect spaceship will be born.

Thinking of this, Xia Biling couldn't wait to return to Sky City to implement this plan.


At this moment, the clear sound of swords rang between heaven and earth.

Hearing the sound, Bu Tian said with a smile: "It looks like Jianzhu and the swordsman have come together, Lao Xia, let's go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Butian jumped in space and appeared on the dragon head of the big insect.

Seeing this, Ou Ziwen and Xia Biling didn't bother, and went directly to the back of Big Worm.

Feeling there are three people on his body, this makes the worm feel very hurt, it is a dragon!

When did you become someone else's mount!

But thinking about Butian’s perverted methods and super powerful combat power, the worm can only comfort himself, the dragon is under the eaves, and he has to bow his head!

Just when Putian and others were sitting on the big worm towards Jianyi, when the two of Yetian rushed away.

At this point, the two have already met.

On one street, Jian Yi was dressed in black, and his cold face was expressionless.

On the other side of the street, Ye Tian was dressed in white, without any expression, but there was a scorching light in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, all the pedestrians on the street ran away in shock.

Whether it is the name of Jianyi's killing **** or the name of Yetian's genius, it will herald that this will be the ultimate collision of kendo.

When all the pedestrians on the street walked away, in the center of the street, there was only a little Lolita with a dragon.

This little loli and the dragon are Li Mengyi and the insect.

At this moment, Li Mengyi stepped back slightly, but an astonishing sword aura struck her instantly, causing her hair to stand up all over her body, and she did not dare to move.

Feeling this, Li Mengyi had a bitter smile on her mouth. She had known that it would be fine to play at Tianba Pole Star for a while, and now she was found by Jian Yi. After this time, she will have to lose ten layers of skin if she is not dead!


The bug whispered beside Li Mengyi, as if asking what to do next.

Seeing this, Li Mengyi whispered: "Focus on the opportunity, wait for the next run!"

After speaking, Li Mengyi skimmed Yetian on the other end of the street, and she felt that whether she could continue to be at ease, it was up to this person.

But these two people have been standing and looking at each other, it is not a problem!

Must find a way to get them to fight.

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