Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 426: Magic Sword Backlash

"Hmph, even a sword dare to oppose the Lord!!"

Bu Tian let out a cold snort, and the profound energy in his body instantly bleeded into the evil sword, suppressing the blood evil sword.

After a short while, the Blood Fiend Sword in his hand slowly returned to calm, just as before, no longer in trouble.

"The magic sword is indeed a magic sword. Once you advance, it will surely defeat the master."

Butian frowned, the Blood Fiend Sword had just absorbed the Phoenix blood, and after reaching the second-level magic weapon, it immediately began to bite back. This is not a good phenomenon!

"You have a good idea, but you have found the wrong person. As a man who is the future master of kendo, how can you be bitten by you."

Bu Tian smiled coldly at the Blood Fiend Sword, possessing the Profound Seed of the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor, there is only a human sword, and there is no such thing as a sword.

After speaking, Bu Tian put away the Blood Fiend Sword and glanced at the Phoenix corpse under his feet.

Although the blood has been absorbed, the meat is still there. Take it back and try it to see if the meat of the **** beast is the same as the white wolf **** said, which makes people drooling.

Picking up the corpse of the Phoenix, Bu Tian called the system in his mind: "Back to Sanctuary!"

Immediately, Butian appeared in Qianduo Mountain Villa, in his bedroom.

Call the robot and take the Phoenix to cook.

It doesn't take long, when a phoenix dinner is cooked.

At this moment, Qian Duoduo, with a big belly, rushed over with a food-eating expression, followed by his wife, Tian Jing.

Immediately, Nangongrou held Doudou, pulled Hongwen, and replied with shame, "Thank you, Brother Butian!"

Come on, I started to say thank you before I had eaten it, but Butian could only count the young couple with helplessness. After all, they also had a background.

But what Butian didn't understand was that Doudou, a mythical beast cub, also had the habit of eating the same kind?

To this question, Doudou replied with disdain: "Phoenix is ​​a **** beast raised by nature. I am a **** beast raised by my parents. I am not of the same kind. I can't eat anything."

Facing Doudou's reason, Butian had nothing to say, and could only count the fox.

After a while, Qian Mei'er also left the customs, Ouyang Ruolan didn't realize it, and An Lin didn't rush to abolish her cultivation base and start over.

Similarly, Ye Keke was not busy hating the demons.

In the end, all the personnel in Qianduo Mountain Villa rushed over, just to eat a bite of Phoenix meat.

Of course, the members of the Gods Association were also gulping at the door, but it was a pity that Butian only let them take a look. As for eating, don't think about it. Going back and having a dream is more realistic.

Just when Butian was eating a phoenix meal.

God you followed a son of Emperor Yongsheng to a subspace in the fifth song domain, the kingdom of gods.

This kingdom of the gods is a subspace opened up by the emperor eternal, a place for his descendants to live.

In the kingdom of gods at this time, there are millions of descendants of the Eternal Emperor, who can be said to be the descendants of the Eternal Emperor who does not know how many generations.

Even if they died, no one would avenge them, and they would not receive any attention at all.

Of course, Emperor Yongsheng also has tens of thousands of children, and he doesn't have time to take care of it. If this is true, then he can't be busy every day.

Therefore, in the eyes of Emperor Yongsheng, except for those super talented descendants, otherwise he died and would not attract his attention.

At most, who among the descendants of the Emperor Eternal Life can't see it and help revenge.

If there is no one, it can only be said to be dead.

Just after entering the kingdom of God, several young men came over, headed by an extremely proud young man.

"You are Fang Mulin."

God blessed the arrogant young man carefully. According to the news, this Fang Mulin's mother was a god, a real god, not a false god.

Moreover, he is very favored by the emperor, and has a tendency to be favored by the emperor.

Therefore, this Fang Mulin is one of the sons of the Emperor Yongsheng very much.

"My name is also yours? You have to recognize your identity. Your whole family is the dog raised by my father?"

Fang Mulin looked at Tianyou extremely contemptuously, and his eyes were full of jealousy.

When he heard that his dog could actually become gods, but his master, he had to wait for the people of the Heavenly Bless Family to come to God's Domain from the universe to see if he would bring the Yuanshi over, so that he would have the opportunity to become gods.

This made Fang Mulin very furious, and he wished to destroy God's blessing so that he would feel more comfortable.

It's a pity that he also counted on the members of the Heavenly Bless Clan to bring the Yuanshi to God's Domain, so he could only humiliate him, not kill him.


At this moment, Tianyou suddenly punched Fang Mulin's face, knocking the person into the air.

"what are you doing!"

Seeing this, the people around pulled out their weapons and aimed at God.

"You guys can listen to me clearly. From now on, this kingdom of gods is mine. If you dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction with me, I will immediately use my spiritual power to tell my father and let him find another great emperor. ."

God Bless came to Fang Mulin's body, and he was very rude.

Now the news that their family possesses spiritual powers spread throughout the God Realm, and many people come to cheat their family.

As long as his father and grandfather raised their arms, an eternal emperor could not pose a threat to them.

After all, as long as he is a god, who wants his child to be a false **** in the future? !

Even the emperor couldn't understand it. Of course, except for the existence of Grandpa Butian, otherwise the gods of the entire Divine Realm would protect their grandparents for three generations.

Now, even the gods are flattering when they see their family members. The son of a great emperor dared to give him power.

"God, you dare to hit me, I want your life..."

Fang Mulin roared, and stood up from the ground, energy radiating from all around his body.

Upon seeing this, Tianyou was very disdainful: "You fight! As long as you dare to do it, I guarantee you won't get the original stone."

Hearing this, Fang Mulin squeezed his fists and creaked, his face was terrifying, he was obviously extremely angry, but he didn't dare to step forward.

Now the Tianyou family can be said to be the treasures of the gods of the gods, and even to some extent, they already have the deterrent power of the great emperor, and he can't help it.

Seeing this, Tianyou curled his lips contemptuously and said: "Boy!"

After finishing speaking, I looked around and shouted at everyone present: "You all listen to me. If you want the original stone, you want to be the gods, and you don't want to be false gods, you must listen to me, otherwise you can only be Fake god!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whispering discussion sounded.

"What do you say?"

"What else can I do, I can only follow him, don't you want to become a god!"

"But can you believe the words of such a villain?"

"We have been driving the camera, if he dares to speak is nothing, then the ancestor will be the master for us."

"That's right, the ancestor is the emperor of eternal life. With his old man, he can't make waves even with a blessing."


After the discussion, everyone in the audience nodded in agreement, indicating that they would listen to Butian's words in the future.

And Fang Mulin nodded very unwillingly, but he was already thinking that when the Yuan Shi got his hands, he would immediately bless the corpse of heaven. As for whether other people can become gods, he has a half-cent relationship with him!

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