Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 432: Playing very happy

"Presumptuous, dare to despise the Wang family!"

A man next to him shouted angrily and stared at Boutian.

"Too arrogant, do you know what the Wang Family represents? You dare to speak up!"

A man with evil corner eyes yelled.

"Don't let you know about the majesty of the royal family, you don't know who you have offended."

Suddenly, another long-haired man made an instant, and hit Bu Tian's chest with a punch, extremely harsh.


Butian's eyes showed a hint of cold light, and he took a step forward, a space jump, and instantly spanned hundreds of meters.

At the same time, a slap was shot, the air vibrated, and profound energy condensed into substance.


A crisp slap sounded, and the long-haired man was slapped firmly.

Without even screaming, the whole person was shot and flew out, spinning five or six times in the air, all teeth were knocked out.

Then he hit a rock wall, foamed at the mouth, rolled his eyes, and convulsed like a leprosy patient.


The pupils of the others shrank, and the sixth-level Yuan Ying still couldn't stop the blow from the sky. This guy was really terrifying.

Butian glanced at these people contemptuously: "Now you say that your Wang family is a fart, believe it!"


Hearing Butian's irony, a group of people went crazy, and their chests felt almost exploded.


Suddenly, an angry shout sounded.


As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of the sturdy man with the seventh grade of Yuan Ying showed a glimmer of cold light, and he shot in vain and punched out.

At the same time, a series of fires burst out around his arm, the terrifying fire, and the hot breath can be felt from a distance of hundreds of meters.

The power of this punch is extremely terrifying, combining a series of bonuses such as fire attributes and golden fighting spirit.

There was even a roaring aura like the White Wolf God's wolf king, and the air almost condensed into substance under this aura.

The fist was like a seal, and even the earth trembled in this instant.

Seeing this, Bu Tian was also unambiguous, and shot instantly, slashing the past with a sword, and the sword Qi condensed and was indestructible.

The seventh sword, Tian Ni!


When Quan Jin and Jian Qi collided, thousands of shocks erupted in the air, and the roar was endless.

In an instant, a huge pit was smashed into the ground, mud splashed, and the surrounding weeds turned into dust.

Seeing this, everyone present was shocked, who is this person! ?

Obviously less than 30 years old, but why can you fight against Yuan Ying 7th level? Is it really an old monster that has survived for thousands of years?

"Blast Wolf Fist!"

The big man yelled and punched again and again, and the roar of a wolf king in the void shook the world, and the punches were as sharp as teeth, penetrating everything.

In an instant, hundreds of punches were blasted out, as if hundreds of hungry wolves appeared, swearing to the death to tear the cloth into pieces.

Seeing this, Bu Tian was not to be outdone, not only used the third-level sword intent, but also covered the soul power, thunder attribute, and fire attribute on the sword.

In an instant, Tian Ni swung the seventh sword again.

Immediately, the world was filled with murderous air, and the temperature instantly reached the freezing point, as if there was a meaning that everything was about to wither, and the lives of countless creatures were about to be robbed.


In just an instant, Quan Jin and Jian Qi collided, and they collided thousands of times, like a beast tide in the jungle, and the rumbling sound continued to ring in the ears.

Huge pits were smashed into the ground, cracks that stretched for several kilometers appeared, and the earthquake trembled.


At the same time, many people were caught off guard by these aftermaths, and their bodies were instantly penetrated by these tyrannical air currents.

"How come there is such a sword intent, who is this guy!?"

The Wang family disciples were all shocked, and the sword intent reached a point where people looked scared, what kind of monster this is! ?

Among these people, Wang Meng's face was very solemn. He thought that Bu Tian would not be strong at his young age.

However, just in case, he sent all the people with the fifth-level cultivation base of Yuan Ying, and dozens of them acted together.

But in the end not only was completely killed, but even the corner of Bu Tian's clothes was not touched.

Now he is fighting with Yuan Ying 7th level to such a point, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not believe that someone could have this kind of combat power at this age.


At this time, two men were hit by the terrifying sword aura of the sky, and immediately spewed a large mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and convulsed, their faces pale.

After a few breaths, they died tragically on the spot, and the blood on their bodies kept pouring into the Blood Fiend Sword in Butian's hand.

After a few breaths, the blood in the body was plundered to be clean and there was no dripping left.


Seeing this, everyone present couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

"Master, we should contact the family quickly. If this kind of person is allowed to run away, then our royal family will be in great trouble." A man stammered with his teeth shaking.

"Wolf fist fights the eight deserts!"

At this moment, the strong man yelled again, clenched his fists, and exuded a terrifying breath from all over his body.

At this moment, a huge wolf shadow surged behind him, and the blood all over his body was boiling.


In an instant, hundreds of fist shadows rushed out, and each punch was like an ancient wolf king, and the energy was already solidified, roaring in the grassland, shaking the earth.

When the terrifying energy swept across the surrounding area, the big earthquake trembled, and a violent air current filled a few kilometers.

Like the void being torn apart, the twisted ones are almost deformed.

"Fuck, I can still fight!!"

Seeing this, Bu Tian couldn't help but explode. The seventh sword plus the attribute bonus, he currently does not use the limit of magical powers, and there is no stronger attack at all.

But in this way, still unable to defeat this strong man.

But there is no way, who said that this man has the seventh-level cultivation of Yuanying, but he only has the first-level cultivation.

"I played very happily today, and I will be looking for you when my cultivation level improves after a while."

Butian smiled slightly and jumped in space, easily evading the blow.

"Why is it that you come when you say you come, and you leave when you say..."

When Wang Meng heard the words, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he knew that Butian was not working, but he disappeared before he finished a ruthless sentence.

Seeing this, Wang Meng's expression changed. If Bu Tian was really allowed to run away, whether it was the other party going back to rescue the soldiers or waiting for the strength to come back to revenge, this would be a disaster for the Wang family.

Reading this, Wang Meng said coldly: "Notify all the disciples of the Wang family to be dispatched, and I must keep this person in our Wang family's territory."


Hearing this, these Wang family disciples clasped their fists to answer, quickly spread out looking for Butian...

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