Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 449: Blood of the Earth Vein

"I want to resist!"

Butian gained power and did not forgive, with a bang, he jumped up, and hit the death crow with a punch.


The Grim Reaper's face turned green from black, fluttering its wings, trying to dodge.


But the reality is that Bu Tian's punch hit the death crow's head sturdily, hitting it like a sandbag and hitting it on a rock wall.

Immediately, a piece of rock was shattered and split into pieces, and crack-like cracks continued to spread, as if they could not bear the impact at any time.


The Death Crow even vomited a mouthful of blood, and the internal organs were severely injured.

"call out……"

But Butian still didn't let the death crow mean. He jumped in space and came to the death crow. His fist was like a storm, and he smashed it.


Immediately, the Death Crow was attacked by a violent storm, and every punch contained a mighty force. With this punch, even the Death Crow, a naturally raised beast, was beaten with no power to fight back.

"Well, dare to resist, do you know who Lao Tzu is?"

"I am interested in you, it is to give you face, but I dare to resist!"

"Don't you see that I don't even use a sword in order not to hurt you?"

"Today I must teach you how to respect the master."


Seeing Bu Tian beating the Death Crow like this, the human race in the audience couldn't calm down at all, feeling that they were dreaming.

Now is the death crow representing the death god, or the cloth sky representing the reincarnation of the devil? ?

"Damn human beings, you forced me to die."

Suddenly, the death crow burst out with a force several times stronger than before, and it shocked Butian back several tens of meters in an instant.

Immediately, in the cracks above the earth, crimson blood gushed out and continuously injected into the body of the death crow.

In the sky, a blood-red crow that only glanced at the death crow appeared.

These crows gathered together, and from time to time came out the cold cry of croaking, which made the heart frightening.

At the same time, the sky was also filled with wind and wind, and the entire valley was turned into a land of death.

It was as if the breath of life on the earth was completely deprived of it.

"The blood of the earth vein!!"

Seeing this, Bu Tian's face was very solemn.

According to the record on the Encyclopedia of Gods, heaven and earth have life, and the things that constitute life in heaven and earth are definitely top treasures.

The scarlet blood that was sucked into the body by the death crow is the treasure that constitutes the blood of the earth.

It contains a huge amount of energy, and it is a well-known evil thing in the world.

"It's no wonder that when I was outside the Sky Demon Secret, I felt the evil here is extremely evil? It turns out that there is blood from the earth."

Butian instantly understood why there are so many evil things here, it turns out that there is a big boss here.

"It's really funny, do you think you can win by borrowing the blood of the earth vein?"

Bu Tian smiled coldly, this crow really didn't know how to please his master, if he didn't teach it a lesson, then he really didn't know how good he was.

No extra nonsense, a space jump, Bu Tian appeared behind the death crow.

Upon sensing the disappearance of Bouten, the death crow was taken aback, but when it sensed that Bouten was behind it, she was shocked.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a black "seal" enlarging in its pupils.

Immediately, the death crow felt that the energy in his body was constantly dissipating, and finally completely lost contact.

"what did you do to me!!"

Feeling this, the death crow screamed and looked at Bu Tian in horror, what kind of monster this man is!

Not only does it ignore its death breath, it can also cut off its connection with the energy in the body, making it an ordinary crow.

"A little crow dare to ask so many questions!"

Bu Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed the death crow's neck, then involuntarily put on an animal training ring.

"This, what is this!"

The Grim Reaper Crow was shocked again. After wearing the beast Taming Ring, it actually felt a sense of dependence on this human being.

At the same time, I no longer thought about **** Boutian, but instead became how to listen to Boutian's orders.

This discovery made the death crow really unacceptable, thinking of its dignified beast, but in the end it had to take orders from a human.

This kind of thing, it is better to kill it directly.

Bu Tian looked at the death crow in his hand, scratched his chin and said, "What should I call you? Little crow or crow?"

"It's over, it's over."

The Grim Reaper wanted to cry without tears. He knew that this human being was so cruel and weird, and killing it would not come to Butian trouble.

It's all right now. I didn't clean up the other party, but I became the other's servant. Is there anything worse than this in the world?

"Too strong, the death crow is like a baby in his hands."

"It's so tough, who is the monster that represents death!"

"Unbelievable, he actually suppressed the death crow that was about to explode, he wanted to go against the sky!"

"What kind of adventure did Wang Meng have!?"

"Is the human catastrophe just over?"


The surviving Human Race monks were all numb, whether it was Butian who killed those monster beasts with a gesture, or now defeated the famous Death Crow.

This all shows that a peerless evildoer is about to rise in the world.

After a while, Bu Tian took the death crow standing on his shoulder and fell in front of the human monk.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. If Bouten captured the Death Crow, they would still understand it, but looking at the death crow now, it seemed that Bouten had really subdued him.

How can such an unthinkable thing happen?

After Bu Tian caught the death crow just now, what did he say and do to make such a thing happen?

Are you dreaming all day today?

At this time, Butian's newly recruited attendant, Jian Fei's eyes flashed with golden light, this boss is really too powerful, is there!

I thought that after Butian, I was hunted and killed, but now it seems that this is the rhythm of drinking spicy food!

"Boss Wang, you are fortunate enough!"

Thinking of the good life in the future, Jane Fei, with a big belly, laughed forward, took out all the good things that he was reluctant to eat, and held them to Bouten, letting Bouten choose.

"The eyelids are sharp!"

Butian was not polite. He picked up an apple-like fruit, gnawed it, and said slurred: "Come and say hello to Xiaowu, you will be brothers in the future, do you know if you want to cooperate well?"

Xiaowu? !

After listening to the death crow, not only his face was black to death, but his heart was extremely sad. The name of this idiot finally fell on its head.

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