Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 453: Two monsters


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Yuan kicked violently, and the ground split instantly, and a series of terrifying cracks appeared.

Man also leaped away, broke through the sound barrier, and came to Botian in an instant, the golden stick in his hand fell in the air, tearing the air, and bursting out with explosive power.

"So fast!"

Butian made a space jump and instantly appeared tens of meters away, avoiding the fatal blow.

"go to hell!"

At the same time, Bu Tian's eyes showed a hint of cold light, and he cut out with a sword, and the third-level sword intent became the essence, turning into a bright red sword light.

Immediately, the surrounding space was filled with fierce sword energy, and the mountains and forests shook and shivered.

"So strong, how can a purebred human be so strong."

Chen Yuan's pupils shrank, and he was taken aback. He was a product of the combination of the Human Race and the Demon Race, and also belonged to a mutant type.

Regardless of the human race or the demon race, there is no one stronger than him in the same level.

But now that Butian only took a sword, Chen Yuan knew that this human being had the same combat power as him, and possibly even stronger.

Before he could think about it, Chen Yuan turned the golden stick in his hand to meet Butian's sword.


In an instant, the sword light collided with the big stick, and huge shocks erupted in the air, with rumbling noises undulating and vigorous, and a storm suddenly broke out centered on the two of them.

"Let me go, what kind of monsters are these two!!"

Jane Fei was far away, still unable to block this hurricane, and could only hug a big tree tightly.

And the Death Crow swallowed desperately, thinking it was subdued by the cloth day, just because of the weird methods of the cloth day.

But now it seems that this guy's combat power is also powerful and scary!

"It turns out that your strength is nothing but this!"

Chen Yuan sneered and shot like wind, and the golden stick in his hand smashed back again, fierce and merciless.

Immediately, the golden rod rubbed against the surrounding air to produce strong sparks, forming a vacuum zone.

The mighty power contains a terrifying killing intent, which is trembling.


Butian was cut out with a single sword again, fighting against it.

The tyrannical force collision between the two is like a big explosion. The terrifying wind hits and condenses into substance, like a wind blade, sweeping in all directions.

At the same time, with two people as the center, all the trees within one kilometer were cut off and then blown away.

At this moment, Bu Tian was baring his teeth, and the blue veins on his arm were constantly bulging, apparently having used his full strength.

"Fuck, what kind of mutant monster is this!"

Bu Tian felt very puzzled, although he only had the power of two dragons, Chen Yuan had the power of five dragons.

But his physical body has been strengthened by using golden jade and star core!

The more three-level challenge, it should be no problem! ?

But the result now is that he still cannot defeat Chen Yuan in strength.

Now Chen Yuan's power has the ability to compete with giants of the same level, which is fundamentally different from Humans.

At this time, the rest of the human races who were pursuing the Huoshen Lingwa also rushed over. When they saw someone who could compete with Chen Yuan, they were shocked on the spot.

"What kind of monster is this!?"

"To be able to work hard with Chen Yuan, is this also a variant of the combination of humans and monsters?"

"This person is Wang Meng of the Wang family, a 100% pure human."

"Fuck, have you made a mistake, do humans have this kind of strength?"

"Who knows! Maybe there is an adventure!"



When Chen Yuan saw that Bu Tian had stopped one of his sticks, he roared and threw it down with all his strength.

Hearing the sound, Boutian's arms softened, and he couldn't stand it, and a spatial jump disappeared in place.


Immediately, a stick slammed on the ground, the gravel shot in all directions, and a pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared.


At this time, the blasting stones flew toward the surroundings.


Immediately, many of those onlookers were hit, screamed screams, fell to the ground and wept bitterly. The severe pain spread all over the body and couldn't bear it.

"Damn, I can't stay here anymore."

"Two monsters are fighting, we should leave quickly."

"It's too strong, Huoshen Lingwa is out of play."

"Nima, it's unlucky to meet such a monster!"


A group of people were frightened on the spot, and the fluctuations of the battle alone could cause them to be injured and bleed. If they were watching, they would definitely die.

For the sake of life, without hesitation, a group of people flew towards the outside.


At this time, the two figures in the forest collided frantically, clubs and swords collided, the clanging metal sound, and the splendid sparks were constantly staged.

"Go to hell!"

After another collision, Bu Tian's eyes showed a glimmer of coldness, his right hand held a sword against Chen Yuan's golden stick, and his left hand clenched his fist, like a tiger's blow.


At this moment, Chen Yuan was holding the golden stick in both hands to resist Bu Tian's sword, and he did not expect Bu Tian to free up a hand to attack.

Immediately, this fist hit Chen Yuan's chest firmly, and the terrifying force exploded.


With a brief contact, Butian's pupils contracted, and his fist hit Chen Yuan's body, as if hitting a body of steel, without causing Chen Yuan to move at all.

At the same time, Bu Tian remembered some information about the King Kong Ape in his mind.

It is said that diamond apes are called diamond apes because they like to eat metals. The more precious the metal they eat, the harder their bodies will be.

"Sure enough, it is a mutant species. It not only inherits the talents of the human race, but also all the abilities of the monster beast."

He couldn't handle a single blow, and clothed the sky without being wordy, and quickly retreated, but his expression became a little more solemn.

"Haha, it's useless, your attack is useless to me, die for me!"

Chen Yuan's face suddenly became savage, his muscles bulged in an instant, the golden stick in his hand was clenched, and he smashed towards the cloth sky, the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it.


The cloth sky resisted with a sword, but was still hit by this stick, and the terrifying force struck him, smashing the whole person away.

After sliding hundreds of meters, he stopped.

At this time, Butian had endured this extremely terrifying, unmatched blow, and his body was turbulent, his blood tumbling even more fiercely.

A deep gully was left on the ground, like a land ploughed by a cow, extending all the way to the foot of Butian.

"This guy's body has the potential to become the incorruptible body of King Kong, but now that I meet me, it's hard to say."

Bu Tian wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, the profound energy in his body was boiling rapidly, his body was constantly bulging, the golden light also covered his whole body, and the whole person looked golden.

Like a gilded Buddha walking in the world...

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