"Shut up all!"

Butian grunted to the burning ginseng Lingwa, and took the first step into the world.

This great array of heaven and earth is powered by the blood of the earth veins, and he dare not have any trouble.

According to records, the blood of the earth veins is the blood of the earth, and it is generally formed by the gathering of many evil things.

The evil aura contained in it, with Bu Tian's current strength, could not resist at all.

Dangerous items that are dead when they are touched, even if they have the Thunder Guard, don't dare to touch them at will.

Otherwise, he would not rush forward to use the Heavenly Sealing Divine Ability when he saw the death crow using the blood of the earth veins.

So if you enter the heaven and earth array, once you take a wrong step, it is very likely to be attacked by the blood of this earth vein.


Seeing Bu Tian began to move forward step by step, the frightened atmosphere of Death Crow did not dare to breathe, for fear that it would disturb Bu Tian.

Although it can use the blood of the earth veins, this amount is absolutely incomparable with this great array of heaven and earth.

But Huoshen Lingwa was not afraid at all, even though it had not entered the Sky Demon Valley, it also knew how powerful the heaven and earth formations were.

But it has a lot of trust in Bu Tian, ​​and this trust comes from Bu Tian's noble temperament and strong vegetation.

In the mind of Huoshen Lingwa, people with that noble temperament must be extraordinary big shots.

At this time, Jian Fei saw Butian walk a few steps, nothing happened, thinking quickly.

If he wants to follow Butian, then this big formation must leave.

Otherwise, how can you become the first brother of Butian's staff from now on! ?

"If you die, even if you die, isn't there still a peerless evildoer to bury with!?"

Jane Fei took a deep breath, came to the front of the big formation, followed Butian's footsteps, and moved forward step by step.

After a short time, Bu Tian successfully walked into the Sky Demon Valley.

Bu Tian raised his eyes and looked at him, and he was stunned for an instant, only to see that this valley was full of various heaven and earth treasures.

Especially six little dolls are playing in the valley.

"Ling baby!!"

Bu Tian let out a surprise. He didn't expect that after countless years of precipitation, there would be six spirit children here.

"call out……"

At this time, the six little dolls also discovered Butian. When they felt the breath of Butian, they rushed over in surprise and surrounded Butian.

"Who are you? Why do you have the same breath as us."

"No, he is obviously more noble than us."

"Is it our mother?"

"No, we don't have parents, we were born from heaven and earth."

"Then why is he noble than us?"

"It is estimated that his body is noble than us."

"My body is fire ganoderma!"

"My body is snow ginseng!"

"The winter worm of my body!"

"My body is summer grass!"


Listening to these little dolls, all the saliva of the death crow was left. If you eat all these little guys, then it will definitely break through the limit of this planet.

But when he thought of Bouten's order, the death crow was like a discouraged ball, listless and depressed.

At this time, Jane Fei was also shocked by the scene in front of him. With the six spiritual babies, plus the one in Butian's hands, there were seven spiritual babies.

In the mainland, there was not a single soul baby in ten thousand years, but seven of them gathered at once.

And all of them took the initiative to rush to Boutian, is this a dream?

At this time, Bu Tian had no Blood Fiend Sword in his heart, he wanted to bring all these seven spirit children to the Divine Sword Sect.

As long as these seven spirit children are there, then as long as the Divine Sword Sect obtains some kind of natural treasure, then it can be mass-produced immediately.

In this way, the level of his younger brother can skyrocket.

Since then, he has conquered the planet, making his territory bigger and bigger.

Reading this, Butian watched the seven little guys playing together, and said with a smile: "I have a very fun place, so there are many toys, and many big sisters to play with you. Do you want to see it?"

Hearing that, the seven little guys immediately called out: "Go, we want to play!!"

They have been trapped in this valley for a long time, and they have had enough of it. Now that there is this elder with the same aura, there is no wariness there!

"Then shall we come back later?"

At this time, a white-haired ling baby bit her finger and looked at the treasures in the valley, very sad.

Seeing this, Bu Tian smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry! After I take you away, I will come back and transplant them all."

"Good, good, good!"

Hearing this, the seven little guys jumped up in cheers, and all climbed onto Boutian's body.

Immediately, the shoulders, heads, and hands were all full of spirit children.

Of course, the death crow didn't mean to give way at all, just stood there.

But Lingwa didn't dare to provoke him when he saw this guy full of death breath, so he could only find a place by himself.

After finishing the seven little guys easily, Bo Tian asked Jane Fei to wait in place, and then called the system to go to Sky City.

When the golden light flashed and the cloth sky disappeared, Jian Fei was taken aback.

"Is this boss a man or a ghost!?"

Jian Fei stepped back a few steps, and the thought that Wang Meng was a fake in his heart became more and more affirmed.

Although Wang Meng is a genius, there is absolutely no such genius, and the whole body is full of mysteries.

But Jian Fei is sure that as long as he follows this person, he will definitely post.

"Regardless of whether you are a human or a ghost, as long as the boss doesn't dislike me and doesn't betray me, then I will take it for granted. From now on, I will follow you on the sword and the fire."

Jian Fei's expression is very firm, since he deduced the earth attribute to the limit, he thought that no one in this world could hurt him.

But Bu Tian appeared, and with just one sword, he severely wounded him.

From that moment on, Jian Fei knew that there was a mountain beyond the mountain, and there was a sky beyond the sky. If he didn't want to be hurt, he could only find another piece of sky.

And this person who can show him another slice of the sky is Butian.

So he is willing to follow Butian's steps forever, recognize this boss, and never betray.

At this time Butian didn't know Jane Fei's determination, after he returned to Sky City.

He immediately took the seven little guys and ran towards Xia Shirui's medicine garden.

After a while, people came to Xia Shirui's medicine garden, and saw Xia Shirui dancing in the medicine garden. The fluttering ribbons and peerless face looked like a flying fairy.

"Wow, this big sister's breath is still comfortable!"

"Yes, I want to play with this big sister."

"I want it, I want it, I want it too!"


With a cheer, I saw seven little guys stepping on those short legs, all rushing towards Xia Shirui, leaving Bu Tian alone...

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