Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 505: Road to godhood

The Planet of the Headquarters of the League of Nations

Butian stood on a tall building in a city, followed by Chen Han and Li Yuan, as well as a large group of disciples of the Excalibur Sect.

In front of them, a dozen genetic fusion organisms are destroying them.

"Master, these genetic fusion creatures cannot become gods, so can we use these genes to strengthen the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect?"

Chen Han couldn't help asking, if he could add the talents of the Celestial Demon Race to the Soul Dao and the Giant Race's talents to the human body to the Human Race, it would be the most perfect human race.

"Don't even think about this kind of thing." Butian reprimanded in a cold voice: "The road to godhood depends on the success of cultivation, not on these mutations. History tells us that unrealistic paths to godhood are impossible. Success, and the ancestors have used the experience of generations to sum up the road to godhood for us. If we follow the training path of the Sword Sect, we will definitely become gods in the future. If we go crazy, the path to godhood will be cut off."

Seeing Butian being so harsh, Chen Han, Li Yuan and the disciples behind them were all startled, and they hurriedly reverently said, "What the head teaches!"

As for the correctness of Butian's words, none of them had the slightest doubt.

After all, the books in the Divine Sword Sect's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion cannot be completed by a single generation. It must have been completed after countless generations of predecessors.

And since these predecessors didn't write these mutation methods into the book, thinking of this road would definitely not lead to a godly road.

"However, if you can befriend women of different races, then you can also give birth to a mutant child. This child is likely to inherit the talents of the two races, but the success rate is too low."

When Butian said this, he couldn't help thinking of Chen Yuan who had seen him on the Three Stars.

This guy is a perfect combination of humans and monsters, and will have the opportunity to become a **** in the future.

After listening to Butian's words, all the men in the audience showed a meaningful smile.

They have all heard that Bu Tian found a woman from the Celestial Demon Race, and she was extremely sexy, and she was now raising her in Xia Shirui's medicine garden.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At this moment, a genetic fusion organism in the distance discovered Butian and others.

An angry face, he rushed forward, and the earth shook violently.


Upstairs, the corner of Bu Tian's mouth rose, and the Blood Fiend Sword in his hand slowly unsheathed, the whole world gradually fell silent, and the sky filled with a sense of solemnity.

And more and more prosperous, with indescribable depression.

The pupils of Li Yuan and others shrank suddenly, their expressions were in shock, and the sword intent of this evildoer became stronger again!

Now Butian has realized the fourth-level sword intent, or the fifth-level sword intent! ?

In the next second, Butian's figure turned into a streamer and rushed towards the sky.

Seeing this, both Li Yuan and Chen Han showed solemn expressions on their faces, and they all understood the destructive power of these genetic fusion creatures.

And the terrible oppression that spreads between the heaven and the earth makes them all panicked.


Seeing Butian rushing, the gene fusion creature roared, and a deafening roar rose into the sky.

They want to destroy everything they can see, their existence is to destroy, destroy everything...

Butian stepped into the air with a sword, his eyes were extremely calm, the bright sword light flickered in the sky, and every time the sword light appeared, a blood-stained head flew up.

"This, this is completely a massacre!!"

Seeing this, Li Yuan and the others were shocked. Compared with these genetic fusion monsters, Butian was the real monster in their eyes.

Gene fusion monsters that ordinary people can hardly deal with, but in his hands, it is as simple as cutting vegetables.

The Blood Fiend Sword turned into the death god's sickle in Butian's hand, without any magnificent swordsmanship, just a simple sword swing.

One head after another flew up, and the blood spattered in the void like a fountain, and then gathered in the Blood Fiend Sword, forming a very strange picture.


Seeing their companions fall down one by one, the gene fusion creature roared up to the sky.

After a while, both Chen Han and Li Yuan's expressions changed. They saw huge figures of giants rushing out on the horizon in the distance, as if ten thousand beasts came out of their cages, carrying monstrous ferocious auras, and violent at them. Come by.

The dense masses made the earth tremble rapidly and the stones kept beating.

And the most frightening thing is that these genetic fusion creatures all have the power of Nine Dragons, and when they come together, they are enough to make anyone scared.

Even Butian's expression gradually became solemn, and he was not afraid of dozens or hundreds of them.

But these tens of thousands were together, he was really not sure, and avoided all these attacks.

"Old Chen, what's going on?!"

Li Yuan couldn't help asking, this Chen Han, as the commander-in-chief of the attack on the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, could have so many omissions, which is really unacceptable.

"I do not know either!"

Chen Han was also puzzled. After taking a few days to capture the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, he also briefly patrolled the planet, only to find that a dozen genetically fused creatures were destroying everywhere.

Thinking that it was the last resort of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, he didn't care about it.

Seeing that these monsters were a bit interesting, he sent a message back, wanting to see how Butian planned to deal with it.

But who knows that these genetic fusion organisms are not only a dozen, but there are tens of thousands.

"Huh, a defeated alliance wants to stand up."

Butian's eyes were like swords, and he gave a cold snort, and his body turned into a streamer and rushed forward, and a purple flame whizzed out from his body.

There was a terrifying cold aura in that flame, which was vast and mighty, instantly turning a radius of more than a hundred meters into a frosty world, and the scarlet beams that came from it were frozen.

Absolutely zero, as if anything in the world would be frozen as long as it touched a hundred meters around the sky.

Seeing this strange appearance, Li Yuan and Chen Han looked at each other, neither of them trying to understand why?

Isn't the flame all hot?

Why is the flame of cloth sky cold, and it can be so cold! ?

When Bouten came into contact with these genetic fusion creatures, the genetic fusion creatures rushing forward did not even scream, and disappeared into dust particles between the heaven and the earth.

This scene made the genetic fusion creature in the back feel the danger instinctively, and quickly stopped the figure, and the horrible energy was condensing crazily, as if it contained the potential to destroy the world.


In the next second, the sound of more than ten thousand breaking winds sounded, and only beams of light were ejected, illuminating the entire sky and the sky, making the void twisted...

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