Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 534: Autograph


The people in the world's largest village all bowed their heads and silently counted the ants on the ground.

I thought that Butian had discovered his conscience and specifically supported the demon clan.

But who knows, this guy is just doing a show, digging a hole and waiting for the Demon Race to jump inside.

If the Demon Race does not agree, then Bu Tian can not sell the soul spring to the Demon Race.

If so, the Demon Race would be in danger of being exterminated in front of the Demon Race army that day.

After all, in the same level, the Demon Race is stronger than these Demon Races who have not used the soul spring.

And even if the demon clan used the name of righteousness to smear Butian everywhere, as long as the video in his hand was released by the demon clan, people would immediately turn their attention to the demon clan.

Because it is a fact that Boutian took the initiative to cut prices for the sake of justice, and the demon tribe agreed to help Boutian to do what he could.

But in the end, the demon clan said one thing and did another thing.

This turned Bu Tian upset, and the world couldn't say that Bu Tian was immoral, only that the demon clan had no credibility.

Therefore, under the double package of genocide and credibility crisis, the chances of the demons compromise are very high.

At this time, Zhao Changming's complexion kept changing, from black to red, and from red to green, obviously being angry.

Repeatedly guarding against the **** Butian, but in the end he was fooled.

First threatened the entire Demon Race with the Absolute Spirit Tree, and then used the quality to fail. This kind of text trap pits the Demon Race.

Now they show off their acting skills here, step by step to lure them into the pit.

How can there be such shameless people in this world, it is absolutely omnipotent to cheat.

"Promise him!"

Suddenly, there was a low voice in Zhao Changming's ear. This was the voice of the sixth song domain celestial demon clan boss.

What the Sky Demon Race needs is the soul spring, and if the Sky Demon VI spacecraft is lost, it will be lost. At most, it will take another thousand years to build it.

There is no need for such things and the unpleasantness of making trouble.

What's more, they still live in the fourth spacecraft of the Demon Race, which is a kind of comfort!

Hearing this, Zhao Changming closed his eyes and nodded. This time their Celestial Demon tribe lost again.

If the Tianmo 6 spacecraft is counted, the soul spring will cost 8 billion to buy, and it will be a huge profit.

After all, even if you have money, you may not be able to build the Tianmo-6 spacecraft.

Among them, there are still many rare materials on the spacecraft, which were all found by the Celestial Demon for a long time.

Therefore, the energy stone is easy to obtain, and the nine spaceships of the Celestial Demon are absolutely difficult to build.

It didn’t take long for Butian and Zhao Changming to sign a contract with God and Demon. The key point was that Butian would sell a soul spring to the Demon Race for every 2 billion energy stones. As many days as possible.

Finally, an additional one was added, Bu Tian used his autographed Excalibur spacecraft in exchange for the Tianmo 6 of the Tianmo clan.

This time, Zhao Changming and Ye Hui watched them carefully, fearing that Butian was playing a text trap.

"Butian, what does this autograph mean!?" Ye Hui asked suspiciously.

"These are the three big characters on the Excalibur spacecraft. I wrote them personally. Is there any problem!?"

Bu Tian smiled and explained, let Ye Hui and Zhao Changming think about it, but they didn't feel that there was a problem.

At this time, Ouyang Ruolan asked in a low voice in Qian Meier's ear: "I remember that Butian didn't go to see it when the Tianma 4 was refitted. Did he really sign it?"

Qian Mei'er shook her head calmly, indicating that the three characters were not written by Butian.

Seeing this, Ouyang Ruolan gave Ye Hui and Zhao Changming a sympathetic look. After being scammed once, they didn't have a long memory. This was sent to the door again. It was really cheap.

Soon after the contract was signed, all the demons on the Celestial Demon VI spacecraft came down.

Butian also took out a single-person spaceship from his own space gem, and personally wrote the three characters "Excalibur" in front of the entire sixth song domain demon.

Seeing this, Hongwen and Jiang Ge were stunned, so that's okay! !


Butian glanced at the words he wrote with satisfaction, and then waved his hand: "Excalibur is here, you can drive away! I'm going to see my Tianma VI!"

Open your sister!

The members of the Sky Demon clan watched this scene, it was called a gritted teeth.

This **** is so bad, he used this single-person spacecraft to touch the Porcelain Demon IV, but now he actually uses this single-person spacecraft to pit their Demon VI.

"Butian, you are too much!"

"Everyone lives in the sanctuary, so why bother us so much!"

"Yes, everyone now needs to be united in one mind to defeat the Demon Race. Don't you feel ashamed to do so!?"

"Our demon clan lost the spacecraft. The casualties must be very high. This is the loss of our sanctuary."

"Yes, everyone, as a member of the sanctuary, should help each other, not intrigue."

"If we usually recognize the devil clan, but now is the time to resist foreign enemies, the devil 6 cannot be lost."

"Even if there is no Heaven Demon VI, you must surrender the Heaven Demon IV!"

"Yes, hand over the Heavenly Demon IV!!"


Looking at the demons who aroused public outrage, Ouyang Ruolan, An Lin, Hongwen, Jiang Ge and others all took out their weapons and looked at the demons with vigilance.

If the opponent wants to do something, then immediately counterattack.

And Qian Meier had already pinched a decisive battle at his fingertips. As soon as the war started, the Tianjue Great Formation would be activated immediately to wipe out the gang of Demon Race in the No.

"Nima, it's written clearly in black and white. The Excalibur number I autographed, now I dare to ask for the number four, bullying Lao Tzu for being innocent and having no temper, right?"

Butian stood up and cursed at the Tianmozu: "I tell you, those who are acquainted hurry up, or I will call the undead bone emperor brother to preside over justice."

Shameless slut! !

Also TM simple! !

If you are innocent, there will be no shameless people in God's Domain.

However, the members of the Sky Demon tribe didn't dare to scream in an instant, and could only curse Bu Tian constantly in their hearts.

After all, if the undead bone emperor is invited to preside over justice, it is better not to see this kind of thing.

Now who doesn't know that Bu Tian, ​​the **** and the undead bone emperor, wear a pair of pants, and there is nothing to say about the relationship between the two.

It is estimated that as soon as the undead bone emperor came, he could not help but pack them and take them away, turning them into bone racks, so they were not afraid.

"Let's go quickly!"

At this time, a handsome male demon's low voice sounded, then looked back at Bu Tian, ​​and quickly left with a large group of demon tribe.

It's not the time to discuss this kind of thing with Butian, the demons over there are about to come, and it can't be delayed.

As for those soul springs, they can only wait to settle down and exchange them with Butian.

They are not afraid of being a rogue, after all, it is written in black and white, and is protected by the laws of the gods, so they can’t help but repent...

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