Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 562: Devil Mountain

The sixth song domain, on the spacecraft of Tianmo VI.

Bu Tianpan sat in the training room, absorbing a moon pearl given by Ouyang Ruolan.

Originally Butian thought that this moon pearl was brought by Ouyang Ruolan from Yue'er Lori.

But when the cloth sky was used, it was discovered that the power of moonlight contained in this moon pearl was very huge.

It wasn't a product that Yue'er Little Lolita could condense at all, it must have been condensed from a very powerful Moon Spirit body.

And this moon spirit body is Ouyang Ruolan.

Butian can still remember that when Yue'er Xiao Lolita had only reached the sixth song domain, Ouyang Ruolan could smell the moon pearl far away.

After that, I even thought of adopting Yue'er Xiao Lori as an apprentice.

So Bu Tian has reason to believe that Ouyang Ruolan's body is the body of the moon spirit.


Suddenly, a super loud noise erupted from Bu Tian's body, and the breath in his body burst out instantly, and the majestic energy flooded the training room.


Breathing out the muddy air, Bu Tian opened his eyes slowly, his cultivation level broke through the first level.

Immortal Dao, Infant Change Level 5!

Budo, five-level king body!

Soul Dao, Heaven Soul Level 5!

"Little girl Ouyang is so stingy, just give me one."

Butian clenched his fist, an inexhaustible force filled his heart, if he could get a few more, he would definitely be able to break through again.

I got up and moved my stiff body, took out the mountain and river map, and pinched the mountain and river map slowly.

Immediately there was a landscape painting in the picture, Bu Tian jumped up without hesitation and got into the landscape painting.

In the next second, Butian smelled a scent of green grass, and he was replaced by a very beautiful landscape.

The water is agile and the mountains are mighty.

There is also a small manor at the foot of the mountain, and inside it is Qian Mei'er and several beautiful women are playing happily.

But what made Bu Tian a little dumbfounded was that Doudou, the treacherous little fox, actually took advantage of Qian Meier and the others to play, and secretly put a sleeping pill into Yue'er Lolita's milk.

"I'll take it. This fox is really invincible. He actually learned how to administer medicine."

When Butian saw this, he was dumbfounded. In order to get the Moon Pearl, Doudou had no lower limit, and he even used the tall trick of drugging.

In the next second, Bu Tian appeared next to Doudou and stopped the evil fox.

Drugging a seven or eight-year-old child is also not good enough for this fox to think of.

Just when Doudou imagined that Yueer Lolita fell asleep and condensed the picture of Yuemingzhu, she suddenly felt that she was being lifted up.

"Spare! Doudou will never dare anymore!!"

With her body hanging in the air, Doudou was frightened and frightened, thinking that she had been spotted by the devil Ouyang Ruolan, and begged again and again.

"Little guy, it's me!"

Butian turned Doudou around and shook his head helplessly. He was beaten every day, so why didn't he have a long memory!

"Brother Butian!!"

Seeing that it was Bouten, Doudou breathed a sigh of relief, and his little paws moved unconsciously, and then squinted a line around Bouten’s cheek, and said to please: "Brother Boutian, Doudou counts You have a lot of spirit grass on your body, can you give Doudou some spirit fruit?"

After that, I can still look at Botian pitifully, and it means crying for you if you don't give it to me.


At this time, Yue'er Little Lolita also saw Bu Tian, ​​and she happily stepped forward and hugged Bu Tian's thigh.

Yue'er Xiao Lori is very grateful for this Butian who brought her here.

Although she does not lack good food and drink in the presidential palace, the most lacking is care.

After arriving here, the eldest sisters treated her incredibly well, making her happy every day, and she didn't want to return to the presidential palace that no one cared about.

Seeing Mengmengda little Lolita, Butian threw Doudou away, and happily picked up Yueer Lolita, and kissed the fleshy little cheek fiercely.


Little Lori Yue'er was giggled by the kiss, but Doudou on the side looked sad.

Since Yue'er Lori came, its status has dropped rapidly. The former dedicated little maid Nan Gongrou has now become Yue'er Lori's personal nanny.

In the past, the beautiful women at home would leave a portion for anything delicious, but now they are gone, everything is gone.

"Doug, come here!"

Yue'er Lori stretched out her small arms and motioned Doudou to jump up.

Seeing this, Doudou rolled his eyes, but he is a Tianhu, not a full-time pet.

But for Yue Mingzhu, bear it!

In the next second, Doudou cleverly jumped into Yue'er Lolita's arms and was touched by Yue'er Lolita, closing her eyes comfortably.

Although the Moon Spirit Body only condenses the Moon Pearl at night, it usually exudes a trace of moonlight power. If you are around Yue'er Little Lori, you can get some.

Seeing this shameless fox, Bu Tian expressed great contempt.

However, he obviously didn't mean to put down Yue'er Lori.

At this moment, Qian Mei'er and other big beauties came over talking and laughing.

Nangongrou came over with a smile, took Yue'er Xiao Lolita from Butian's hand, and thanked her sweetly.

Seeing that Yue'er Lori is getting further and further away from him this time, Butian really didn't want to let go. He originally expected that with Yue'er Lori, his cultivation speed would be faster.

But who knows, the women in the family are crazy, so he won't let him touch them at all.

"With Huo Yue'er time, don't hurry up to refine the landscape map."

Ouyang Ruolan snorted violently. Because the sky was just a simple refinement of the mountain and river map, the space of the mountain and river map was very unstable.

Just now when they were playing in the mountains and forests, they saw a space crack inexplicably.

If it weren't for the quick response, maybe it would fall into a crack in the space.

"Yes, Brother Tian still goes to refine Shanhe Tu, don't come over and strike up a conversation without problems."

An Lin nodded repeatedly, she didn't want Butian and Ouyang Ruolan to have some secrets that couldn't be told.

"Brother Tian is tired enough to practice, what's wrong with taking a break!?"

Qian Mei'er glared at An Lin, and now she didn't give a good expression to this little San who wanted to seduce Bu Tian's superior.

She wants to maintain her position as the number one girlfriend of Butian, but she can't let Butian be fished away by these inconsistent women.


An Lin snorted and shook her head off the other side, as if I disdain to talk to you.

Seeing this picture, the corners of Butian's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that his mother-in-law said that he could find a little wife. It was completely wishful thinking.

I hope that in the future it will not evolve into a war of force.

"I'll go to refine the mountain and river map!"

Butian left a word, and the man disappeared in place and appeared on the Tianmo-6 spacecraft.

However, at this time, the brains of Tianma 6 sent a message that they had reached the place where the Demon Race stayed, the Demon Mountain Range renamed by the world...

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