Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 58 How dare you cheat migrant workers of their money?

"The child's father...what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Chen Aiguo jumping up and down, Qin Yu looked a little surprised.

Then, she immediately looked at Chen Feng beside her with doubtful eyes: "Xiao Feng, how did you rescue your father?"


Chen Aiguo showed a smile, as if nothing happened, and said calmly: "I wasn't kidnapped at all, okay?"

"Tell me, you must have met a liar! There are so many such liars recently, so you should be more cautious."

As these words fell.

Qin Yu breathed a long sigh of relief.

But not long after, her face turned bad again.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she added: "It's just...I...I just transferred part of the money."


Hear this.

Chen Aiguo couldn't help it on the spot, stared at Qin Yu, and immediately asked: "How much did you pay them?"

"fifty thousand."


The two father and son were speechless for a while.

Chen Aiguo took a deep breath, feeling dizzy in his head, and immediately cursed: "I said you women, you really have long hair and short knowledge! Who am I! I'll beat ten of them every minute, who's going to fight me?" Can you kidnap me?"

No wonder he was so angry.

This fifty thousand yuan is a very huge number for an ordinary rural family!

And this is what the couple saved by working on the farm from dawn to dusk every day.

The money I had worked so hard to save was suddenly defrauded.

No one can help but get angry, right?

"How about calling the police?"

Qin Yu's tears couldn't stop flowing down.

She felt particularly regretful at this time.

Obviously Chen Feng had told himself before that he must not give money to scammers before he came back.

And she couldn't explain why, she fell into the trap of a liar.

"Call the police? If you don't even know who the other person is, what's the use of calling the police?"

Seeing Qin's mother crying, Chen Aiguo couldn't complain anymore and sighed softly: "And haven't you watched the news? The mobile phone numbers of these scammers are all fake. Even if you call the police, you can't find out at all."

Seeing the anxious look of the two couples, Chen Feng persuaded them: "Mom and Dad, don't be anxious now. We will figure out how to deal with the money later."

In fact, Qin Yu cannot be blamed for this.

She was born as a country girl with no education.

On the other hand, each of these scammers are professionals, and some may even have master's degrees. Their brain speed is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

These scammers, to put it bluntly, take advantage of the most vulnerable aspects of people's hearts.

Once they catch you, they will use all means to intimidate or even threaten you.

Under such circumstances, people's psychological defenses are often easily breached.

Especially when a person makes a decision, it simply plays into their hands.


Chen Aiguo breathed out a heavy breath, as if he had aged several years.

By now.

There was nothing they could do, the money was gone, and any further thought could only be fantasy.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the live broadcast room expressed deep sympathy.

"These damn liars are such scum!!!"

"Do you know how long it takes for a farmer in a rural area to save 50,000 yuan? They get up early every day and work in the fields, and the wind and sun never stop, but what about these scammers? They defraud people of their hard-earned money. "

"Haha, what is this? I have seen with my own eyes that these scammers defrauded an old lady in her nineties from all her savings!"

"This kind of person is really a waste of air!"

The barrages in the live broadcast room kept flowing.

Just the next moment.

A phone rings! !

Qin Yu touched his pocket, picked up the phone, glanced at the caller ID, and said in a dull tone: "This... this is a call from the kidnapper!"


The words just fell.

The two father and son were stunned for a moment.

At the same time, a series of system prompts suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

【Ding! It is detected that the interests of the host family have been violated, and the options have been automatically generated for you! 】

[Option 1: Pretend you didn’t see it. Anyway, he is fine now, and he is not short of the 50,000 yuan. 】

[Reward: Deposit 100 million and get a piece of clothing. 】

[Option 2: Those who offend me will never be spared, use your own means to make the kidnapper collapse! 】

[Reward: A title of Tricky Expert. 】

[Option 3: Call the police directly, let the police comrades assist in the investigation, and catch the kidnapper together! 】

[Reward: One million cash! 】

Look at the above system prompts.

Chen Feng frowned.

Option one is impossible.

Impossible in this life.

The second option is to fight the kidnapper to the end.

For normal people, this is a very dangerous option.

After all, Chen Feng still doesn't know how many people there are on the other side. If he rashly confronts the gangsters, he will definitely suffer in the end.

As for option three, it is relatively the safest and safest option.

Not only can you protect your own safety, but you can also get a very large cash reward.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng almost had the answer in his mind.

"I choose two!"

Chen Feng said to the system in his heart.

To be honest, if it had been in the past, he would have chosen three without any thought.

But it's different now!

This is not a question of money!

The main thing is that this kidnapper dared to cheat his parents!

Although this 50,000 yuan is not much.

But this money is the hard-earned money saved by his parents.

This is the fruit of the couple's labor!

How many poor rural families are striving for this 50,000 yuan?

On the contrary, these scammers who specialize in defrauding working farmers easily cheated people's money without any guilt!

And the reason why they choose rural families is that they see that people in rural families have low education and know nothing, so as to increase their success rate in committing crimes!

Not only poor families, but even old ladies in their seventies and eighties are not spared!

It can be said that these people are simply the scum of society! Scum!

Dinglingling! ! !

At this moment, the ringtone of the mobile phone is still ringing!

Qin Yu held the phone, not knowing what to do: "This... what can I do?"

"What else can I do?"

Chen Aiguo sighed: "The money has been cheated away. It's nonsense to say more to him now. At most, he will let you scold him to calm down. Otherwise, do you want to get the money back from him?"

"Hang up."

He is open-minded.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy to want to get the money back from the liar.

Of course.

He can also argue with the liar, or even call him a scumbag.

But this is just a rant, it's meaningless.

Just when Qin Yu was about to hang up the phone.

Chen Feng reached out and asked for the phone.

(ps: By the way, although the book is serious, I hope you don't take it too seriously. After all, this is just a novel world, don't substitute it into reality)

(I wrote three pictures secretly today, and I will continue to update tonight.)

(Also, I beg for a small gift!)

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