Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 10: Gathering Will

Although he was just doing a simple job, once Youge showed up at the blacksmith shop, Taka followed him.

When Taka appeared with a plate of breakfast, Youge had almost finished cleaning: "Yes, breakfast."

After putting down the broom, Yu Ge nodded and took the plate.

During the silent breakfast, Taka's eyes rarely stayed on Youge, and Youge just stared at the food on the plate and ate little by little.

"What's the matter? If you need my help!" As a sojourner under the roof, You Ge finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Taka glanced at Youge unexpectedly. This taciturn child would definitely care about him: "It's nothing, I just plan to leave here!"


"Save enough money to leave here and start a new life." Taka's eyes were full of sadness: "But thinking about leaving the place where I grew up is a little sad."

After hearing Taka's words, You Ge had an inexplicable feeling. Then you still want to recruit me as an apprentice?

Taka also noticed Youge's question: "It's okay. Only desperadoes will buy the areas in the old city. Although I have to leave, I don't want to hand over my memories to others."

"As for you, a 13-year-old child, it is better to entrust it to you than to an unknown person."

Taka's words reminded Yuge of his past self. Before lying on the hospital bed, he burned everything he had worked hard for. He didn't leave it to anyone, maybe this is the difference between people, but Taka chose to give it to him, and he could indeed save a lot of things at the moment.

Maybe when Taka comes back one day and he is still alive, then this place will not change: "If I am still alive."

"Hahaha, alive!"

With hearty laughter, Taka's mood seemed to be heavier. This is this world. Who knows whether he will become a member of the sewer in the next second!

After Taka left, Youge didn't stay any longer. Now is not the time for him to show off. In this world, power will never come to his door on his own initiative, not to mention that he is only Level 4 now.

"Mission: Condensation of Mind"

After returning to the "coffin", Youge took a few punches before decisively accepting the task:

"Leave it to death! Find your own way under Ip Man's full attack! Reward: Intention"

The scene inside the coffin changed, and light rain fell from the sky. Ip Man, independent of the one in front, this time assumed a posture that was extremely familiar to You Ge: "Wing Chun! Ip Man!"

After quickly approaching, You Ge truly felt the power of Ip Man's boxing skills. The continuous attacks were not as shocking as a heavy rain, nor as wild as a meteorite, but more gentle. Just like Ip Man looking back on his life, there is love for his lover, regret for his son, and longing for his old friend. It is these that create the current Ip Man, the Ip Man who fights back in order to protect his inner pure land.

The meaning contained in the fist was completely punched out, and Youge, who had no resistance, was continuously knocked away. If it weren't for the "blood" wrapped in his body, Youge's internal organs would have been shattered into pieces.

"Is this Ip Man's will? To pour his whole life into his fist?\

,"You Ge, who was in the storm combo, quickly realized the difference in mastering the level of boxing, but what is the will that belongs to You Ge?

In the previous life, I was busy and never recalled my every day. After my rebirth, I was only busy solving the problems left by Hall. Is it necessary to get stuck at this step and be beaten to death?

After hugging his head tightly, You Ge lay on the ground, letting the rain and fists hit his body.

"What is it?", the memories in my mind are like a fleeting glimpse of flowers, constantly emerging, until the moment before death, lying on the hospital bed waiting for the darkness of death.

Desperate? Painful? Compared with the feeling of living now, You Ge never wanted to be like that again. The despair that emerged from his heart was punched out by You Ge. The moment before the gathering, this body also aroused a wave of emotions, Hall's residual resentment! Perhaps this is the similarity between the two people, the despair and resentment that are beyond ordinary people.

Youge's despair when he died alone and Hall's resentment of hating everything were tightly intertwined.

"Bang!", Ye Wen's pursuit was accurately resisted by You Ge. Instead of his intention, a sense of deathly silence emitted from You Ge's fist, and his empty eyes exuded despair. .

"Mission Completed: Condensation of Intent"

"Activate special attribute: meaning-dead silence"

"Skill Upgrade: Quan-Wing Chun (Mastery)"

There was no time to check the coffin prompts. You Ge just wanted to vent his lonely heart. Two masters of Wing Chun in their mature stage were fighting crazily in the drizzle with their pure boxing skills.

The longing and love that permeated behind Ip Man, and the deathly silence that permeated behind You Ge. The strong contrast makes the rain seem to change into different colors.

Unfortunately, it is still a Level 4 body after all. Even if it lasts far longer than a mortal, it will still get tired after all.

When You Ge lay on the ground unable to move, Ye Wen was also covered in bruises, but after all, he was a martial artist for many years, and his willpower and comprehensive ability far exceeded You Ge. Even such a disadvantage was exhausted to the end with You Ge.

As the environment began to dissipate, a smile appeared on Ye Wen's face: "Inheritance, young man!"

The words disappeared into the darkness as soon as they were spoken.

And You Ge, who looked surprised, didn't know what to do at all, and he could actually speak! You Ge always thought that only the unique talent from the "coffin" could simulate Ip Man, but it seems that everything is not as simple as he thought! Awe!

Can't wait to summon Ip Man again, You Gezai observed carefully.

"Master Ye?"

"Master Ye? Can you speak? If you are kidnapped by 'Coffin', just blink!"

"Master Ye~ Do you know Bruce Lee? Master Ye?"

After a long time, no matter what You Ge said, the moment he raised his hand, Ye Wen's eyes would stare at him flexibly, with the perception of a warrior.

In the end, You Ge had to make sure that Ye Wen would react only when he took action, and it was his own breakthrough that led to Ye Wen's words. It is not difficult to hear that he is considered the inheritor of this method, and he is indeed the only successor of boxing in the other world.

What You Ge didn't know was that the moment he realized the dead silence, it stimulated Ye Wen and made him feel a little disgusted. He didn't expect that the same boxing technique would have such a big contrast on different people. Unfortunately, he was powerless. In the end, he could only hope. You Ge can carry it forward. Even if You Ge is evil, the inherited boxing skills will naturally take on a different color and change everything. This is the last sentence.

It's a pity that what Ip Man doesn't know is that this world is not the same as their world, so there is no difference in the end whether it is evil or good!

A professional, a simulated human being, two people with different world views and experiences had a wonderful misunderstanding.

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