Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 136 The Birth of Elosli

Why bother getting entangled with those adults? Although high-level combat power is a necessary element to maintain the royal city, children and newborns are the future of the royal city. Otherwise, what is the point of occupying so many new areas outside the city!

"The new transformation is defined as Fink type." Looking at the transformation of 01, Youge also expressed all his thoughts: "The main body is mainly light, and then equipped with three different external armors to deal with different situations."

After thinking about it carefully, Youge also drew a few simple design ideas.

"T1 combat armor focuses on fire output. A large amount of poisonous fire is installed inside. It can provide long-range support for covering artillery fire. In close combat, it is mainly for protection. A combination shield is installed on the hand, which can be forcibly stationed and safely detonate poisonous fire around itself!

T2 light combat armor, with additional combination weapons installed in T1, can change the original combat method of the cyborg body, knife-like limbs, energy cutting blades.

T3 containment armor, with high mobility and long-range output, kite-flying tactics!"

Black and cool appearance, red flashing one-line eye mask, and a cool angular mouth guard on the face during battle. Although you can still see the occasional exposed clockwork gears on the body, the change in the outer wear makes the entire transformation more high-end.

Funk, who was regarded as a potential means of literary and artistic influence, finally became one of the members who participated in the show with Youge after Mr. Orange personally took charge, and only waited for the shining debut at the beginning of the show.

Secondly, it is the invasion plan for the underground people. In half a year, the automated mechanical life has completely entered the underground world. Under the side efforts of the decision maker You, these things have even started to be built in large quantities underground at a loss. After experiencing the traversal brought by the machinery, no one remembers the so-called physical alienation.

In addition, the drinks brought by Youge later, cheap prices, refreshing taste, lying in the mechanical room and enjoying the tranquility of this moment has become a popular way for underground people to make friends!

Unfortunately, the only problem is energy. Without the support of the thermonuclear energy center in the royal city, this enjoyment can only be transformed from private to shared. Fortunately, the underground people also have some ways to obtain energy, which can support it.

Although the underground people presented a good situation, there was still a slight obstacle in the royal city. After learning that it was a drink developed by the clockwork center, those hostile forces would not give up any opportunity to suppress it.

"Those dummies use motor oil to make delicious drinks?"

"Oh, metal heads also drink drinks?"

"If you drink too much, you will turn into metal!"

But fortunately, there are rumors, but no one deliberately makes trouble. Happy water drinks are still developing in an orderly manner. Some businessmen even try to plan transportation to various safe areas outside the city after seeing the benefits.

In general, the current situation is objectively good.

Returning to the present,

Yu Ge, who was sitting next to the giant egg, had a thought in his heart, and the fleshy eggshell suddenly began to swell violently.

In the illusion, Yu Ge seemed to see the power root vein tentacles that he had condensed when he was promoted, and they quickly pierced into the void from the brain of Elosli in the meat egg.

"Sure enough, the effect is different according to the difference of oneself."

Watching the meat egg slowly wither, Elosli was the only one left.


The eyes darkened, and a female creature dripping with mucus produced Yu Ge's head. The arms that seemed to have the structure of human arms turned around Yu Ge's neck twice like tentacles.

"Hehe, just call me adult, don't call me daddy!"

Although he dripped a little blood during the incubation, the word "daddy" was a bit too floating~

"Okay~ Adult!"

Elosili, with a smile on her face, finally got to "entangle" Youge in person. She didn't care what the name was, as long as she could entangle him, no matter what he was called, she would entangle her adult!

After waiting for a while, seeing that Elosili didn't come down, she began to want to continue to extend all the tentacles that could be extended into Youge's nose, mouth, and other facial features.

She could only try to forcibly pull the other party off her body.

"?", but the human-shaped Elosili didn't have any bones at the moment of exerting force. Instead, Youge pushed her, and Elosili hummed softly, and the pushed place was pulled up like rubber along with the force.

"This is also your people, right? You can just give orders in your mind." After seeing the big meat egg turn into this humanoid creature, Luo Yinta was also full of curiosity. It turned out that this human being was born in this way. However, it didn't smell much different from her own, but it didn't affect her judgment.

"Hmph!" Elosli, who hadn't been entangled enough, had a terrifying look on her face. If she hadn't been unable to beat this big head, she would have gone up to kill this entanglement that affected her intimacy with adults.

A little girl's arrogance, Luo Yinta didn't continue to take care of it. This hatched, which also meant that the neighbor who was in the way was finally going to leave. Did she really want to help Youge, but more of a urging.

Without paying attention to anyone, Youge's push and pull was just to prevent the other party's tentacles from penetrating her facial features.

But in the end, after giving the order not to move, Elosli's actions became honest, and she just let the human-shaped multi-clawed fish entangle her.

"Lv10: Bloodline Dependent - Entangling Elosli; Characteristics: Earth, Blood, Dissolution; Qualities: Entangling Tentacles;"

After ignoring the strange touch coming from her body, she asked Elosli: "What is your entanglement?"

Hearing that she was asked about her, Elosli did not give Youge a chance to continue speaking. The hair tentacles on her head trembled slightly: "It's my ability. When the adults gave me the abilities of the two humans, the smart Elosli fused them together!"

"Fusion? How did you fuse them?"

"It's just tiny dots. I mixed them all together. Then it became a dot!", as if thinking of something, Elosli moved the entangled arm and waved: "Elosli can command them! Just say fusion and they can be fused!"

"Then can you try it now?", Youge was full of questions. The dots should be the dust particles that floated towards her when she was extracted, but what is the command? It is not necessarily that they can understand what fusion is just by commanding their own abilities.

Looking at Elosli who looked anxious, she even took out the arms that were entangled with her, waving them left and right, as if she wanted to make some changes to her tentacle-like body.

"No, they are disobedient and won't move!" After a while, Elosli looked at Youge for help.

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