Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 147 The personal battle in the dark world begins!

"Hmph!", Sophia completely ignored the sharp teeth of the ratmen. They were just a group of guys living in the dark. Without the protection of the human royal city, they might have perished long ago.

The white-browed ratman coughed lightly, and the ratman general Abel was like a scolded child. He quickly put away his sharp teeth and became silent.

I wanted to use the ratman to disgust the clockwork in front of me, but unfortunately the other party was completely unmoved this time.

Forget it, after the start, there will be plenty of opportunities to make Clockwork suffer a big loss again.

"Oh, oh, what's going on? Do we have to eliminate a wave before we start?", when the atmosphere was awkward, a big fat man came over.

Yes, it was stuck. The fat body appeared in the crowd like plasticine along the gap between people, between Mr. Orange and Sophia.

It seemed that they were very disgusted with the fat on the fat man. Clockwork and Sophia took a few steps back at the same time, making way for a space that could perfectly accommodate the fat man.

"We haven't seen each other for so long. Why are we still so unfamiliar!\

,"After the fat man twisted his face with a little unhappiness, he quickly turned to Sofia: "Sophia is still so charming!"

With a cold snort, Sofia turned around and left this time for this more slippery fat man.

Ackerman Adam Gold, the current president of the Gold Club, as Mr. Orange's old friend and most important partner, still needs to help at this time.

After all, the various systems and protection devices provided by Mr. Orange have reduced the personnel expenses of the Gold Club by more than 80%.

Even the mortal enemy Sofia just now, who said that she hated clockwork, was actually more familiar with these technologies than Ackerman.

Every time they met, they would have a few words, and then he would pull them apart, which always made people worry. ,

"Clockwork, is this your seed player?"


"Playing dumb to get the best out of your opponent, I knew it!", Ackerman did not give the other party any chance to speak, and continued to say with a grin: "Fuck him, if you win this time, remember to leave me a good piece of land, my Gold Club will be the first to establish a branch!"

"Go to 01, he will arrange it for you."

Mr. Orange is very busy.

"Okay! Your words are enough.", After rubbing his hands, Ackerman's fat face showed a little embarrassment: "Well, can you give me some Huale drinks?"

The biggest purpose of coming to Mr. Orange this time is actually the drinks. As a businessman, after seeing the future of drinks, how can he not be tempted? Many low-level professionals in the city have begun to treat this kind of thing as a daily routine, doing other things, and taking a sip at will.

If he transports it out at once, it will surely be popular in the entire outer security zone.

"Find 01. He is also responsible for this matter."

Mr. Orange glanced at Youge and wanted to ask Ackerman to find the other party, but then he remembered that 01 was actually responsible for this matter. It would be better to let Ackerman continue to find 01.


It is convenient to have such an intelligent assistant.

Thinking about the "fake intelligence" in the headquarters of the Golden Club, it is more than a headache.

At this time, the container in front finally ended the matching of personnel after a short fusion. It seemed to be a natural confrontation of the characteristic power used by various forces when signing their names on the thrown objects.

Just as the metal card used by Youge was pierced by a long twisted dagger,

and Fink's card was stuck in a stone. The unique stone was obviously one of the personnel brought by the new king this time!

The results of other matches were also different, and there were even results of throwing alien skulls and strange branches into the container.

"The results are out! All contestants, get ready~ Ready!"

Dalia shouted, and the Royal City Square became darker in an instant.

"Let's go to the competition site of the inner Royal City!"

As the words came out, the entire circular Royal City Square floated up from the entire earth like a circular puzzle, and turned upside down 180 degrees. The contestants on the puzzle only felt that the light in front of them changed from light to dark, and then changed to a world with dark light.

The land was barren, with no ups and downs and no people, only the bluestone slabs on the square underfoot.

"Dark World"

This is the only hint that Youge can see. Here Youge feels only repression, which is completely different from the smoothness in the normal world. Even the land in front of him does not have any affinity from the attributes.

It can be regarded as the Royal City and the inner Royal City. This dark world is completely different from the abnormal world of the first two.

Here exists everything that humans cannot observe. Basically, everything you can't see and don't know is here.

So is everything in front of you really the desolate appearance that Youge sees?

No one spoke.

It was quiet for a long time. Mr. Orange and his companions had been to this place countless times before. They just wanted to let the contestants get used to it.

"The King's City really put a lot of effort in this time, right?" The new King Hui looked at the snake next to him with a smile on his face. After all, the dark world was not something that anyone could come to casually. If they were lucky, even the kings could find some good benefits.

"I have put in a lot of effort, but this is just an abandoned dark world." The snake said indifferently, lying on the illusory snake tail he created with his eyes closed, not paying any attention to the gray.

"Abandoned is also a dark world. If you don't want it, why not give me this entrance~"

The gray king also understood a little about the snake's character. She knew that she would hit the snake with a stick. Anyway, no one is afraid of anyone. If you don't agree, let's fight!

"Okay, come to the obelisk and I will give you the entrance key!"

If you want to come, take it yourself. The snake's meaning is very clear. If you have the ability, come, there are people to greet you.

"Hehehe~", the gray king covered up with a sweet laugh and looked at the field again.

At this time, they basically adapted to it. Among them, Fink adapted the fastest. After the energy output of the body increased by 5%, the pressure disappeared instantly.

The various defense measures on his body naturally strengthened rapidly with the output of energy in his body.

It seems that many non-mechanical species are very slow to adapt to this sudden pressure.

"All participants, please stand by at the edge of the square." Dalia suddenly appeared above the edge, looking at the people below, and said with joy: "The [fusions] with your names have been placed in different places. Search and explore independently. When all the fusions are brought back, or when there are no survivors outside the square, it will be the end of the individual battle!"

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