Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 154 Chaos Camp Brawl

Even if normal professionals don't have mental attributes, at least they are extremely mentally tough after reaching Level 10.

Otherwise, the roots of power that are born will destroy the professional immediately.

But this man's spirit was extremely fragile.

The dark poison split, and You Ge instantly thought of the other party's ability. I'm afraid this is the other party's clone, right? ! This is interesting, he was actually put in a tough position by the other party.

But forget it,

Now I won’t let you continue to be proud. The clone Lakun, who was held hostage by You Ge, can no longer turn into a shadow and hide in the darkness.

Bursts of piercing sounds appeared continuously like crazy, and countless spikes poured out of La Kun's body and Yu Ge's body. Finally, there were no other factors that affected the direct battle between him and Quinton.

With a muffled groan, the death of La Kun's clone must have caused considerable harm to Quinton.

But wrapped in shadow, he ignored You Ge's continuous stabs and retreated countless distances between reality and reality.

The opponent has hidden his strength, and he is not a melee professional at all.

I didn’t expect that I was the one being teased along the way!

And his clone was destroyed in just an instant. I am afraid that not only the other party is also a professional with spiritual attributes, it is really a huge trouble.

You can only use the ability of flying to hang the opponent, and then slowly wear it down.

But will You Ge let each other go?

Do you think the attack just now was really just against the clone?

Unaware of the attack just now, as he shuttled back and forth, You Ge had already used his strength to spread his power particles out of the dark poison encirclement.

As the opponent attacked in the encirclement, Youge began to move slowly, intentionally or unintentionally.

Almost, still almost, Quinton, who was flying outside, fell into the same encirclement set by You Ge little by little.

Needless to say, Type 8 particles are special. As long as Youge can control his malice, he can naturally do the opposite, eliminate the malice, disguise himself as ordinary matter with no characteristics, and just float in the air.

Only at the moment of the attack, Quinton could sense a sense of crisis, but that was too late.

The blood particles surrounding Quinton began to invade using the same method.

Sluggish and falling,

The body covered in mottled blood disappeared again silently. As the dark poison circle dispersed, Youge slowly walked back to the square with the [Fusion] in his hand.

"Victor, go and wait over there!" Dalia's voice sounded, with a hint of profound eyes, looking at the young man who was paid attention to by the Gray King and Clockwork, maybe he will become a colleague in the future. .

There were already more than ten people standing on the field in front of them, each forming a small team, discussing the battle that had just occurred. Except for the three quiet aliens, You Ge didn't find anyone familiar. Instead, he saw a few team members standing beside Mr. Orange with their heads bowed and silent, and it was the mechanical head of his cheap brother Funk.

Sure enough, unless he could find some black technology, Fink would never take another step in his life.

After countless different attributes fluctuated one after another, only 30 players were successfully promoted in the end, and more than 10 famous players in the non-fusion state who were regarded as entertainment by everyone also began to fight in the dark world.

"Thirty minutes, when half of them are alive, return to the square is considered over!"

Another comprehensive question,

Half of it can be over, and it won't end until you return to the square. In other words, this battle can be attacked as long as you don't reach the square!

Moreover, it still contains aliens brought by a Gray King, which makes it even more interesting.

"Start!", sending the melee fighters to a circular competition circle in a dark world, Dalia shouted loudly, and the alien belonging to the Gray King was the first to start a full-screen attack.

You Ge, who was on the sidelines, could see clearly that it was really bad luck for this group of people to encounter such an alien.

"Lv18: Gray Ridge Stone Demon; Characteristics: Stone, Bone; Special Characteristics: Gray Ridge Stone"

There is no name, or it can be said that it is an alien that has not produced relatively complete wisdom. This is either a low-level alien that is incapable of producing, or a high-level alien wisdom that is slowly gestating on the way to becoming stronger.

Compared to the Gray King who doesn't bring low-level aliens, it seems that this one is not simple at all.

Moreover, most of the people who are put into normal melees are professionals with special factors.

A skinny ratman with numerous bone spurs whose whole body smelled like death.

A non-Clockwork Center cyborg covered in plague poison.

There are different shapes such as a humanoid spider with eight thin legs on its back, a man with arthropods and a beard, etc.

What surprised Yu Ge the most was that the reserve team member of the Clockwork Center, Ranrisa Q. Elvis, was also assigned to it.

"Chaotic camp?" This word instantly appeared in You Ge's mind,

These people gathered together clearly showed a trace of the same flavor, which was not very obvious in the past.

Now as the battle continues to expand, this aura is completely amplified and becomes clearer.

Chaotic good, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil.

It was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

After his thoughts became clear, You Ge finally understood the purpose of this arrangement.

Arranging different processes according to personal temperament can better reflect the characteristics of different people, from strength to personality. This can be regarded as a perfect show! "Roar!"

In the chaotic battlefield, an inexplicable roar was heard. That familiar feeling was exactly the same as that Lan Ruisha Q. Elvis.

With a roar, Lan Ruisha's body began to change rapidly. The buckle on the modified point of the spine on the back fell off, energy erupted, and countless gases gushed out.

The modified spine began to stretch immediately, as if a four or five-meter-tall beast skeleton was stuffed into this small body.

Along with the release, Lan Ruisha's flesh also began to grow wildly.

In a breath, a huge beast that was completely fused with the skeleton appeared on the field.

"Lv15: Beast (Lan Ruisha); Characteristics: Strength, Speed, Toughness, Madness, Bloodthirstiness; Characteristics: Beast"

The listed characteristics are easy to understand, but the characteristics are completely another matter.

What is the beast that ordinary people know? Wolf? Tiger? Leopard?

An animal with a specific description, but the beast here does not refer to an animal known to humans, but a conceptual beast marked with sharp claws, sharp teeth, strength, power, bestiality, etc.

Lan Ruisha's transformation refers to such a beast.

The first thing after the transformation is to vent her bestiality crazily.

After a long time, the metal skeleton exposed behind moved, and the field was instantly filled with the smell of the beast emanating from this huge body.

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