Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 176: Insect Contamination and Alien Rabbit Transformation

Interestingly, the road under their feet happened to be in the direction of the sound, which was a coincidence.

Since it was like this, how could they not go and take a look?

After signaling to Anthony next to them, the two skilled and courageous guys walked straight over.

"Virvette? Where are you? ~"

After walking a few steps, Anthony spoke instantly,

Uh. Brother, do you want to do this? It is obvious that someone is setting a trap.

Just turning his head,

Anthony's face has grown green vines and branches, and the broken pores are connected on the face, forming several black cracks, spreading from the ears to the surroundings.

"You die before you succeed, and you plan to leave as soon as you get here?" Seeing the polluted Anthony,

Youge didn't think about it, and slapped the other person in the face with a big slap. The blood particles rushed directly into the other person's ears, and wheezed and pulled out several green vines with black liquid flowing.

"Are you awake?"

Anthony twitched and spit out countless black liquids from his mouth, then he woke up.

He sighed with a lingering look on his face: "It's so scary, I just listened to it and fell into it."

"Can you handle it? How about I help you?" You Ge showed a grinning eye on his hand full of evil taste and handed it to the other party: "Can you bear this thing? How about swallowing a few?"


Anthony breathed a cold breath. He just passed the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den. I'm afraid the other party is going to take advantage of the fire!

He had just been tricked and had not recovered yet. He had no fighting power at all.

In panic, he raised his head and saw the other party's cunning smile, then he breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm fine. This time I'm prepared and the other party won't succeed."

As soon as the voice fell,

the voice that was very similar to Velvet sounded again: "Where are you? Are you talking? Where are you~"

The shouting was repeated three times in a row, each time louder and closer, as if it was right next to him.

Anthony beside him was shaking continuously, black liquid gushing out of his ears crazily, and traces of weeds began to appear on his shaking arms.

"Come down!"

As soon as the cracks on the ground opened, Youge pulled Anthony directly to the bottom, at least 30 meters underground, and Anthony settled down a little.

Just like this, Youge really regretted bringing the other party with him. He didn't even have the ability to resist. It is conceivable that after getting inside, this guy would instantly become the enemy's helper.

Above, not long after the two men entered the underground, a rabbit as tall as a person jumped out,

slid across the nearby tall grass, landed lightly, and kept howling a strange sound in its mouth.

"Lv15: Son of the Green God; Characteristics: Sound, vines, elasticity; Qualities: Green God's shade, sound of green plants, tall grass bounce, rabbit"

You Ge, who peeked at the other party's attributes from underground, was also stunned. This guy actually has three traits.

And all of them are combined.

It's really under the gods that a rabbit becomes so complicated.

? Wait, this name seems to be the target mentioned in the rules at the beginning, but this ordinary-looking one doesn't have anything special to deserve You Ge's attention.

"Anthony, look, is that our target?"

Anthony, who was vomiting underground, said in a breath: "I don't have the earth attribute, I can't see above"

Ah, he sighed slightly, his teammates are not strong, and even You Ge himself would not think that he would easily meet the target this time.

The thing looked crooked and cracked. I guess what the adult said was that we should wait a little longer.

Silently watching the other party, he kept stomping on the place where Youge and the other person had sneaked into the ground. His three-petal mouth was also rubbing and shaking wildly, emitting more intense special sounds.

Fortunately, after Anthony was blocked by the ground, he finally had no adverse reactions.

After actively receiving all of this, Youge tasted the difference. Just like the superior race he met at the beginning, this rabbit also used similar means to spread its own unique pheromones, one was insect pollution, and the other was alien rabbit transformation.

If he hadn't reached out to help just now,

Anthony would probably be completely obsessed with the fantasy created after meeting this rabbit, until his whole body was entangled in green plants, forming a huge vine green egg, and hatching another identical rabbit.

And that was not the voice of Velvet at all. It was a kind of "information definition" in information pollution, which made people who heard it think it was the shouting of a familiar person.

When Youge was analyzing just now, because of the pollution, he thought of the pan-consciousness Rointa in the previous underground layer, and the feeling when receiving the sound instantly became Rointa's voice and color.

It's really terrifying.

However, this makes Youge feel that he can use the insect pollution he also mastered to have a good "communication" with this thing.

After collecting information about the worm sequence, although he was helpless about the cultivation, it does not mean that it is not a powerful means.

Although I don't know whether there are also gods in the macrophage worm sequence, the means of information pollution are not necessarily lower than this rabbit.

But this Anthony

I always feel a little regretful about forming a team. If the insect pollution is released, this guy may not be able to bear it at all.

He has personally experienced the dominance of insects. They are like rabbits, luring prey bit by bit.

With a look of disgust,

On second thought, it is not necessary to get rid of the opponent now. After all, there is still value. The opponent's plague ability can also be taken out a little.

Let's try it first, let this guy slow down,

Now let's try the ability of insect pollution in the worm sequence to see if it is the same as what I think.

"Take a break, I'll try to observe it." After looking at Anthony who basically stopped spitting black liquid, Youge opened up another underground space and then started the experiment.

Insect pollution,

A complete set of sequences continued to gather in Youge's hands, without any fluctuations, but it made Anthony in the distance unable to calm down at all,

The breath wrapped around Youge was like a huge mouth of the abyss, constantly trying to swallow himself,

That kind of pressure made Anthony dare not even move a little.

After a long time, until Youge turned his head and looked at the extremely sensitive Anthony, the latter finally relaxed.

At this time, Youge also sighed slightly. The sequence was good, but without the main body of the insect, it lost the original initiative to erode the outside world.

So he could only gather the sequence in his hand, just like holding a magic weapon but still needing to actively swing it to kill the enemy.

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