Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 195 Demon Rat Lair

Room 07,

After walking in, I discovered that there were dozens of gold coins with different patterns outlined on the door.

Crooked and twisted, different sizes,

"? You didn't lock the door?"

You Singers last meal, these guys don’t even lock the door, right?

After signaling Elosili behind him to take a look, sure enough, the other rooms were in the same situation.

If you have something in mind, could it be the same effect of being parasitized by rats?

No matter what, let's go in and have a look.

The round door that tilted backwards and stretched was pushed open.

Compared to You Ge's room, this place has become darker and more humid. The surrounding wooden walls also have the smell of the Black Death that they saw before.

Mixed with traces of black moss,

It's not a place where humans can live for a long time.

Close the door again,

The gold coin eater was already lying on the bed with his belly open, motionless.

And it was at this time that, in You Ge's eyes, this diner revealed his true face.

"Lv15: Humanoid Rat Nest - Gold Coin; Characteristic: Abnormal Cultivation"

At this time, the diner’s female companion, the same embryo incubator

Lying peacefully next to his belly, his whole body exuded a strong rat scent. As he squirmed, he continuously spit out fist-sized embryos from his mouth and injected them into the diners' bellies.

At this time, there were also fully developed black rats that quietly got out of the diners' abdomens and continued to grow along the wall, as if they were looking for something.

"Lv15: Native rat species; Trait: gold coins"

Hmm. Very strange.

There was no hostility at all, even if he passed by Youge's feet and was even kicked a few times by Elosili, he still explored the room.

He didn't leave quietly until he found a hole almost the size of a human being behind the bed.

Looks like we need to dig deeper.

As for the two people on the bed, they are just alienated tools.

Go deep quietly,

The cave behind the bed continues to extend underground,

After wrapping himself in earth-attribute power, You Ge finally saw the countless tunnels dug by rats under the entire town.

in the darkness,

Rats with different characteristics are constantly looking for special substances that attract them.

Gold coins, silk, grains, meat, and native rat species have also undergone various changes with different purposes.

Human expressions also appear on the faces of these mice,

"Lv15: Deceitful Demon Rat - Gold Coin (Greed); Characteristics: Absorbing Greed; Characteristics: Heart of Darkness"

By analogy,

Seven different kinds of rats, including pride, jealousy, rage, laziness, gluttony and lust, were born here from the original rat species.

The tangled underground is filled with hundreds of thousands of various kinds of demonic rats.

"Is this the purpose of Genna?\

,"You Ge had an extremely familiar feeling: "Seven deadly sins? Are you planning to destroy this town?"

But it’s cheaper for You Ge.

Apart from anything else, the abilities of these magic rats are indeed very interesting, so why not take advantage of this opportunity to grab a few of them.

And although this group of demonic rats are of good level, they are all aimed at the evil of human nature. With the red mark existing and being underground, Youge doesn’t even need to reveal his true identity.

After selecting a few good ones,

Directly driving the nearby earth to begin to wrap around it,

"Sir, do you want to take the song again?" Elosli behind her pointed at the original rat species that had just been born in the room.

Seems pretty good,

"Take the embryo out of your belly."

If you think about it carefully, isn't it a complete evolutionary link from embryo to mature demon rat? Perhaps after the end, it can be regarded as a new sequence.

Hmm. It seems to be stronger than the underground rats in the royal city.

Naturally, he is very aware of the power of sequence.

For those races that are incomplete or have not reached their upper limit, they must be an indelible threat.

Just like the worm sequence, it has a certain suppressive effect when it is hostile to other races.

Even the rabbits under the Green God will inevitably transform into insects as long as their strength is insufficient.

"Ellie, where was that human being during the day?" Now that we have discovered the secret here, there is no need to continue spending time in Gnar. Presumably the other party may also have discovered his anomaly.

Instead of going back and having a fierce battle, it's better to change places.

Thinking of the sign in the sky during the day, You Ge still felt a little uneasy.

"Sir, it's outside the city, in the direction of the cliff when you came from." Elosli sensed the mark secretly left on the other party's body and immediately found the other party's location.



under the cliff,

Whenever night falls and the town falls into darkness,

Dagu, who had been running around all day, finally relaxed.

Ten years,

Ever since he came here, he had made every mistake step by step until he fell completely into the abyss and could not leave.

Lying on the plank of the dock,

I can finally straighten my waist that has been bent all day.

The vague sight in the sky made him dare not raise his head at all.

"This ghost place, hey, I hope it won't be too miserable for the foreigners who come today." The memory resurfaced again. I met Gener here too. Unfortunately, I was too young and completely believed the other person's lies. He didn't care about hotels or discounts. It is to tempt these ignorant foreigners who come all the way.

"I hope they didn't eat it, otherwise there will be two more poor puppets."

Dagu sighed slightly.

"What puppets?\

,"Under the empty cliff, a question suddenly sounded, Dagu's closed eyes opened instantly, and his eyes looked at it, his face was stunned instantly,

"You? Why are you here, Abdullah asked you to come out?"

Under reflex, Dagu stood up instantly and bent his waist. The four words Abdullah were synonymous with the devil in his ears, and his current miserable situation was completely inseparable from her.

"Are you talking about the woman in the hotel?", Youge walked out of the darkness and squatted in front of Dagu: "I just came out like this, and she didn't know I was here."

Dagu raised his head slightly,

Looking at Youge's face, staring for a long time before confirming that the other party was still the same as during the day, and was not controlled.

"You didn't attend the banquet?"


"You didn't eat, did you?"


"." Dagu didn't know how to describe his current mood. He had already reminded the other party during the day, why was he still so reckless? Even if he escaped, he couldn't do anything.

"You are done. You will have to go back sooner or later."

Looking at the helplessness on the other party's face, Youge didn't continue to tease him.

Lifting his clothes, pointing to his belly, he said: "Are you talking about this thing?"

"Yes, you are done. This is it."


Youge opened his five fingers and pulled. The plague that Dagu was extremely afraid of was withdrawn. In the other party's shocked eyes, after a red light flashed,

the plague that was powerless to continue disappeared.


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