Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 198 The Colorful Piper

"Is he coming?"

An old man sitting in front of the window looked at the townspeople who were gradually showing evil looks outside, and his heart became even lower.

Ahmed Edgar,

Genna's grandfather,

Ever since his grandson started to become mysterious, he had actually started to make some backup plans.

It’s not that I didn’t think about stopping Genna.

The knights sent out at the beginning were all infected with the gray-black plague and were sent to their doorsteps by the waves of rats.

Faced with such terror,

Let this old man hide in the closed hall all day long,

Fearful and helpless, I can only choose to get help from other places.

Countless rumors were sent out,

Rat pest, mystery, demon,

Try every means to attract all kinds of witchers.

It's a pity that this is of no use. The place he wants to protect is also one of the reasons for all this.

Gena's sudden transformation was precisely the result of Magic City's single-handed planning.

It must be mentioned that the attitude of the Magic City in the whole matter is completely equivalent to the God mode, a changeable God mode.

When everything is stable and prosperous, Magic City wants to create some problems.

After the problem arises, I want to give up the change without any hesitation.

After waiting until the magic rat was unexpectedly born from the problem, he began to want to save the town again.

To put it simply, he is brainless.

But from the perspective of Magic City, it’s just fun and fun.

It doesn't matter to him whether it is prosperous or abandoned. The only problem may be to change the logo in the sky to another element.

The logic of non-human will must not be thought of from a human perspective.

And Gener,

For him in the past,

But he completely obeyed the instructions of the Demon City,

And after creating the plague,

I am the first victim of this force,

It's just that Genna survived and was extremely lucky to find something special.

magic rat,

The poor man's last hope,

At this time, he had been left behind by the Demon City and was just a plaything. Naturally, he began to plan how to come back and how to destroy the place where he had grown up.

Of course there is some influence of the plague,

Soon after,

Genna occupied the dock below the cliff,

Started his own plan.

Ahmed, who realized that everything was too late, received a message from the Magic City in a dream, just like Genna.

"North, the piper."

If this kind of news comes when everything remains the same,

Ahmed, who has lived for decades, is absolutely ignored.

Who knows what unforeseen dangers hide behind these mysteries.

And now,

Can we only try to save it? In other words, let's let the humans in this city continue to survive for a while.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ahmed, who was still at the window, received another message from the servant.

"My lord, he is waiting outside the city."

"Won't you come in?"

"The piper in colorful clothes said that you will only come in after you agree to his conditions."

Asked Ahmed to sigh, yes, there is no reward for being so willing to help yourself,

I just don’t know what this colorful piper, Theomar, who was attracted because of his mystery, really wants.


outside town,

In an abandoned hut,

A man wrapped in a golden wheat cloak was sitting on the gravel outside the house with his eyes closed and asleep.

Theomar, a bard who was famous in all towns for his flute music,

No one knows where he came from,

Occasionally, some women who had had close contact with him would just look at a pair of bright eyes in a trance, which they could not forget.

"My lord, he is inside."

There was a sound not far away,

As four knights in armor broke into the courtyard,

Theomar also opened his eyes,

On the indifferent expression, only those unusually bright eyes were looking at the two people who were about to walk in.

One of them was a young servant he had met a long time ago, and he had indeed hired him from a distant place at a huge price.

One thousand gold coins,

It has been equal to his income for several years, yes, several years of bard's net income, if you don't count those black ones.

Of course, this was not what he really wanted to come here for.

Because this servant actually knows the power that he has never used before,

rat flute

Don’t talk about anything else.

The reason why he can travel all over the world because of the sound of the flute is that the flute can make his own sound very pleasant.

The first time they met, he thought the other party was here to cause trouble.

As a result, this person only knew the most embarrassing ability of his rat flute - attracting rats.

Then what,

Just completely clueless.

Alas, Theomar felt helpless in his heart;

I have to go there anyway,

He has created an image for so long. If he completely collapses because of the person in front of him, he will never let it go in his heart.

It seems to be the old man in front of me.

Noble old man,

If he brings a few more mistresses on the trip, if today is an ordinary day, if he can attract the other party, tonight will be a wonderful time again.

When my thoughts return, I'm afraid it won't be good this time.

"What do you want?" Ahmed asked directly. It was not easy to get out of the city. There were rustling sounds in the tunnels leading out of the city. If he failed, he might not even have the chance to go back.

". I need the heart of a girl."

The gloom on the other's face was obvious, and the servant had already told him about the state of the noble at this time.

If he showed his previous pretentious appearance, he would definitely not have a good end.

Moreover, he also wanted to know from the other's mouth how they knew the ability of his rat flute.

Every time he sang recently,

he felt something different,

and as the owner of this flute, he had never felt this way.

"Go get it!" Ahmed waved his hand directly, signaling the knight beside him.

The latter did not have any questions, picked up the long sword that had been inserted into the ground before, and walked out quickly.

The air was quiet in an instant,

Ahmed took a step, sat on the stone bench in the corner, and then looked at the other party.

The colorful flute player.

Exactly the same as the rumor,

Gorgeous clothes, handsome face, bright eyes.

He didn't expect that the mysterious voice from the town told him the way to eliminate the magic rats, and it turned out to be in this person.

A pretty boy wandering among the nobles, also hiding a flute with mysterious power.

Perhaps I should find a way to study it after this incident.

This way, I won't be afraid of the disgusting rats increasing again.

"Are you selling your flute? 300,000 gold coins." Don't be too absolute in the world. It's okay to rob, but what if the other party has some special abilities? Ahmed doesn't want to get into any special trouble again.

It's just asking, it won't hurt anything.

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