Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 205 Advancement to Level 15

"01, can rat people move strangely?"

Even though I’m only gone for a moment, it’s better to confirm the following just to be on the safe side,

"Mr. Hall, before work starts, Rat Man has been on alert."


You Ge still needs to determine the specific time for this matter, but if there is no abnormal movement from the rat man, it will be enough for him to make some preparations.

Level 15,

After acquiring high-level tenacity, the gradually accelerating particle fluctuations in the body have allowed Youge to decide the priority of rat people and levels.

Faced with so many high-level beings, why should I bite the bullet?

Lv14 in one week,

Half a month's time Lv15,

On the eve of the breakthrough, after You Ge felt that the remaining particles in his body completely fused the two kinds of particles,

I ran directly to the underground level of the old city.

He is not suitable for breaking through in the city now. If something unexpected happens,

At that time, the police station will come directly to detain him.

If you can avoid this kind of trouble, it would be better to open it more often.

"Level Breakthrough: Lv15

Skill acquisition: form attributes,

Please determine the attribute promotion route!


It’s pretty much what I thought at first. After adding new attributes and abilities on top of the original ones, there will naturally be corresponding changes.

But there are actually extra options?

"Dead Blood-Form Attribute Selection:

Corrosion: The new form of Dead Blood will use corrosion as its main method. After invading, it will interfere with the opponent's spirit and corrode the structure, thereby reducing the opponent's control over its own power.

Burning: The new form of dead blood will use burning as its main method. After contacting the opponent, it will decompose the opponent's power particles and consume the opponent's spirit equally.

Pollution: The new form of dead blood will use mental pollution as the main method. After invading the opponent, it will integrate red seal, dead silence, darkness and other related abilities to carry out relevant judgment attacks. (The power is linked to the host's other abilities.)


Stop talking and choose the third option decisively.

Not for anything else, just the ability of the red seal will definitely grow greatly in the future.

As for the fusion of Dead Silence and Dark's abilities, it is also one of his next goals.

The blood core in the heart has advanced to Level 15.

But the outer circle of darkness still maintains its original appearance.

After seeing the power of the Slanda people before, he didn't want to give up easily.

As for corrosion and burning, they are very good choices in battle, but it is a pity that the third item does not have huge potential.

“Choose pollution.”

A certain moment,

Earth-shaking changes immediately occurred in Youge's body.

The four powers of red seal, dead silence, darkness, and dead blood have already established a subtle connection.

Especially the red seal he took the initiative to place on the particles of dead blood,

Now it has been perfectly integrated with the blood of death,

In other words,

Even if the traces of the red seal on the surface are scratched off, the connection between the two parties cannot be severed.

Just like dominoes, once the blood of death is touched, the power of the red seal will follow.

As for the other two attributes,

That would be more convenient.

Youge didn't even need to take the initiative to communicate. The two attribute particles had already begun to approach slowly.

Around the blood core, death particles and dark particles are constantly colliding with each other.

Two equally dark particles, as long as they are perfectly blended together,

The door to Level 20 will also be open to Youge.

Of course, this does not mean that you can easily advance if you combine two attributes.

The attributes directly do not have a strong bond to establish. Even if countless attributes are integrated, the result will still be weak.

Moreover, people who blindly fuse will be completely useless even if they reach Level 20.

at the same time,

Elosri and the two mysterious relatives from the Gray King’s territory,

The same changes occurred,

As the breath stirs,

The three have also become more profound,

Ellosi next to Youge is so pretty, with clearly visible red traces gradually appearing on her originally pink skin.

The level is raised again.

But this process is not as simple as it seems.

As a result, the direction of Elosili's abilities has undergone some changes.

From the beginning of its birth, Elosili planned to use the fusion of dissolving attributes and earth attributes as an opportunity for breakthrough.

But after seeing Dagu’s red clay ability and the changes in You Ge at this moment,

If you think about it carefully, you will always be by You Ge's side, so it would be better to form complementary abilities.

Your current attribute does not include the earth attribute, so it would be better to establish this connection for you.

It's not easy to say,

How could it be as easy as thought to cut off the ability that you have been cultivating?

But the changes that occurred in Elosili's body indirectly catalyzed this step.

How could a complete and powerful Level 15 Dead Blood lose to a lower-level ability that continues to advance?

The moment it was injected, it directly began to squeeze and repel on a large scale with the melting attribute next to the earth attribute in Elosili's body. In just a few breaths and after a trembling moment, she achieved her goal.

"Lv14: Bloodline Dependents - Entangled Elosli; Characteristics: Earth, Blood of Death, Dissolution; Qualities: Entangled Tentacles, Red Earth of Death (to be fused);"

As for the two mysterious dependents in the Gray King's territory,

they also sensed the changes in Elosli in the dark.

Although these two have not established a perfect spiritual connection with Youge, it does not mean that they cannot perceive it from the side, especially now that the red seal is also transmitted in this power.

Relatively speaking,

It's just that they don't want to see Youge so soon before they perfect themselves.

Now, they who originally planned to fuse the blood of death that Youge fed back from their own connection instantly gave up this choice,

becoming the same existence as the one beside the adults?

If the abilities of the three are almost the same, then what use is there for the adults.

The remaining choice is the subtle connection between the several powers attached to this power.

Dead silence and darkness,

the two looked at each other, confirmed their choices, and entered the state of cultivation again.

"Haha, this kid really knows how to play."

After noticing the changes in his two lovely subordinates, the Gray King also sighed. He had already established so many attribute connections before he stood up.

It can be said that he is powerful or generous.

In short, it depends on whether the boy can make full use of them.

As for these two, if Youge can't keep up, she doesn't need to worry about it, and some interesting things will happen.

The pollution going upstream,

Then, let's see who will be the dependent.

Unfortunately, this situation will definitely not happen.

How can Youge, who has the help of the golden finger, fall so easily?

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