Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 216 Dark Elder

After the streets were cleared of aliens,

You Ge also noticed the changes around him.

Overall, it's quite touching. It's the first time I've faced my own malice.

The black ripples that began to emerge from the surrounding darkness began to spread little by little.

"No, it's here, you can figure it out." You don't need to think about it to know that Hall will take the initiative to fight, so how can Anthony take the initiative to take the job himself.

"Hey, give in, the rightful owner is here."

With a shout, Anthony really didn't have any shame, and took all the sweepers who had given up immediately to withdraw from the malicious range.

"Hall, come on~"


Looking away from the people who were suppressing laughter, Anthony smiled in his heart.


After letting Elosili retreat as well, Youge also began to savor this area that was gradually becoming more malicious.

This kind of opportunity to look at oneself perfectly is really rare.

It would really be a pity if it just ended hastily.

"Huh? The ground?" It was sticky under my feet, completely different from the darkness that filled the Slanda people before.


The black ripples appeared, as if trying to strangle one's own throat,

Fear of the soul?

Physical fear?

pollute? Invasion? assimilation?

No no no!

This is just a hostile perspective to describe how You Ge used to drive this malicious spirit.

The fusion of the three attributes of darkness, deathly silence, and malice is just to target the enemy,

It looks great,

That overwhelming crushing feeling is definitely not something that ordinary professionals can resist.

But at this time,

It can't be described at all, what You Ge feels,

If I had to use one word to describe it,

To describe it slightly,

That is. Loneliness,

Deprive, deprive, deprive, deprive.

infinite deprivation,

Standing alone in this darkness.

To put it another way, this darkness did not actually produce any intentional behavior for Youge, it just showed the essence of darkness.

From the most primitive relationship between matter and matter, the exquisiteness and perfection are displayed.

In terms of human emotions, it is the extreme indifference and rejection that manifests as malice and destruction.

It's enough to make those who feel empty inside collapse in an instant.

Pure malice?

Not just simple ignorance,

As the darkness around him deepens, Youge's foothold gradually decreases.

As for what effect the attack can have?

This area is independent of Youge himself. If you want to dispel this feeling, it is nothing more than extending your own power. However, for the outside Youge is still an independent individual.

Lonely, helpless,


Did this happen to the enemy? Hehehe, it’s meaningless, attack the land, attack the house, attack the darkness on this ground,

It's just water floating around.

"It's really exciting. If you learn this, you can get one when you go out."

After experiencing this kind of "isolation", You Ge was also filled with excitement. It was just a matter of learning, and he would be able to use it sooner or later.

The darkness continues to spread,

As a slender figure appeared on the street in the distance, all the darkness was sucked into the body.

"lv20: The darkness of the inner city - the long man of darkness; characteristics: darkness, evil; characteristics: the darkness of the inner city;"

White mask, close-fitting suit, slender tentacles on the back,

It's a complete replica of Slunda's Liwangcheng.

He is indeed very handsome, and he has been full of character from the moment he appeared until now, so what follows is the "angry dad who bullied his child" as Anthony said?

Similarly, he summons his own mask,

After all the biomechanical rats on the field had also completed their evacuation, a wave of malice was also unleashed.

Indeed, his current malice is completely inferior to that of the other party.

But there is something added to his malice. The power of the red seal surges out along with the malice. Although he is not as handsome as you, your figure is revealed, and you can't be alone and look cool alone.

The impact of power,

The tall man in the distance bent backwards according to the force,

After a short delay, the re-erected upper part of the body expanded, then split into a huge and ugly mouth.

"Uh, is this what Anthony calls an angry dad? What the hell is that description?"

A trace of helplessness flashed through his heart, but he was still looking forward to it. What kind of interesting changes would be described by Anthony like this?

Alas, he is overthinking.

However, the battle has already begun at this time,

The blood of death was condensed, and he was dressed in red and dressed the same as the opponent. He ran at top speed and came into close contact with the opponent.

The buildings in the royal city are not allowed to be destroyed at will.

The same goes for Li Wangcheng.

He shouted angrily, and the blood of death was directly injected into the opponent's body.

He has never been afraid of the opponent's chaotic consciousness wrapped in energy? I don’t know what it is, but it was sensed by You Ge.

"This thing has no consciousness and relies entirely on instinct."

Instinct, I don’t know if it’s instinct or not.

The part of the body wrapped by You Ge was discarded without mercy. Without the slightest hesitation, Xing's long body was re-condensed one step behind the original position.


The big mouth opened, the surroundings darkened, and Youge's upper body was swallowed directly.

"Hey, do you think I can't defend? Forget it, I know you don't know anything.\

,"As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Youge immediately realized that the other party didn't even have consciousness, so how could he know whether to defend or not.

For the same tall man, Youge's body would naturally not be placed in the upper body.

Just bite, bite, anyway, it will be fine after recondensation.

The blood-colored tentacles stretched out again, but this time they didn't choose to forcefully invade. Although the other party showed his body, just now, Youge also clearly knew that the other party was not an alien of the inherent entity type,

Just like Elosli, you can do whatever you want.


This time, Youge needs to find the strange feeling that the other party suddenly feels when reorganizing.

Although there is no fixed entity, in the case of the other party without a brain, as long as Youge does not take the initiative to destroy it, it is basically a matter of biting each other.

"No clue. Except for the vague connection with the inner king city, it is still impossible to see it just by this."

After condensing the upper body for many times, Youge also gave up this desperate search method.

After his eyes swept over Anthony and others who were bored and began to eliminate some aliens in the outer area,

Youge smiled silently in his heart,

Finally, he stopped observing himself.

These guys are always staring, and it is really hard to do anything serious.


In fact, for so long, it is not that Youge wants to drag it on like this, but he does not want to simply show what he has discovered.

From the appearance of the tall man just now to the extreme [Deprivation of Malice], he has found some different inspirations in his mind.

If this kind of thing can be realized as he thought,

Maybe he can enter the dark world on his own.

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