Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 230 Arrival at the Rotten Lake Area

After listening to what Anthony said,

Velvet immediately thought of the hitchhikers who got off at the supply point.

After I originally planned to choose this transport team, it didn't take long for some strange people to come and want to take this trip to the supply point of the three races.

Naturally, the transportation team will not refuse to make money.

But now it looks like the people from the intelligence department that Anthony said,

No matter what, it would be an extremely unpleasant thing to get involved in the internal turmoil of the three-person group, so we should just go to the Fuhu area honestly.

"Velvet? Why did something unexpected happen?" Seeing the other party's sudden solemn look, You Ge naturally became very curious.

"Nothing, just some weird hitchhikers. Anyway, it won't matter until they get off."


One more thing is worse than one less thing. It is definitely an unwise choice to involve yourself in other people's battlefields without knowing anything about it.

Especially when you are far away from the royal city, it is better to be steady.

"Don't think about it, just sleep peacefully. Those people are support personnel of the intelligence department. The rear of this car has been marked. There is no special way to check it. If you find it, you will be marked. You know, of course if you want to get someone’s attention, go look for it.”

After Anthony said something suddenly, he huddled on the sofa again.

After Youge and Velvet glanced at each other, they completely gave up their curiosity. People who knew clearly said that they were from the intelligence department, so why bother to continue to be entangled here.

ten minutes,

The mechanical carriage automatically connects to the rails and then steps onto the transport track.

You Ge also began to sort out the bones in his body.

Although after a night, I no longer feel weird walking like I did yesterday, but I still feel a little inconsistent with myself.

After all, they are bones that are directly integrated into the body. It is not something that [Coffin] extracts its attributes, then fundamentally integrates them into itself, and then trains them bit by bit.

However, this also allowed You Ge to indirectly gain several abilities, but when it comes to this,

You Ge silently pulled out a ball of [Essence Air Ball] from the [Coffin] again and poured it into his body.

A few abilities, neither high nor low,

But it can make You Ge feel a little different ability again,

"Death, bones, undead skulls, blood-stained bones"

The latter two abilities are not suitable for You Ge. He can only integrate them into his body by constantly using [Essence] to ensure that no problems will occur like last night.

Although the first two are not directly integrated into Youge's own system,

But it also allows You Ge to experience how to learn an attribute from scratch.


"Any changes?"

"No, just erase it and let's go."


From his own perception, he seemed to hear some noise outside. As soon as he opened his eyes, Youge discovered that the carriage had stopped running.

Go to the window,

The entire car has stopped at a small platform.

"Don't look, there is nothing here. The concepts and habits of the three people are completely different from ours." Anthony raised his head, moved the corners of his mouth, and also walked to the window.

Velvet, who came in from the door, quickly said: "I asked the caravan to speed up the supply. It will probably be ready in a few minutes."

These two people really caught people off guard.

He just stood up and took a look, as if he was going out to find trouble.

"Some specialties from the three races will be delivered later. It can be regarded as a surprise to be supplied here." Velvet, who was sitting next to the console, moved the control buttons a few times, and a stick protruded from the wall. A metal tabletop.

"Is there nothing unusual?" As soon as Anthony heard that there was food, he immediately sat down at the table. Although he didn't like the food of the three races, there was nothing happening along the way, so he got excited after being mentioned like this. appetite.

"It's quite stable. Those hitchhikers disappeared just now. As for the supply side, according to the person in charge of the transport team, there are no special changes."

He nodded. After all, he didn't have a black-sucking physique, so he could really encounter something unexpectedly.

Until the special products are delivered and the vehicle starts again,

Only then did I finally feel relieved.


Fuhu area, just before arrival,

Looking at the surrounding earth that was gradually decaying, a circle of streamer barrier began to light up on the convoy.

Speaking of which, although the entire transportation route is within the effective control of the royal city's forces,

However, it is not possible to generalize all areas into safe zones.

Otherwise, there would be no rules restricting people above level 10 from simply entering and exiting the royal city.

"01, is there a control area of ​​the Clockwork Center in the Fuhu area?"

After all, it is within the controllable range, and the watch terminal has always been operating normally, which also means that 01's information help can be obtained at any time. However, over this distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, there are still some problems in the transmission of information. time consuming,

Compared to knowing that it would take one day to travel hundreds of thousands of miles, You Ge was extremely impressed. The transportation lines in the extraordinary world were so powerful.

"Sir, there is a business cooperation center with the Violet family, which is responsible for providing maintenance and ordering robots with special functions.\

,""Send the map."

"Okay, sir."

No matter what, it is still easy to use the things of his own forces. Even if it is a temporary transformation, Youge can get a group of cannon fodder here to help him.

"Let's go, let's go find Willer." After walking out of the station, Velvet also found a map on her terminal and said loudly to Youge and Anthony.


Looking at Velvet,

Youge was also quietly checking the location of Taka's blacksmith shop.

The distance from the station,

The cooperation center, Taka's blacksmith shop, one in the city center, and the other in the outer city,

It's not surprising, the gap between the two sides has always been obvious.

"The people here can actually endure it." Youge, who was immersed in his own thinking world, was suddenly attracted by Anthony's voice.


Looking up,

Looking around, there is nothing special about the people flowing around. They all wrap themselves tightly?

Youge looked at Anthony: "What did you find?"

"Feel your skin, don't you feel a little comfortable?"

Comfortable? This description, his skin has always been numb.

With more doubts, Youge followed Anthony's pointing and looked at the occasionally exposed hands of people nearby.

"This safe zone is a chronic suicide safe zone, right? Your Violet Family really allows the pollution of this rotten lake to chronically pollute humans?" As a cleaner, he has a natural resistance to such areas.

"The decision from above, this place has been here for nearly ten years, have you heard of any problems?"

"Isn't this a problem?"

"There is money to be made, it's profitable, those people don't care about these, and when they make enough money, it won't be difficult to eliminate these pollutions."

Vilvette stopped and pointed to the hills that can be seen from the city, where countless figures are rustling and moving: "Do you think they haven't thought about these?"

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