Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 255 Death Fight Agreement

Instead of guessing at this time, it is better to ask 01. With 01's ability to control information, it can be done much faster than ordinary people.

The terminal on my wrist lights up,

At this time, instead of giving an explanation, 01 showed a plan to You Ge.

【Era of Human Prosperity 0.1】

"Industrialization, automation, informatization?" Youge just read it and realized that what was written in this report were some of the ideas he had talked to 01 before.

"Sir, after this plan was drawn up and the high spire was determined, it was identified as the development goal of the royal city."

There was a hint of excitement in 01's voice,

"The humanoid races in various safety zones outside the royal city and in some key locations will become the first integration targets of this plan."

"So the Violet family is just one of them?" After saying this, Yuge understood what happened before. He looked at Velvet next to him, and after thinking about it, he still changed the number on his watch. A copy of the plan was sent to the other party.

"Yes, the city defense army is fully operational, and several threatening families have been captured."

01 A map is displayed on the screen. Several families have been marked with crosses.

"Velvet?" Yuge reminded the other party that half of the safe zone in charge of the Violet family has been occupied.

"The plan is very good." Velvet did not feel any discomfort. Instead, she showed great enthusiasm for the plan forwarded by Yu Ge.

"Great unity of mankind? Information age? Automation age? All of these are achievable?" How could Velvet not be surprised by these terms? Let alone whether they can be achieved or not, even if some of these small plans are realized, they can make people realize their dreams. Humanity changes completely.

"Ms. Velvet, the underground society has completed preliminary changes. According to the plan, after the integration of the areas outside the city is completed, we can start to realize it." 01's voice brought out the slightest sense of pride, although the inspiration It comes from You Ge, but this plan took her several months to perfect.


After Velvet finished flipping through the plan, she fell into deep thought.

01's plan has made it very clear about various situations. As far as the Fu Lake area is concerned, the interests of those caravans alone have been exploited by the Violet family by 50%. In addition, most of the caravans have no Funds use mechanical trains, a relatively high-end product,

As a result, this commercial activity that could have accelerated human exchanges around the world has turned into an activity with a strong color of death. How can we not stop the prosperity of human society?

And as far as this train is concerned, it is completely possible to lower the price, increase usage, expand the scale, and charge appropriate prices after promoting human commercial activities.

Wouldn't this be better than the embarrassing usage rate and overall unsatisfactory income? Of course, there is also the sense of honor that only the so-called ridiculous aristocrats of the family are qualified to use the train.

In the plan, the train can completely use poisonous fire to replace energy consumption.

This is something You Ge didn’t expect.

From weapons to people's livelihood industry,

The poisonous fire substance that was originally developed as a weapon can actually be used as a portable high-energy power source, which is fully capable of driving most mechanical devices.

Just change the original energy output setting, and even if someone else gets it, they can only use it slowly.

At this time, 01 also secretly sent You Ge a new plan.

[City Defense Force Pre-battle Rehearsal]

[The remnants of nobles from various places have united. In order to prevent the other party from affecting the royal city plan in the future, the city defense army will dispatch legions to carry out encirclement and suppression]

"What does this have to do with us?" Youge didn't show any interest and asked 01 directly,

"Mr. Cheng is the reason why the whole thing developed. Sooner or later, the other party will find out about it, so Mr. Cheng asked me to remind you to be careful."

"Uh", You Ge couldn't help but be stunned. Did he accidentally become a public enemy?

No, is it so exciting? The rat-men problem is not solved yet.

"Mr. Orange asked me to tell Mr. Hall that you can choose to go to the Gray King's territory or find a way to enter the underground tomb town, otherwise."

Otherwise, needless to say 01, You Ge also knew the consequences of his own actions.

It can be completely understood that feudal society jumped into modern society in an instant. Think about how much the landlords will hate You Ge after all their losses are laid on You Ge's head.

"Mr. Hall, a reward for the reason for this change has appeared on the black market. Although we have not revealed the plan, once this stage is stable, everyone will know what happens next without offering a reward."

"Okay, I understand. There's also the matter of Kongqiao and Nezumi. How are they lately?"

What is supposed to come will come, and when it comes to Tomb Town, I might as well ask, so that You Ge can have a good idea.

"The aerial bridge in the city has been completed, and the underwater fish-man race has already approved our proposal. We only need to build a structure similar to that used by the eight-eyed rat-men in the area corresponding to the pillars of the aerial bridge, dedicated to the survival and communication of the murlocs. Just the platform,

As for the rat people in the royal city, except for the occasional conflict with the eight-eyed rat people, they are no longer hostile to Kong Qiao. "

You are so evil-minded,

Seeing that things at the Clockwork Center were unstoppable, they began to shift their focus to the Eight-Eyed Rat Man.

01 After pulling out a document, he continued to say to You Ge:

"Sir, this is the agreement between the High Spire and the Heretic. They will treat the rat people's affairs as spectators. They will not take any action to stop any battle that complies with the rules."

"Comply with the rules?" Youge was a little confused.

"Yes, sir, under the rules recognized by the various forces in the royal city, you can launch an attack on the rat people at will, and this matter will be based on you. If you give up this power, this agreement will be invalidated."

"Hall! You actually got the death fight agreement?"

Before Youge thought about it, Velvet leaned over, pointed at the strange pattern on the agreement and said:

"The agreement recognized by all the kings in the royal city is also a way of fighting similar to the show. When the two forces have a huge friction, the kings issue this agreement. As long as one party can please the king in the battle, even if they lose, they can get a new habitat after the end."

Turning on her control light screen, Velvet immediately called up a file,

"Safe Zone No. 1 was also born from this death fight agreement It was born, and it was also what pushed humans to develop a safe zone outside the city.

It's true that following you, anything can happen. Since the various forces in the royal city have stabilized, the death fight agreement has not appeared for a long time. "

Forgot the shock brought by the prosperity plan just now. This death fight is the shock that allows Velvet to get close to it.

This is a death fight in which the initiative is in the hands of Hall, which means that before launching an attack, everything is dominated by Hall. The opponent knows nothing about this unknown battle except passive defense.

"Take it?"

Although Velvet is not a good person, it does not mean that she is a coward.

The target of the ratman's ambush was Hall. If Hall died, they would never be let go easily. From a standpoint, the two sides have actually formed a deadly feud.

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